Inspiration to your inbox



in 3 Minutes (or less)


3,000+ Reviews


A Look Inside The Journal...

Part Self-Help Book, Part Journal…
You get both holistic guidance AND practical steps throughout.

Here’s a snapshot of what you can expect when you open
your 3 Minute Positivity Journal…

Turn page  

Turn page  

You Have Made a Commitment To Yourself…

To Be Your Greatest Self!

… a positive person that empowers those around you… someone that leads with gratitude, positivity, and abundance… an individual focused on happiness, joy, and purpose…

Only one thing stands in your way… TIME
Because without daily action, time gets away from you.

This is why I’m excited to introduce you to the 3 Minute Positivity Journal trusted by more than 100,000 kind souls from around the world. It’s a Self-Help Book + Journal all-in-one, allowing you to disconnect from your digital devices so you can reconnect with YOU… your purpose… what’s going on inside and guides your current mood…

In this 60-day best-seller motivational journal, you’ll discover HOW to harness the power of positivity, train your mind, and change your life.

It is so much more than just a mood diary. Each entry is quick, yet powerful – only 3 minutes in the morning and 3 minutes in the evening – to keep you on track with your mindset, health, and goals.

It’s the best way to start and end your day. Soon, you’ll fall in love with the process just like these amazing shining stars…

I love this journal, and in fact just started my fourth one.

It really helps me set up my day for positivity and at the end of the day I like reflecting back on how my day went. Practicing positivity helps me keep my goals in focus, let’s me express my gratitude and keep my positive affirmations flowing. The inspirational quotes are always helpful too! Thank you Kristen for this beautiful tool to help me on this journey called life. You inspire me!

I've been following Kristin via social media for quite sometime.

Kristin provided texting access and began to send daily sentiments, to promote onward thinking, positive regard for self and others. I applaud this woman's character and care for a world we share together! Bravo Kristin, you make our world a better place.

This book is a 10 out of 10.

You can find lots of book on inspirational thoughts but you rarely find a book that has all components. This book is deep yet easy to read, inspirational , morning intentions, reflection pages, and a place to hold you accountable in a fun knowledgeable way. This book is a 10 out of 10. I gifted to all my close friends, and they agree this book stays with you daily.

I just received my very first book from Kristen butler.

I haven’t started the journal, but I’ve been subscribed to her daily “power of positivity” for quite some time now, and I know the book will help my wife and I l. If you haven’t already subscribed to her daily influential messages, you really should.. They have directly impacted my life in a very positive way, it’s like she can since the pain inside, and send a subliminal message tailored just for you. It would not be out of the realm to suggest it’s saved my life… Therefore I am so looking forward to reading her journey and expect it to be just as influential!

I get Kristen’s daily texts

When she shared the link to her new book I couldn’t be happier to purchase it! Her story is so relatable and this is definitely what I’ve needed for a while now. I 100% recommend it!! Purchased for my sister as well and she was so happy. Thank you for making such a well thought out Journal, I am finally excited again for my future and the best year yet 🙂

I have been on a self healing journey for the past 5 years.

Through that journey I was connected to Kristin through a friend on the same journey. I started getting the texts the same day I signed up and the little reminders were everything, still are. Then this journal comes out and to say I was excited is putting it mildly. I have already purchased 3 of them for some of my children and myself. The layout is so inviting, it exudes comfort. It is very easy on the eyes which is helpful for anyone with sight issues. This journal is helping me accomplish so many of my goals while also helping me stay organized. I highly recommend this book to all! I am so grateful to you Kristin, thank you for everything, you are loved and appreciated.

I look forward to writing in this journal everyday!

And reflect on what I wrote in the morning throughout the day. Gratitude really is magic ?I have my book next to me now and just ordered another for a friend for Christmas. I just want to say Thank you!! After a long abusive relationship, I struggled on who I was, what my standards were, and had no self assurance. I've done so much self help work through books, support groups, and when I started getting these texts it was another amazing boost to my year and daily life. It means everything to me, I can't thank you enough. My life has changed. My home is a safe place again. My children are happier because I am happier. I find strength and Gratitude every day now, in part thanks to you

This journal has absolutely changed my life.

Kristen Butler is brilliant. Her journal is quick and easy to use in order to get the most out of it. I am lucky to be a part of the Power of Positivity! Thank you 3 Minute journal for changing my perspective!?

It’s like this book/journal was written for me.

Sometimes I get overwhelmed getting into things like this but not this time. The layout is perfect and easy to follow. I hope to sharpen my skills and really feel a difference in my heart about who I am. You knocked it out of the ballpark Kristen!

I also love the daily positive messages.

I never thought I could meditate or be the person I've become as a result of this journal. I'm so grateful for it and plan to buy it as a gift for others.

I am changed forever by it.

This journal is a step-by-step program to operating daily in a positive state of mind and I love it!!!! It is intensive, yet simple and only takes 3-5 minutes to set a positive tone for my day. Day after day I work at retraining my mind with Kristen's insight and words of encouragement. Then, I get to end my night reflecting on all that I learned from the day. I use that time as a reset as well if I veered from my daily intentions. This book is powerful and transforming not only to my mind, but my heart as well. I am a kinder person to myself as a result and I have a more healthy outlook on life unlike ever before. I am so grateful to have found this resource during this current season in my life.

I have pretty severe depression and have had it since I was a child.

I was going through a really rough time and told my mother-in-law about it. She sent me this journal and I’ve been using it for almost a month now. I’m in a completely different mental state than I was. My depression is under control and it’s been an enormous relief. I’m really grateful for this journal and I’ve signed up to receive your daily inspirational texts as well. Thank you so much!!!!

I bought two books- one for me and one for hubby.

I started repeating the affirmations and writing the gratitude journal a few weeks ago. It is amazing to see the transformation that it is already happening in my life. I am sleeping better, feeling more energized productive in my job. My hubby also just felt the effects of the affirmations and intentions he wrote in his journal with a huge sale this month. All I can say is that in just a few weeks practicing Kristen’s message in this book, we already saw the power of positive affirmations and the power of journaling. I’m forever grateful to have bought this book. I’ want to spread this message to friends and family , so I’m going to buy a few more and gift them.

Love the book!

It’s my daily anchor.

This journal is SOUL WORK.

Very good mind quizing questions.

