Do you know that you have an angel number?
Beyond the scope of human perception and understanding is another realm. Yet, it’s as close to you as your heartbeat. The only way you can divulge into its secrets is with your spiritual eyes, for it’s the realm of angels.
Even though you probably haven’t seen your guardian angels face-to-face, they are always with you. In fact, they were at your mother’s side the day you were born and continue to be a gentle guiding force in your life. When you take your last breath, your angels will lovingly escort your soul back into eternity.
Angels are spiritual messengers tasked with keeping you safe. They can’t override your free will, and they won’t interfere with your destiny. All they can do is be a source of cosmic strength and comfort and hope you make the right decisions in life.
It’s difficult to believe in forces and beings you can’t see or hear on the physical plane. They can only be sensed with your psychic intuition. They won’t hold it against you if you don’t believe in them because they believe in you, and they always have your best interest at heart.
How do Your Angels Communicate?
Wouldn’t it be great if you could sit down each day to have a friendly chat with your heavenly guardians? While some people have experienced angelic visitations in the earthly realm, these are rare occurrences. However, you may have met your angels in human disguise and weren’t aware of them.Most of the time, these spiritual beings communicate with you by speaking in your mind. Maybe there was an instance in your past when a soft inner voice told you to call a loved one, and you did. Then, you discovered that your loved one had been sick and needed help.
While many skeptics may consider these occurrences coincidences, maybe they weren’t. Perhaps there’ve been countless events in your life that played out positively because you heeded the inner voice. These are when the angels are guiding you by speaking to your heart.
Remember that angels are spirits, and they exist on a higher frequency than mortals. If the situation warrants, they can physically manifest. How do you know they are here when you don’t sense anything?
Occurrences we consider as luck may not be by chance at all. Say, for example, that you had a job interview at a specific time. However, you stopped to help someone on the berm who had a dead battery. You arrive late to your interview only to find that the CEO interviewing you is the person you helped on the highway.
That’s only a fictitious scenario that could represent strange coincidences in your life that worked in your favor. You didn’t see any winged spirits, and you didn’t hear an intuitive voice in your mind. However, these are signs that your angels are watching and caring for you.
Angel Numbers
Did you know that the Universe is an infinite design of numbers and numeric patterns? Even if you aren’t a fan of math, you can appreciate the unique ratios and patterns you see in the world. Think of the stunning symmetry of a leaf or the perfect distance between the earth and the sun.
Scientific research confirms the countless patterns and numbers that are all around us. According to an article published by The Stemette Society, a mathematician named Fibonacci noted the regular patterns in nature. His Fibonacci numbers are accurate for everything observable in the world.
No wonder the angels are fond of using number sequences to get your attention. Since your whole being exists in a plethora of symmetry and sequence, you can quickly recognize patterns. Open your heart and mind because your guardian angels could be speaking to you with numbers.
When your angels give you signals in numbers and patterns, they are specifically for you. The same set of numbers that have significance to you may not mean anything to another person. These loving beings know what catches your attention and will use that as their spiritual voice.
Numbers that are constantly found in a sequence are often called synchronicity. An article published by PsychReg says this term was coined by one of the pioneers of psychoanalysis, Dr. Carl Jung. Jung describes synchronicity as two unrelated events occurring at the same time with meaningful results.
Although Jung didn’t attribute these to divine intervention, he believed that they were too harmonized to be coincidental. He even shared some of his theories with Albert Einstein, who was also fascinated with these unexplainable phenomena, per the article. Maybe the explanation isn’t as complicated as you think.
Using Angel Numbers in Your Life
Did you know that everything in the Universe is vibrating? An article published by HeartMath claims that higher vibrations are associated with love, compassion, and well-being. The higher you bring vibrations in your mind, body, and spirit, the more synchronized you become with the world of your angels.
When you think of the numbers that have significance for your life, you may feel overwhelmed. Your birthday, address, phone number, social security number, and many more. Do you have a specific number that seems to speak to you?
If you pay attention and use your spiritual intuition, you may notice numbers and sequences designed by your heavenly guardians. Look for number patterns that may be so obvious that you didn’t see until now. Let’s assume that you are in the market for a used car and can’t make up your mind.
You check your email and have four messages about potential vehicles. They all sound like a good deal, and you make some calls. After the third time of leaving a voice message, you finally contact the last person, which is the fourth caller.
They invite you to test drive the car at 4 p.m. You arrive to look at the vehicle, and it’s an exact four-door sedan style you’ve wanted, even in the perfect color.
Are all these sequences of “four” a coincidence, or are your angels suggesting the vehicle that will be best for you? Frequently you won’t have as many sequences in one occurrence, but it’s possible. Remember that your angels can only suggest, but they can’t decide for you.
As you become more familiar with these spiritual beings and their signs, you will be more sensitive. Some decisions and other crucial events in your life may be discerned from angelic numbers.
Exploring Numerology and Your Angel Number
Angel numbers are a form of numerology, which believes that specific numbers correspond to events in your life. However, you still have free will and should still make decisions rationally. These celestial numbers are only a gentle hint toward the right direction.
Numbers have a high vibration and exist in the spiritual realms of the angels. Using your psychic intuition can help reveal numbers and patterns that are working in your life. Here are some common psychic meanings behind angelic numbers.
When you see the number one, think of independence and originality. It may refer to the beginning of a new chapter in your life.
There’s a reason you have two of many organs in your body. This number represents cooperation and strength. Seeing a pattern of two may encourage you to be more sensitive and cooperative.
This is a divine number, as seen in the trinity of deities in many religions. It represents creation and spirituality. Three is your number of creativity and growth.
See how cars have four wheels and chairs have four legs? You and many other animals have four limbs. This number represents stability and provision. Any time your angels leave four as a sign, it may refer to your career.
Your hands and feet have a total of ten fingers and ten toes. The number five is associated with doing things and having an adventure. Your angels may be subtly telling you that your life will be more active soon.
While the number seven is attributed to the Divine, six is the number sign of humans. It represents you, your family, and your close friends. It can also point to the responsibilities you have in these relationships.
This is the number of Deity and completion. Seeing a combination of sevens throughout the day can be your angels’ call to align with Spirit for your divine purpose.
Your celestial beings want you to have a life of abundance. It’s not only in material goods, but spiritual wealth also. The number eight is associated with prosperity and your angels’ guidance toward it.
The destiny of your soul is represented by the number nine. It’s easy to get caught up in materialism and the cares of the world. When you begin seeing nine in different places, your angels are helping you to focus on your spiritual purpose.
Final Thoughts on Your Angel Number
Communication with your loving angels is closer than you imagined. While they will often speak to your heart, they can also use numbers to get your attention. When you begin discerning these signs, you’ll bring your spirit to higher levels.