You’ve heard the old saying that “Patience is a virtue,” but you won’t realize how true this saying is until you get some years on you. Did you know that patient people have more love, joy, peace, and better lives? It’s all about learning to be thankful for the beautiful things and accepting the challenging things you cannot change.

Some say that when you master patience, you gain power. Once you develop this skill, you can learn to wait and suffer through life’s delays without becoming agitated. No matter what adversity comes your way, you can remain calm and control your natural impulses, which try to lead you off course.

Why Patience Is a Virtue

Is it any wonder that in this modern era, people are so impatient? Our country has become a nation of instant gratification. With the touch of a button, you can order a pizza, an Uber, and pay your utility bills. You don’t have to write checks or call the company to make your monthly obligations as your bank will take care of it through automatic bill pay.

patience is a virtue
It’s easy to see why some people become impatient since they have become accustomed to everything at their beckoning call. There’s no need to practice patience when a quick inquiry on Google can answer even the smallest of questions. However, keep in mind that ordering food or finding out the movie theater’s location is about nothing more than convenience.

When it comes to your goals and everyday living, then patience is essential. The struggle for more tolerance comes because society has trained you to live in relative convenience, and it spills over into all areas of your life.

When You Are Patient, You Become More Successful

The problem with being impatient is that it causes you to make poor decisions that can have lasting consequences. Why is it that society is always looking for the quick-fixes or the scheme to get rich quicker that will allow you to take shortcuts? Sadly, these methods typically aren’t profitable as there’s no way to get out of hard work.

However, look throughout history at the people who have been patient and worked hard till they got what they wanted. Did you know that Thomas Edison had more than 1,000 failed attempts at making the light bulb? The filament kept burning out on him, but he didn’t give up.

Once he mastered the light bulb, he went on to create other amazing things. He developed the first working phonograph, and his first recording was the poem “Mary Had A Little Lamb.” It’s substantial to have the first human recorded voice and a lightbulb under his belt, but he had 1,093 patients for amazing inventions. Is it any wonder they dubbed him “The Wizard of Hyde Park?”

Imagine how different Edison’s story would have been if he didn’t grasp that patience is a virtue? If he had been rushed and hurried, he wouldn’t have devoted the time necessary to bring his ideas to fruition. Thankfully, he made a long-term commitment to himself that he would be dedicated and attack each obstacle along the way.

It would have been so easy for him to give up, but where would society be without the lightbulb? Procrastination and idleness will do nothing to further you in life. What is patience, and how can you put it into terms you understand?

To be patient is much like using the brake system in your vehicle. When you encounter an obstacle in the road, you use the brakes to slow you down so that you avoid an accident. In these instances, if you didn’t use your braking system, then you would crash. Patience teaches you to put the brakes on things so that you avoid any disasters.

Ten Useful Tips for Having More Patience

Regardless of how diligent you are, there will always be times when your impatient nature will get the best of you, but it can also hurt you in many ways. These attempts to get things done quickly will not only hinder you in life, but it can damage your relationships as well as destroy your goals.

Have you learned that patience is a virtue, or do you need more work in this area? Here are ten ways that you can practice having more tolerance and perseverance in life.

1. Fake It ‘til you Make It

There are times when you won’t have the answers, and everything seems to be in chaos. Sometimes, you must pretend that everything is okay, even when it isn’t. You need to learn how to get through the challenging moments in life without having a meltdown, so sometimes you must fake your way through it.

2. Practice Deep Breathing or Meditation

Meditation and deep breathing can significantly help you learn that patience is a virtue. When you control your thoughts and clear your mind, you can quickly learn how to relax and let go. If you’re always trying to micromanage situations out of your control, then mastering meditation can help you immensely.

3. Write It Out by Journaling

Do you want to ask questions to the universe about why things are the way they are in your life? Journaling is an excellent tool that can help you with personal growth. When you put something in writing, it can help you to gain perspective.

Some things you stress about are silly, and when you see it in writing, you release it as such. If you want to increase your patience, then write it all out.

4. Acknowledge your Higher Power

There is a bigger picture that you don’t have the capability to see. So, it would help if you relied on your higher power to assist you. By trusting, believing, and praying, you can seek guidance and answers from something bigger and more knowledgeable than yourself.

patient people
5. Accept Things as They Are

Even if you don’t like the situations going on right now, you must learn to accept them. Stop fighting with yourself over things you cannot change. Take a deep breath and know that patience is a virtue you need when everything is going wrong.

6. Practice Mindfulness

You must learn the connection between your feelings, thoughts, and conduct. What negative thoughts do you have that hold you back from doing what you need to do? Do you tend to live in the past and are haunted by failures?

When you learn to live in the moment and stop beating yourself up over blunders, then you can move beyond this negative mindset. Practice empathy for yourself as well as others.

7. Be Kind to Yourself

Are you kind to yourself, or do you suffer from low self-esteem and self-worth? You must learn to embrace your weaknesses and see them as opportunities for growth. Practice self-love and remember to be patient with yourself before you try this new virtue on others.

8. Let It Go

Remember the famous song from the Disney Frozen movie? Kids across the world were singing “Let It Go” until their parents nearly went mad. While it’s a childish song, it has a powerful meaning.

Quit holding onto things that you cannot understand and that have only hurt you. You don’t need to be perfect or have it all together, so let go of all those feelings that hold you back.

9. Appreciate the Life You’ve Been Given

It’s so easy to take things for granted because you get caught up in the big picture. Take time to smell the roses and recognize the beauty that lies before you. It’s all those little moments in your life that will make it worthwhile.

While you’re taking time to tiptoe through the tulips, you will learn why patience is a virtue you need to develop.

10. Recognize the Influence of Your Body and Hormones

Every day can’t be perfect. Sometimes, you will awaken with a headache, and other times you will be down for the count. Your body and hormone levels can affect how you feel, which can affect your level of patience.

When the days seem long and hard, you should give yourself a break. The darkness of the moment will soon pass, and the sun will shine again tomorrow. Don’t let one day break you down because better days are coming. Take time to count your blessings.

patience is a virtue
Final Thoughts on Understanding Why Patience Is A Virtue

It’s okay to ask questions and have a pity party on occasion, but don’t let that become a habit. Practice empathy for yourself and forgive your mistakes while you embrace change. Whenever you feel like throwing in the towel and life seems to be too much, remember the great Thomas Edison and his 1,000 attempts to make the lightbulb.

Sometimes it takes a while for the most significant things in your life to be born; be patient with yourself and others, and enjoy the ride. When you learn that patience is a virtue, your whole life can change for the better.