A life changing, and God sent.

I truly love it. Thanks.

I highly recommend it.

This journal really makes me think & take time to be mindful of my goals & feels throughout the day.

Best journal I’ve tried for sure!!

Beautifully done!!

Just what is needed to put our heart, mind and soul on track!

I could not be more amazed

I have followed this author for awhile and when she wrote a book I immediately purchased. I could not be more amazed, having the opportunity to be blessed with this reading every day. If your looking for positivity please purchase this book!! And follow the author in Instagram.

As a nutritionist and health coach

I recommend this cute, fun, inspiring journal to all my clients. Thank you!

I love how short and sweet yet powerful this journal is.

A little time to start and end your day. I swear within a few days I was beginning to look at things more positively and from a different perspective. Do yourself a favor and grab one for yourself!

I enjoy all the encouragement as well

I always had a hard time writing down my thoughts. But, with the format if this book, writing becomes easy and exciting.

This journal was the perfect place to start for me!

I have never used a journal before because I don’t even know where to start.

Very simple to follow and motivating.

Definitely glad I purchased this journal as it has been helping me on my journey to a happier, healthier all around better me. Thanks for the positivity!

Why does each text become the perfect message for me?

Please, buy this, read this, and let it touch your soul.

I love the Positivity Journal so much!

It has helped me with my self esteem and feel better about my decisions. I have purchased several as gifts and my recipients also loved it! I look forward to my daily text messages from Kristen…so uplifting!

Total game changer to my daily routine

Or lack of one really. Having this journal made planning and reflecting on my day fun, and I’ve been able to incorporate more regular positive habits like meditating by learning to be consistent with something

I love this book…

It really helped me to be grateful instead of complaining, which was causing anger, depression etc.. I recommend this book..

The quotes and prompts really help you focus on the “good stuff” in life!

I bought this looking for a way to quiet my overthinking mind and find some peace during my days. I will say that this journal has done both.

I love this simple easy to follow guided journal

To help me stay on track and focus on the positive aspects of life while working on my goals.

I just love Kristen Butler!

She has been in my life for over a year now and she has brightened my days with her inspirational & motivational quotes. I look forward to hearing from her every day! You must get this journal. I feel privileged to have her in my life!

This has been the best positivity journal that I’ve ever owned

The best thing is the explanation & tips sections prior to the journal section so you learn & understand the purpose of the journaling section … it’s been helping with my anxiety, it’s educational and it’s been the best part of my morning & evening routine - thanks @positivekristen for this amazing “gift!”

I just bought my second journal to stay in the habit of being positive.

This journal has truly made a difference in my outlook on life. Focusing on the positive has truly brought positive change in my life. So many blessings have come my way since I started writing in The Power of Positivity journal. When you are grateful good things happen.

Don't consider any other gratitude journal; Kristen created a goldmine of positivity and intention with this one! I love it!

Kristen Butler's daily Power of Positivity quotes via text message had been enriching my life for many, many months. When I saw that she had created a kind of gratitude journal unlike any other; with specific areas of my life to focus and write on, I jumped at the chance to buy it, just in time for a New Year 2022 (Christmas 2021 as well).

I love this book.

I’ve written in a gratitude journal for the past couple of years but this is what I’ve needed. This goes further and has so many positive qualities. I’m starting to panic when I run out of my 60 days. I need a follow up journal! This will not fix anything for you, you gave to do the work like anything else in life but I can feel it changing my perspectives because I’m doing the work and willing to change. My favorite part is the quotes. Every day the quote resonates with my day and it’s mind blowing because it’s totally random. If you really want to start thinking more positive, get this book. Sincerely, from a true self critic who is changing her ways!

The daily texts from Power of Positivity have been so helpful

The journal has been so helpful in my constant struggle to stay positive with so much negativity in the world. The journal truly makes me find the positives and keeps me motivated to reach the daily goals I set. The daily texts from Power of Positivity have been so helpful, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on a book I knew would only lead me closer to a positive mindset.

This is the best book I’ve found regarding this subject!

I look forward to it every morning and every night and have noticed a different in my mindset and how is interact with others. My ONLY wish was that it was spiral bound. Sometimes I can be difficult to write on if you’re not at a table. Other than that I absolutely love this journal.

This is a great tool

so happy i made the purchase. this is a great tool, helping me to consistently challenge my patterns of thought. not only do i feel better, but those around me are commenting on the change they are seeing in me. so grateful for this journal; i will purchase another when i use these pages up.

This book has changed my thoughts, feelings and spirit!

Everyone told me to Journal and it was the hardest thing for me to do! This book has changed my thoughts, feelings and spirit! It allows me to jot down positive thoughts in the morning and at night as well as to dump the negative feelings. I receive daily positive affirmations to repetitively keep the power of positive thinking ? going daily in my head. I feel as though I've been able to connect the mind, body and soul again and I'm feeling at peace. I recommend this book, especially if Journaling is difficult for you, it's broken down for you in the book and guides you to think more positive ? Thank you.

I love this journal

It's filled with helpful reminders and uplifting positive quotes. I especially love the Gratitude Check and Self Care Check sections. Taking the time to set morning intentions and reflect on your day in the evening cultivates mindful awareness which is essential to leading a happier, more fulfilling life.

This author has magnificently portrayed different ways

To reframe our self care that's desperately needed in everything we do. She helps us to find tune our gratitude with a positive outlook in every aspect of our lives.

Staying positive is extremely difficult for some of us.

Especially now during these very trying times. This Journal helps us to focus on our own positivity. I love how quickly it has become part of my everyday. Before bed I'm thinking of positive things that happened.. but I'm also looking forward to waking up and starting my day with GRATITUDE.. Thank you Kristen❣️.. I really needed this.

It’s a great tool to help you with reframing your mindset

I’m a firm believer in practicing gratitude but I had fallen into a slump and was focusing more on my problems than my blessings. I like that this journal prompts you to reflect and journal in the morning and evening. 

It has helped me dig into my own thought process & appreciate things I often take for granted.

The author of this journal has created a wonderful way to guide the reader into experiencing everyday life in an authentically positive light. I love this book for myself & also think it would make a great gift for anyone. It has helped me dig into my own thought process & appreciate things I often take for granted.

I highly recommend this for anyone.

