Do you practice daily happiness habits? Happiness means different things to each person.
Your version of contentment and joy may be having plenty of family around you, having food to eat, and a good job that pays the bills. To someone else, being happy means that they have the freedom to live out all their dreams with nothing holding them back.
Despite what joy looks like to you, you can live a happier life where you feel satisfied and content. You should know that you might have to tweak a few of your habits to accomplish this task. It’s hard to break patterns once they’ve been ingrained in your head.
For instance, if you get up every day, scroll social media, grab a cup of coffee, and play with the dogs before you shower, then it’s going to be hard to change. Some habits are so embedded into your brain that it would be easier to make a river flow in the opposite direction, but where there is a will, there is always a way.
Did you know that many people in the medical community believe that happiness is circular? When you learn to develop happy habits, you will use what you know to boost your spirits. Additionally, happiness is infectious. When you spread sunshine and delight to others, they can’t help but feel the joy that radiates from you.
Happiness Habits You Should Adopt Today
Calling happiness a habit is an interesting choice of words because it means that you must prioritize it to become rooted in your brain. If you’re tired of feeling downtrodden and sad all the time, then you have the power to control things. No, it’s not going to be easy, but here are a few habits that you can start incorporating now.1. Focus on Positive Things and Ignore Negative Ones
It’s effortless to get caught up in all the negativity around you. Thankfully, you have the power to focus on the good things more than the bad. Even when you’re faced with impossible circumstances, you can still see the good in the outcome.
One of the best happiness habits you can teach yourself is how to change your mindset so that your focus is more of an optimistic one.
2. Laugh Often
How many times do you laugh in a day? Did you know that many people go day in and day out without a good laugh? Laughter is so healing for the soul. The National Library of Medicine shows that laughter has physical, mental, social, spiritual, and quality-of-life benefits, so it’s no wonder it’s called the best medicine.
3. Don’t Compare Yourself to Others
Nothing will make you more miserable than if you’re constantly comparing yourself to others. Worst of all, don’t compare material possessions. The house you live in or the car you drive is nothing if you have ugliness and hate in your heart.
You get somewhere in life by showing love and kindness to others. All the material possessions you own can be gone in an instant, but when you show compassion to humanity, then it’s a gift that can be passed on.
4. Live Every Day as It Was Your Last
While this may seem like a bit of a morbid thing to put into happiness habits, it has many truths behind it. If you knew today was your last day on earth, what would you do differently?
You still need to go to work and pay the bills and take care of business, but would you call your loved ones or text them before you went to bed? There are many things you would do differently, so try using this as a guideline.
5. Savor Each Moment
Do you speed through your day in a stressed-out tizzy and don’t even remember half of what happened? You need to savor each moment and learn to find redeemable qualities even if you’re at work.
Remember a kind gesture from a coworker or a conversation with your mother that brought back fond memories. Stop wasting your life away and learn to live in the moment.
6. Spread Your Love Around
Don’t let one day pass you by where you don’t take time to show that you love and care for others. Maybe there’s a new neighbor that just moved down the street. Why not bake them some goodies and show how welcoming the community in which they live?
Find little ways every day to make a significant impact. One of the best happiness habits that you can acquire is showing love and giving back to others. It will change your life.
7. Don’t Hoard All Your Money
It’s nice to have a savings account for a rainy day, but if you’re so into saving that you don’t leave any for living and experiencing new things, then it’s overkill. You should have “mad money” set aside.
This is your funds to try new restaurants and do some things to make your life better. All work and no play aren’t good for anyone. So, while savings is wise, don’t squirrel it all away.
8. Fake It till You Make It
There will be a day that you don’t feel like being happy or even talking to anyone. However, it would help if you learned to put on a happy face and fake it till it gets better. It will get better, but sometimes you just got to give yourself a little push. When you smile, you can’t help but feel better no matter how bad the day.
9. Think Realistically
Do you think realistically? Sure, you always want to think optimistically, but you also need to be truthful with yourself too. If your marriage is over, thinking it’s going to last might not be good enough. When you learn to be realistic with yourself, you are better equipped to handle the curve balls life throws at you.
10. Learn to Simplify
One of the best examples of learning to simplify is the tiny house movement. People are ditching their lavish homes to live smaller and simple lives. Material possessions and all those things have no bearing on your purpose on earth. Instead, it’s the experiences you gain that will make you.
You don’t need 25 pairs of jeans, 52 shirts, and 39 pairs of shoes. Start getting rid of clutter in your life. When you live simply, and your whole outlook on life will change.
11. Resolve Conflicts Quickly
Never go to bed angry and try to resolve any conflicts as they arise. When you let disappointments and things fester, then it becomes much more extensive than if you had taken care of it when it occurred. One of the excellent happiness habits to live by every day is to resolve conflicts quickly.
12. Live Your Life with Purpose and Meaning
Do you have a purpose in life, and does your life have meaning? You’re so much more than your job or the family you belong to. You can make a difference and bring about positive things in the world around you.
13. Stop Being Judgmental
Don’t judge others. Remember that the same judgment you hand out will be what comes back to you in the end. Karma has a way of always bringing things full-circle, and you want to make sure that what comes back to you is goodness and mercy.
14. Take Care of Yourself
Never neglect your self-care. How can a teapot fill the cups around it if it’s empty? Take time to pour into yourself by doing things like meditation, yoga and ensuring you’re physically and mentally happy.
15. Make Sure to Connect with Others
Happiness habits are things you should practice each day, and one of those things is that you need to connect with others. How boring your world would be if you sat inside your home on the computer all day long with no social interaction.
Find a way, no matter how busy your day, to connect with other people. You’re a social being and need that interaction.
Final Thoughts on Embracing New Happiness Habits
If you could make one small change in your day that would bring you happiness, would you do it? The fact is that you have the power in your hands to control whether you live a happy or miserable existence. Sure, some things happen to you that you cannot control, but you do have the ability to alter how you look at those matters.
Today can be a new day for you. Starting fresh, you can incorporate a few happiness habits into your life. You don’t need to start doing everything on the list, but you should pick a couple of items and start from there. Another bonus to living positively is it has a helpful impact on your heart.
According to an article in Greater Good Magazine published by the Berkeley Department of Education, scientific studies have proven that when you live with optimism in your life, you can improve your immunity as well as your heart health. So not only is being happy improve your mood and outlook, but it can also improve your overall welling.