I absolutely love how Kristen has broken down journaling into something that even in an overwhelmed, depressed person could manage. Just the practice of looking at the page, writing the date, and filling in something I can be grateful for today, right now, is a GREAT place for anyone to start, while allowing space for one to also go deeper with other thoughts and short answers, on both day and night pages. Inviting one to open and close, or frame their day in this gratitude mindset, which is game changing! I highly recommend this for anyone, truly, and especially for anyone not sure how to journal, or feeling overwhelmed in general, as a way to SEE that life is good!

This book gives you tools to make your journaling more productive and effective.

It's filled with nuggets for living and navigating real life. I bought this book while going through chemo for breast cancer and it's one of the best decisions I've made to fuel my healing. You won't be dissatisfied in your journey to heal and grow with this 3-minute positivity journal!

This book has turned my life around literally.

It was exactly what I needed and couldn’t find. My attitude has changed and therefore my life has changed. Not to say everything is perfect because that isn’t real but if you are looking for a path to help transform your life to positivity this is it.

I love this journal!!

I truly enjoy the fact that it brings so much awareness to positive energy, the power of our thoughts as well as being focused on gratitude! This journal truly embodies the power to change your perspective if you’re willing vessel!!

Puts a positive spin on any dark day.

In a world of chaos and confusion this books adds joy and puts a positive spin on any dark day. A cup of coffee and this book makes your heart and spirit smile all day long.

Brings out the best in you.

Kristen Butler has a way with words that just brings out the best in you.

I highly recommend this to anyone!

I stumbled across this book on my Instagram ads one day and decided to do some research on it. Well, I'm glad I did. It is truly eye opening and makes you sit back and think about things in a positive light and gives you a lot of perspective on things you don't normally think about. Kristen Butler, the author, knocked it out of the park with this journal. I have daily reminders set for my morning and night time journal entries. So far, I've noticed a positive change in my attitude!

I look forward to her texts

They really help keep me positive and sometimes help me look at situations in a different perspective.

This journal is changing me in the best way possible.

I look forward to it in the morning. I used to grab my computer in the morning, I now grab my journal and head out to my front porch before work. It helps me find the good in each day when I sit down to write in it at night. I find myself doing more positive things throughout the day.

Life changing

A daily therapy session with yourself. I love it.

5.0 out of 5 stars Very Helpful when going through a hard time!

This was a life changer for me with my moon laying in January of this year. It helped me find the strength to pull through so very difficult days and has now become a routine daily to help me lift myself and spirits up ????


I love the book, I just actually need to get back to using it daily. I also love the text messages you get from Kristen to empower you daily. Love, love, love. Now let me get back on track and write in my journal

It’s a very good way to start and end your day!!

I love the layout of the Morning Intentions and Evening Reflections! Just enough to stay accountable and good reminder of what you want for you and others! Love that it’s faith based as well as other inspirational people. Ordered 2 more for my daughter in law and grand daughter.

Wonderful Book

Thank you for a wonderful book! This author has put time into something that has truly gave my life direction. Not only the Book but the daily text messages. Has came on days when it totally turned around the outcome of my day. Thank you.

I love the Positivity Journal so much!

It has helped me with my self esteem and feel better about my decisions. I have purchased several as gifts and my recipients also loved it! I look forward to my daily text messages from Kristen…so uplifting!

Total game changer to my daily routine

or lack of one really. Having this journal made planning and reflecting on my day fun, and I’ve been able to incorporate more regular positive habits like meditating by learning to be consistent with something

I love this book…

It really helped me to be grateful instead of complaining, which was causing anger, depression etc.. I recommend this book..

I just love Kristen Butler!

She has been in my life for over a year now and she has brightened my days with her inspirational & motivational quotes. I look forward to hearing from her every day! You must get this journal. I feel privileged to have her in my life!

so happy i made the purchase.

This is a great tool, helping me to consistently challenge my patterns of thought. not only do i feel better, but those around me are commenting on the change they are seeing in me. so grateful for this journal; i will purchase another when i use these pages up.

they really help keep me positive

I look forward to her texts, they really help keep me positive and sometimes help me look at situations in a different perspective.

This book has turned my life around literally.

It was exactly what I needed and couldn’t find. My attitude has changed and therefore my life has changed. Not to say everything is perfect because that isn’t real but if you are looking for a path to help transform your life to positivity this is it.

I love this journal!!

I truly enjoy the fact that it brings so much awareness to positive energy, the power of our thoughts as well as being focused on gratitude! This journal truly embodies the power to change your perspective if you’re willing vessel!!


In addition to…

This is when TIME spirals and before you know it another day… week… month has passed you by. But this is where this Science-Backed 3 Minute Positivity Journal helps you because it gives you the permission to slow down… take a breath… reflect… and reconnect with your…


These Five Pillars of Positivity are all you need in your fight against time passing you by.

So long as you take a few minutes each day to reconnect with these… You Win!

Hi, I’m Kristen

I created this journal for change!

I created this journal for happiness!

I created this journal for mental health!

journal-sec6-img2 (1)

… based on how I’ve seen our community change lives with the Power of Positivity, which continues to serve 50+ million with uplifting content and transformative tools.

Growth isn’t hard or time-consuming, it only requires slight changes in your focus and routine that add up to huge results.

The 3 Minute Positivity Journal is a simple motivational journal with prompts to create positive rituals, routines, and habits that work.

What I share with you in this little “happiness diary” are the same things that have allowed me to completely transform my life… the same tools and mindset strategies I used to go from depressed and broke—literally broken—to happy, thriving, and whole.

(and what millions of other people in our Power of Positivity community use too)

Often, we feel like change and transformation is a huge undertaking.

Yet the life you want and the way you desire to feel is not far away!

You no longer have to let negativity, stress, self-doubt, procrastination, and everything else you encounter during your day-to-day get in the way of your greatest life.

TIME only spirals if you don’t take the time to take a step back.

By making that commitment today, you regain control of your time.

Once you do that, the positivity you desire is mere minutes away each day.


I love this journal, and in fact just started my fourth one.

It really helps me set up my day for positivity and at the end of the day I like reflecting back on how my day went. Practicing positivity helps me keep my goals in focus, let’s me express my gratitude and keep my positive affirmations flowing. The inspirational quotes are always helpful too! Thank you Kristen for this beautiful tool to help me on this journey called life. You inspire me!

I've been following Kristin via social media for quite sometime.

Kristin provided texting access and began to send daily sentiments, to promote onward thinking, positive regard for self and others. I applaud this woman's character and care for a world we share together! Bravo Kristin, you make our world a better place.

This book is a 10 out of 10.

You can find lots of book on inspirational thoughts but you rarely find a book that has all components. This book is deep yet easy to read, inspirational , morning intentions, reflection pages, and a place to hold you accountable in a fun knowledgeable way. This book is a 10 out of 10. I gifted to all my close friends, and they agree this book stays with you daily.

I just received my very first book from Kristen butler.

I haven’t started the journal, but I’ve been subscribed to her daily “power of positivity” for quite some time now, and I know the book will help my wife and I l. If you haven’t already subscribed to her daily influential messages, you really should.. They have directly impacted my life in a very positive way, it’s like she can since the pain inside, and send a subliminal message tailored just for you. It would not be out of the realm to suggest it’s saved my life… Therefore I am so looking forward to reading her journey and expect it to be just as influential!

I get Kristen’s daily texts

When she shared the link to her new book I couldn’t be happier to purchase it! Her story is so relatable and this is definitely what I’ve needed for a while now. I 100% recommend it!! Purchased for my sister as well and she was so happy. Thank you for making such a well thought out Journal, I am finally excited again for my future and the best year yet 🙂

I have been on a self healing journey for the past 5 years.

Through that journey I was connected to Kristin through a friend on the same journey. I started getting the texts the same day I signed up and the little reminders were everything, still are. Then this journal comes out and to say I was excited is putting it mildly. I have already purchased 3 of them for some of my children and myself. The layout is so inviting, it exudes comfort. It is very easy on the eyes which is helpful for anyone with sight issues. This journal is helping me accomplish so many of my goals while also helping me stay organized. I highly recommend this book to all! I am so grateful to you Kristin, thank you for everything, you are loved and appreciated.

I look forward to writing in this journal everyday!

And reflect on what I wrote in the morning throughout the day. Gratitude really is magic ?I have my book next to me now and just ordered another for a friend for Christmas. I just want to say Thank you!! After a long abusive relationship, I struggled on who I was, what my standards were, and had no self assurance. I've done so much self help work through books, support groups, and when I started getting these texts it was another amazing boost to my year and daily life. It means everything to me, I can't thank you enough. My life has changed. My home is a safe place again. My children are happier because I am happier. I find strength and Gratitude every day now, in part thanks to you

This journal has absolutely changed my life.

Kristen Butler is brilliant. Her journal is quick and easy to use in order to get the most out of it. I am lucky to be a part of the Power of Positivity! Thank you 3 Minute journal for changing my perspective!?

It’s like this book/journal was written for me.

Sometimes I get overwhelmed getting into things like this but not this time. The layout is perfect and easy to follow. I hope to sharpen my skills and really feel a difference in my heart about who I am. You knocked it out of the ballpark Kristen!

I also love the daily positive messages.

I never thought I could meditate or be the person I've become as a result of this journal. I'm so grateful for it and plan to buy it as a gift for others.

I am changed forever by it.

This journal is a step-by-step program to operating daily in a positive state of mind and I love it!!!! It is intensive, yet simple and only takes 3-5 minutes to set a positive tone for my day. Day after day I work at retraining my mind with Kristen's insight and words of encouragement. Then, I get to end my night reflecting on all that I learned from the day. I use that time as a reset as well if I veered from my daily intentions. This book is powerful and transforming not only to my mind, but my heart as well. I am a kinder person to myself as a result and I have a more healthy outlook on life unlike ever before. I am so grateful to have found this resource during this current season in my life.

I have pretty severe depression and have had it since I was a child.

I was going through a really rough time and told my mother-in-law about it. She sent me this journal and I’ve been using it for almost a month now. I’m in a completely different mental state than I was. My depression is under control and it’s been an enormous relief. I’m really grateful for this journal and I’ve signed up to receive your daily inspirational texts as well. Thank you so much!!!!

I bought two books- one for me and one for hubby.

I started repeating the affirmations and writing the gratitude journal a few weeks ago. It is amazing to see the transformation that it is already happening in my life. I am sleeping better, feeling more energized productive in my job. My hubby also just felt the effects of the affirmations and intentions he wrote in his journal with a huge sale this month. All I can say is that in just a few weeks practicing Kristen’s message in this book, we already saw the power of positive affirmations and the power of journaling. I’m forever grateful to have bought this book. I’ want to spread this message to friends and family , so I’m going to buy a few more and gift them.

Love the book!

It’s my daily anchor.

This journal is SOUL WORK.

Very good mind quizing questions.

A life changing, and God sent.

I truly love it. Thanks.

I highly recommend it.

This journal really makes me think & take time to be mindful of my goals & feels throughout the day.

Best journal I’ve tried for sure!!

Beautifully done!!

Just what is needed to put our heart, mind and soul on track!

I could not be more amazed

I have followed this author for awhile and when she wrote a book I immediately purchased. I could not be more amazed, having the opportunity to be blessed with this reading every day. If your looking for positivity please purchase this book!! And follow the author in Instagram.

As a nutritionist and health coach

I recommend this cute, fun, inspiring journal to all my clients. Thank you!

I love how short and sweet yet powerful this journal is.

A little time to start and end your day. I swear within a few days I was beginning to look at things more positively and from a different perspective. Do yourself a favor and grab one for yourself!

I enjoy all the encouragement as well

I always had a hard time writing down my thoughts. But, with the format if this book, writing becomes easy and exciting.

This journal was the perfect place to start for me!

I have never used a journal before because I don’t even know where to start.

Very simple to follow and motivating.

Definitely glad I purchased this journal as it has been helping me on my journey to a happier, healthier all around better me. Thanks for the positivity!

Why does each text become the perfect message for me?

Please, buy this, read this, and let it touch your soul.

I love the Positivity Journal so much!

It has helped me with my self esteem and feel better about my decisions. I have purchased several as gifts and my recipients also loved it! I look forward to my daily text messages from Kristen…so uplifting!

Total game changer to my daily routine

Or lack of one really. Having this journal made planning and reflecting on my day fun, and I’ve been able to incorporate more regular positive habits like meditating by learning to be consistent with something

I love this book…

It really helped me to be grateful instead of complaining, which was causing anger, depression etc.. I recommend this book..

The quotes and prompts really help you focus on the “good stuff” in life!

I bought this looking for a way to quiet my overthinking mind and find some peace during my days. I will say that this journal has done both.

I love this simple easy to follow guided journal

To help me stay on track and focus on the positive aspects of life while working on my goals.

I just love Kristen Butler!

She has been in my life for over a year now and she has brightened my days with her inspirational & motivational quotes. I look forward to hearing from her every day! You must get this journal. I feel privileged to have her in my life!

This has been the best positivity journal that I’ve ever owned

The best thing is the explanation & tips sections prior to the journal section so you learn & understand the purpose of the journaling section … it’s been helping with my anxiety, it’s educational and it’s been the best part of my morning & evening routine - thanks @positivekristen for this amazing “gift!”

I just bought my second journal to stay in the habit of being positive.

This journal has truly made a difference in my outlook on life. Focusing on the positive has truly brought positive change in my life. So many blessings have come my way since I started writing in The Power of Positivity journal. When you are grateful good things happen.

Don't consider any other gratitude journal; Kristen created a goldmine of positivity and intention with this one! I love it!

Kristen Butler's daily Power of Positivity quotes via text message had been enriching my life for many, many months. When I saw that she had created a kind of gratitude journal unlike any other; with specific areas of my life to focus and write on, I jumped at the chance to buy it, just in time for a New Year 2022 (Christmas 2021 as well).

I love this book.

I’ve written in a gratitude journal for the past couple of years but this is what I’ve needed. This goes further and has so many positive qualities. I’m starting to panic when I run out of my 60 days. I need a follow up journal! This will not fix anything for you, you gave to do the work like anything else in life but I can feel it changing my perspectives because I’m doing the work and willing to change. My favorite part is the quotes. Every day the quote resonates with my day and it’s mind blowing because it’s totally random. If you really want to start thinking more positive, get this book. Sincerely, from a true self critic who is changing her ways!

The daily texts from Power of Positivity have been so helpful

The journal has been so helpful in my constant struggle to stay positive with so much negativity in the world. The journal truly makes me find the positives and keeps me motivated to reach the daily goals I set. The daily texts from Power of Positivity have been so helpful, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on a book I knew would only lead me closer to a positive mindset.

This is the best book I’ve found regarding this subject!

I look forward to it every morning and every night and have noticed a different in my mindset and how is interact with others. My ONLY wish was that it was spiral bound. Sometimes I can be difficult to write on if you’re not at a table. Other than that I absolutely love this journal.

This is a great tool

so happy i made the purchase. this is a great tool, helping me to consistently challenge my patterns of thought. not only do i feel better, but those around me are commenting on the change they are seeing in me. so grateful for this journal; i will purchase another when i use these pages up.

This book has changed my thoughts, feelings and spirit!

Everyone told me to Journal and it was the hardest thing for me to do! This book has changed my thoughts, feelings and spirit! It allows me to jot down positive thoughts in the morning and at night as well as to dump the negative feelings. I receive daily positive affirmations to repetitively keep the power of positive thinking ? going daily in my head. I feel as though I've been able to connect the mind, body and soul again and I'm feeling at peace. I recommend this book, especially if Journaling is difficult for you, it's broken down for you in the book and guides you to think more positive ? Thank you.

I love this journal

It's filled with helpful reminders and uplifting positive quotes. I especially love the Gratitude Check and Self Care Check sections. Taking the time to set morning intentions and reflect on your day in the evening cultivates mindful awareness which is essential to leading a happier, more fulfilling life.

This author has magnificently portrayed different ways

To reframe our self care that's desperately needed in everything we do. She helps us to find tune our gratitude with a positive outlook in every aspect of our lives.

Staying positive is extremely difficult for some of us.

Especially now during these very trying times. This Journal helps us to focus on our own positivity. I love how quickly it has become part of my everyday. Before bed I'm thinking of positive things that happened.. but I'm also looking forward to waking up and starting my day with GRATITUDE.. Thank you Kristen❣️.. I really needed this.

It’s a great tool to help you with reframing your mindset

I’m a firm believer in practicing gratitude but I had fallen into a slump and was focusing more on my problems than my blessings. I like that this journal prompts you to reflect and journal in the morning and evening. 

It has helped me dig into my own thought process & appreciate things I often take for granted.

The author of this journal has created a wonderful way to guide the reader into experiencing everyday life in an authentically positive light. I love this book for myself & also think it would make a great gift for anyone. It has helped me dig into my own thought process & appreciate things I often take for granted.

I highly recommend this for anyone.

I absolutely love how Kristen has broken down journaling into something that even in an overwhelmed, depressed person could manage. Just the practice of looking at the page, writing the date, and filling in something I can be grateful for today, right now, is a GREAT place for anyone to start, while allowing space for one to also go deeper with other thoughts and short answers, on both day and night pages. Inviting one to open and close, or frame their day in this gratitude mindset, which is game changing! I highly recommend this for anyone, truly, and especially for anyone not sure how to journal, or feeling overwhelmed in general, as a way to SEE that life is good!

This book gives you tools to make your journaling more productive and effective.

It's filled with nuggets for living and navigating real life. I bought this book while going through chemo for breast cancer and it's one of the best decisions I've made to fuel my healing. You won't be dissatisfied in your journey to heal and grow with this 3-minute positivity journal!

This book has turned my life around literally.

It was exactly what I needed and couldn’t find. My attitude has changed and therefore my life has changed. Not to say everything is perfect because that isn’t real but if you are looking for a path to help transform your life to positivity this is it.

I love this journal!!

I truly enjoy the fact that it brings so much awareness to positive energy, the power of our thoughts as well as being focused on gratitude! This journal truly embodies the power to change your perspective if you’re willing vessel!!

Puts a positive spin on any dark day.

In a world of chaos and confusion this books adds joy and puts a positive spin on any dark day. A cup of coffee and this book makes your heart and spirit smile all day long.

Brings out the best in you.

Kristen Butler has a way with words that just brings out the best in you.

I highly recommend this to anyone!

I stumbled across this book on my Instagram ads one day and decided to do some research on it. Well, I'm glad I did. It is truly eye opening and makes you sit back and think about things in a positive light and gives you a lot of perspective on things you don't normally think about. Kristen Butler, the author, knocked it out of the park with this journal. I have daily reminders set for my morning and night time journal entries. So far, I've noticed a positive change in my attitude!

I look forward to her texts

They really help keep me positive and sometimes help me look at situations in a different perspective.

This journal is changing me in the best way possible.

I look forward to it in the morning. I used to grab my computer in the morning, I now grab my journal and head out to my front porch before work. It helps me find the good in each day when I sit down to write in it at night. I find myself doing more positive things throughout the day.

Life changing

A daily therapy session with yourself. I love it.

5.0 out of 5 stars Very Helpful when going through a hard time!

This was a life changer for me with my moon laying in January of this year. It helped me find the strength to pull through so very difficult days and has now become a routine daily to help me lift myself and spirits up ????


I love the book, I just actually need to get back to using it daily. I also love the text messages you get from Kristen to empower you daily. Love, love, love. Now let me get back on track and write in my journal

It’s a very good way to start and end your day!!

I love the layout of the Morning Intentions and Evening Reflections! Just enough to stay accountable and good reminder of what you want for you and others! Love that it’s faith based as well as other inspirational people. Ordered 2 more for my daughter in law and grand daughter.

Wonderful Book

Thank you for a wonderful book! This author has put time into something that has truly gave my life direction. Not only the Book but the daily text messages. Has came on days when it totally turned around the outcome of my day. Thank you.

I love the Positivity Journal so much!

It has helped me with my self esteem and feel better about my decisions. I have purchased several as gifts and my recipients also loved it! I look forward to my daily text messages from Kristen…so uplifting!

Total game changer to my daily routine

or lack of one really. Having this journal made planning and reflecting on my day fun, and I’ve been able to incorporate more regular positive habits like meditating by learning to be consistent with something

I love this book…

It really helped me to be grateful instead of complaining, which was causing anger, depression etc.. I recommend this book..

I just love Kristen Butler!

She has been in my life for over a year now and she has brightened my days with her inspirational & motivational quotes. I look forward to hearing from her every day! You must get this journal. I feel privileged to have her in my life!

so happy i made the purchase.

This is a great tool, helping me to consistently challenge my patterns of thought. not only do i feel better, but those around me are commenting on the change they are seeing in me. so grateful for this journal; i will purchase another when i use these pages up.

they really help keep me positive

I look forward to her texts, they really help keep me positive and sometimes help me look at situations in a different perspective.

This book has turned my life around literally.

It was exactly what I needed and couldn’t find. My attitude has changed and therefore my life has changed. Not to say everything is perfect because that isn’t real but if you are looking for a path to help transform your life to positivity this is it.

I love this journal!!

I truly enjoy the fact that it brings so much awareness to positive energy, the power of our thoughts as well as being focused on gratitude! This journal truly embodies the power to change your perspective if you’re willing vessel!!

Change Your Life in

3 Minutes (or less)

Our Bestselling Journal Shows You How To Boost Your Mood, Train Your Mind & Change Your Life with a Simple, Yet Effective Morning and Evening Routine


I love this journal, and in fact just started my fourth one.

It really helps me set up my day for positivity and at the end of the day I like reflecting back on how my day went. Practicing positivity helps me keep my goals in focus, let’s me express my gratitude and keep my positive affirmations flowing. The inspirational quotes are always helpful too! Thank you Kristen for this beautiful tool to help me on this journey called life. You inspire me!

I've been following Kristin via social media for quite sometime.

Kristin provided texting access and began to send daily sentiments, to promote onward thinking, positive regard for self and others. I applaud this woman's character and care for a world we share together! Bravo Kristin, you make our world a better place.

This book is a 10 out of 10.

You can find lots of book on inspirational thoughts but you rarely find a book that has all components. This book is deep yet easy to read, inspirational , morning intentions, reflection pages, and a place to hold you accountable in a fun knowledgeable way. This book is a 10 out of 10. I gifted to all my close friends, and they agree this book stays with you daily.

I just received my very first book from Kristen butler.

I haven’t started the journal, but I’ve been subscribed to her daily “power of positivity” for quite some time now, and I know the book will help my wife and I l. If you haven’t already subscribed to her daily influential messages, you really should.. They have directly impacted my life in a very positive way, it’s like she can since the pain inside, and send a subliminal message tailored just for you. It would not be out of the realm to suggest it’s saved my life… Therefore I am so looking forward to reading her journey and expect it to be just as influential!

I get Kristen’s daily texts

When she shared the link to her new book I couldn’t be happier to purchase it! Her story is so relatable and this is definitely what I’ve needed for a while now. I 100% recommend it!! Purchased for my sister as well and she was so happy. Thank you for making such a well thought out Journal, I am finally excited again for my future and the best year yet 🙂

I have been on a self healing journey for the past 5 years.

Through that journey I was connected to Kristin through a friend on the same journey. I started getting the texts the same day I signed up and the little reminders were everything, still are. Then this journal comes out and to say I was excited is putting it mildly. I have already purchased 3 of them for some of my children and myself. The layout is so inviting, it exudes comfort. It is very easy on the eyes which is helpful for anyone with sight issues. This journal is helping me accomplish so many of my goals while also helping me stay organized. I highly recommend this book to all! I am so grateful to you Kristin, thank you for everything, you are loved and appreciated.

I look forward to writing in this journal everyday!

And reflect on what I wrote in the morning throughout the day. Gratitude really is magic ?I have my book next to me now and just ordered another for a friend for Christmas. I just want to say Thank you!! After a long abusive relationship, I struggled on who I was, what my standards were, and had no self assurance. I've done so much self help work through books, support groups, and when I started getting these texts it was another amazing boost to my year and daily life. It means everything to me, I can't thank you enough. My life has changed. My home is a safe place again. My children are happier because I am happier. I find strength and Gratitude every day now, in part thanks to you

This journal has absolutely changed my life.

Kristen Butler is brilliant. Her journal is quick and easy to use in order to get the most out of it. I am lucky to be a part of the Power of Positivity! Thank you 3 Minute journal for changing my perspective!?

It’s like this book/journal was written for me.

Sometimes I get overwhelmed getting into things like this but not this time. The layout is perfect and easy to follow. I hope to sharpen my skills and really feel a difference in my heart about who I am. You knocked it out of the ballpark Kristen!

I also love the daily positive messages.

I never thought I could meditate or be the person I've become as a result of this journal. I'm so grateful for it and plan to buy it as a gift for others.

I am changed forever by it.

This journal is a step-by-step program to operating daily in a positive state of mind and I love it!!!! It is intensive, yet simple and only takes 3-5 minutes to set a positive tone for my day. Day after day I work at retraining my mind with Kristen's insight and words of encouragement. Then, I get to end my night reflecting on all that I learned from the day. I use that time as a reset as well if I veered from my daily intentions. This book is powerful and transforming not only to my mind, but my heart as well. I am a kinder person to myself as a result and I have a more healthy outlook on life unlike ever before. I am so grateful to have found this resource during this current season in my life.

I have pretty severe depression and have had it since I was a child.

I was going through a really rough time and told my mother-in-law about it. She sent me this journal and I’ve been using it for almost a month now. I’m in a completely different mental state than I was. My depression is under control and it’s been an enormous relief. I’m really grateful for this journal and I’ve signed up to receive your daily inspirational texts as well. Thank you so much!!!!

I bought two books- one for me and one for hubby.

I started repeating the affirmations and writing the gratitude journal a few weeks ago. It is amazing to see the transformation that it is already happening in my life. I am sleeping better, feeling more energized productive in my job. My hubby also just felt the effects of the affirmations and intentions he wrote in his journal with a huge sale this month. All I can say is that in just a few weeks practicing Kristen’s message in this book, we already saw the power of positive affirmations and the power of journaling. I’m forever grateful to have bought this book. I’ want to spread this message to friends and family , so I’m going to buy a few more and gift them.

Love the book!

It’s my daily anchor.

This journal is SOUL WORK.

Very good mind quizing questions.

A life changing, and God sent.

I truly love it. Thanks.

I highly recommend it.

This journal really makes me think & take time to be mindful of my goals & feels throughout the day.

Best journal I’ve tried for sure!!

Beautifully done!!

Just what is needed to put our heart, mind and soul on track!

I could not be more amazed

I have followed this author for awhile and when she wrote a book I immediately purchased. I could not be more amazed, having the opportunity to be blessed with this reading every day. If your looking for positivity please purchase this book!! And follow the author in Instagram.

As a nutritionist and health coach

I recommend this cute, fun, inspiring journal to all my clients. Thank you!

I love how short and sweet yet powerful this journal is.

A little time to start and end your day. I swear within a few days I was beginning to look at things more positively and from a different perspective. Do yourself a favor and grab one for yourself!

I enjoy all the encouragement as well

I always had a hard time writing down my thoughts. But, with the format if this book, writing becomes easy and exciting.

This journal was the perfect place to start for me!

I have never used a journal before because I don’t even know where to start.

Very simple to follow and motivating.

Definitely glad I purchased this journal as it has been helping me on my journey to a happier, healthier all around better me. Thanks for the positivity!

Why does each text become the perfect message for me?

Please, buy this, read this, and let it touch your soul.

I love the Positivity Journal so much!

It has helped me with my self esteem and feel better about my decisions. I have purchased several as gifts and my recipients also loved it! I look forward to my daily text messages from Kristen…so uplifting!

Total game changer to my daily routine

Or lack of one really. Having this journal made planning and reflecting on my day fun, and I’ve been able to incorporate more regular positive habits like meditating by learning to be consistent with something

I love this book…

It really helped me to be grateful instead of complaining, which was causing anger, depression etc.. I recommend this book..

The quotes and prompts really help you focus on the “good stuff” in life!

I bought this looking for a way to quiet my overthinking mind and find some peace during my days. I will say that this journal has done both.

I love this simple easy to follow guided journal

To help me stay on track and focus on the positive aspects of life while working on my goals.

I just love Kristen Butler!

She has been in my life for over a year now and she has brightened my days with her inspirational & motivational quotes. I look forward to hearing from her every day! You must get this journal. I feel privileged to have her in my life!

This has been the best positivity journal that I’ve ever owned

The best thing is the explanation & tips sections prior to the journal section so you learn & understand the purpose of the journaling section … it’s been helping with my anxiety, it’s educational and it’s been the best part of my morning & evening routine - thanks @positivekristen for this amazing “gift!”

I just bought my second journal to stay in the habit of being positive.

This journal has truly made a difference in my outlook on life. Focusing on the positive has truly brought positive change in my life. So many blessings have come my way since I started writing in The Power of Positivity journal. When you are grateful good things happen.

Don't consider any other gratitude journal; Kristen created a goldmine of positivity and intention with this one! I love it!

Kristen Butler's daily Power of Positivity quotes via text message had been enriching my life for many, many months. When I saw that she had created a kind of gratitude journal unlike any other; with specific areas of my life to focus and write on, I jumped at the chance to buy it, just in time for a New Year 2022 (Christmas 2021 as well).

I love this book.

I’ve written in a gratitude journal for the past couple of years but this is what I’ve needed. This goes further and has so many positive qualities. I’m starting to panic when I run out of my 60 days. I need a follow up journal! This will not fix anything for you, you gave to do the work like anything else in life but I can feel it changing my perspectives because I’m doing the work and willing to change. My favorite part is the quotes. Every day the quote resonates with my day and it’s mind blowing because it’s totally random. If you really want to start thinking more positive, get this book. Sincerely, from a true self critic who is changing her ways!

The daily texts from Power of Positivity have been so helpful

The journal has been so helpful in my constant struggle to stay positive with so much negativity in the world. The journal truly makes me find the positives and keeps me motivated to reach the daily goals I set. The daily texts from Power of Positivity have been so helpful, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on a book I knew would only lead me closer to a positive mindset.

This is the best book I’ve found regarding this subject!

I look forward to it every morning and every night and have noticed a different in my mindset and how is interact with others. My ONLY wish was that it was spiral bound. Sometimes I can be difficult to write on if you’re not at a table. Other than that I absolutely love this journal.

This is a great tool

so happy i made the purchase. this is a great tool, helping me to consistently challenge my patterns of thought. not only do i feel better, but those around me are commenting on the change they are seeing in me. so grateful for this journal; i will purchase another when i use these pages up.

This book has changed my thoughts, feelings and spirit!

Everyone told me to Journal and it was the hardest thing for me to do! This book has changed my thoughts, feelings and spirit! It allows me to jot down positive thoughts in the morning and at night as well as to dump the negative feelings. I receive daily positive affirmations to repetitively keep the power of positive thinking ? going daily in my head. I feel as though I've been able to connect the mind, body and soul again and I'm feeling at peace. I recommend this book, especially if Journaling is difficult for you, it's broken down for you in the book and guides you to think more positive ? Thank you.

I love this journal

It's filled with helpful reminders and uplifting positive quotes. I especially love the Gratitude Check and Self Care Check sections. Taking the time to set morning intentions and reflect on your day in the evening cultivates mindful awareness which is essential to leading a happier, more fulfilling life.

This author has magnificently portrayed different ways

To reframe our self care that's desperately needed in everything we do. She helps us to find tune our gratitude with a positive outlook in every aspect of our lives.

Staying positive is extremely difficult for some of us.

Especially now during these very trying times. This Journal helps us to focus on our own positivity. I love how quickly it has become part of my everyday. Before bed I'm thinking of positive things that happened.. but I'm also looking forward to waking up and starting my day with GRATITUDE.. Thank you Kristen❣️.. I really needed this.

It’s a great tool to help you with reframing your mindset

I’m a firm believer in practicing gratitude but I had fallen into a slump and was focusing more on my problems than my blessings. I like that this journal prompts you to reflect and journal in the morning and evening. 

It has helped me dig into my own thought process & appreciate things I often take for granted.

The author of this journal has created a wonderful way to guide the reader into experiencing everyday life in an authentically positive light. I love this book for myself & also think it would make a great gift for anyone. It has helped me dig into my own thought process & appreciate things I often take for granted.

I highly recommend this for anyone.

I absolutely love how Kristen has broken down journaling into something that even in an overwhelmed, depressed person could manage. Just the practice of looking at the page, writing the date, and filling in something I can be grateful for today, right now, is a GREAT place for anyone to start, while allowing space for one to also go deeper with other thoughts and short answers, on both day and night pages. Inviting one to open and close, or frame their day in this gratitude mindset, which is game changing! I highly recommend this for anyone, truly, and especially for anyone not sure how to journal, or feeling overwhelmed in general, as a way to SEE that life is good!

This book gives you tools to make your journaling more productive and effective.

It's filled with nuggets for living and navigating real life. I bought this book while going through chemo for breast cancer and it's one of the best decisions I've made to fuel my healing. You won't be dissatisfied in your journey to heal and grow with this 3-minute positivity journal!

This book has turned my life around literally.

It was exactly what I needed and couldn’t find. My attitude has changed and therefore my life has changed. Not to say everything is perfect because that isn’t real but if you are looking for a path to help transform your life to positivity this is it.

I love this journal!!

I truly enjoy the fact that it brings so much awareness to positive energy, the power of our thoughts as well as being focused on gratitude! This journal truly embodies the power to change your perspective if you’re willing vessel!!

Puts a positive spin on any dark day.

In a world of chaos and confusion this books adds joy and puts a positive spin on any dark day. A cup of coffee and this book makes your heart and spirit smile all day long.

Brings out the best in you.

Kristen Butler has a way with words that just brings out the best in you.

I highly recommend this to anyone!

I stumbled across this book on my Instagram ads one day and decided to do some research on it. Well, I'm glad I did. It is truly eye opening and makes you sit back and think about things in a positive light and gives you a lot of perspective on things you don't normally think about. Kristen Butler, the author, knocked it out of the park with this journal. I have daily reminders set for my morning and night time journal entries. So far, I've noticed a positive change in my attitude!

I look forward to her texts

They really help keep me positive and sometimes help me look at situations in a different perspective.

This journal is changing me in the best way possible.

I look forward to it in the morning. I used to grab my computer in the morning, I now grab my journal and head out to my front porch before work. It helps me find the good in each day when I sit down to write in it at night. I find myself doing more positive things throughout the day.

Life changing

A daily therapy session with yourself. I love it.

5.0 out of 5 stars Very Helpful when going through a hard time!

This was a life changer for me with my moon laying in January of this year. It helped me find the strength to pull through so very difficult days and has now become a routine daily to help me lift myself and spirits up ????


I love the book, I just actually need to get back to using it daily. I also love the text messages you get from Kristen to empower you daily. Love, love, love. Now let me get back on track and write in my journal

It’s a very good way to start and end your day!!

I love the layout of the Morning Intentions and Evening Reflections! Just enough to stay accountable and good reminder of what you want for you and others! Love that it’s faith based as well as other inspirational people. Ordered 2 more for my daughter in law and grand daughter.

Wonderful Book

Thank you for a wonderful book! This author has put time into something that has truly gave my life direction. Not only the Book but the daily text messages. Has came on days when it totally turned around the outcome of my day. Thank you.

I love the Positivity Journal so much!

It has helped me with my self esteem and feel better about my decisions. I have purchased several as gifts and my recipients also loved it! I look forward to my daily text messages from Kristen…so uplifting!

Total game changer to my daily routine

or lack of one really. Having this journal made planning and reflecting on my day fun, and I’ve been able to incorporate more regular positive habits like meditating by learning to be consistent with something

I love this book…

It really helped me to be grateful instead of complaining, which was causing anger, depression etc.. I recommend this book..

I just love Kristen Butler!

She has been in my life for over a year now and she has brightened my days with her inspirational & motivational quotes. I look forward to hearing from her every day! You must get this journal. I feel privileged to have her in my life!

so happy i made the purchase.

This is a great tool, helping me to consistently challenge my patterns of thought. not only do i feel better, but those around me are commenting on the change they are seeing in me. so grateful for this journal; i will purchase another when i use these pages up.

they really help keep me positive

I look forward to her texts, they really help keep me positive and sometimes help me look at situations in a different perspective.

This book has turned my life around literally.

It was exactly what I needed and couldn’t find. My attitude has changed and therefore my life has changed. Not to say everything is perfect because that isn’t real but if you are looking for a path to help transform your life to positivity this is it.

I love this journal!!

I truly enjoy the fact that it brings so much awareness to positive energy, the power of our thoughts as well as being focused on gratitude! This journal truly embodies the power to change your perspective if you’re willing vessel!!

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