Divorce is more than a sad statistic. Instead, it is a highly personal situation that each person experiences uniquely. Some couples undergo a slow unraveling of the relationship until they reach a final gossamer thread. One day it finally snaps. For others, it is a sudden snap of a rubber band breaking, with a partner suddenly announcing the intent to end things. If you find yourself in this challenging situation, consider seeking support from an experienced and trusted divorce coach. For guidance tailored to your needs, have a look at this divorce coach who can help navigate this difficult transition.

“My divorce came to me as a complete surprise. That’s what happens when you haven’t been home in 18 years.” – Lee Trevino, Hall of Fame Professional Golfer.

As the quote above demonstrates, Mr. Lee Trevino has been known to discuss several sensitive topics with a delicate mix of compassion and a sense of humor. Now 77 years old, Trevino has been happily married to his second wife, Claudia Bove, for 23 years. For many divorced people, talking about their experience is anything but humorous. The same goes for divorce attorneys, who often bear the brunt of a couple’s past mistakes. One former divorce lawyer put it this way:

“When I began practicing, I realized something pretty quickly – I could do without the drama and bickering and baggage that people were bringing into their case. I found myself using my psychology skills just as much as my legal skills…I didn’t get the satisfaction…and I didn’t feel I was helping people in a positive way.”

Aside from being life-changing, divorce is often a lengthy process. A divorce lawyer such as this divorce lawyer Poughkeepsie is perhaps the only person to witness the oft-ugly nature of human detachment, aside from the couple themselves.  Nonetheless, these professionals possess a breadth of knowledge about this sensitive subject matter.

Here are the seven leading contributors to a failing marriage, according to divorce attorneys:

So, why do nearly half of all marriages end in divorce? Some divorce attorneys around America even the Naperville divorce lawyers were asked this question.

1. Silence is (not so) golden

At the risk of sounding overly obvious, good communication is vital in a marriage. When this all-important communication factor deteriorates, it’s common for one or both partners to go silent.

Divorce attorneys say this “silent treatment” occurs much more frequently within a failing marriage. Evie Jeang, among the most prominent divorce attorneys in America, states: “This is essentially the kiss of death for couples because it leads to feelings of resentment. Working through issues that arise paves the way for resolution.”

If you have kids, you may want to seek legal advice from child custody lawyers to help you get favorable results on your custody battle.

2. Controlling behavior

Attempting to control one’s spouse, regardless of the matter at hand (e.g., staying out late, unkempt house, etc.), isn’t a good sign for the relationship. Couple this with the fact that controlling individuals rarely change their behavior, and it becomes apparent why cohabitation with such a person is tough.

Controlling money by denying the partner access to, or information about, bank accounts, credit lines, etc., can also contribute to an eventual divorce.

3. Addictive behaviors

Joan Bibelhausen, J.D. and family lawyer, in an article written in Family Lawyer Magazine, states, “In family law, addiction to alcohol, drugs, or compulsive behaviors such as gambling are present in a significant amount of cases.”

Alcohol and drug addiction is a treatable condition; however, the number of untreated addicts far exceeds the number of rehabilitated. Addiction – and its negative consequences – is often too much for the other to handle.

4. Money issues

Ideally, anything finance-related is discussed before marriage, but it is often not. Perhaps the perceived breach of trust is more damaging than any potential financial repercussions (e.g., difficulties obtaining a mortgage).

During the marriage, many money problems occur. Spending too much, making secret purchases, maxing out credit cards, and late bills. All are potential reasons for one partner to consider divorce.

 5. Lack of common interests

“Opposites attract” doesn’t necessarily translate into “Opposites stay attracted.”

Lisa Meyer, a divorce attorney in California, says, “While it’s true that opposites attract, don’t assume the qualities you fell in love with are going to keep a marriage together.”

Different personality types often enjoy different things. When there is a wide “interest gap” between two people, they’ll spend more time apart, which leads us to…


 6. A sense of separation

It is typical in marriage to experience polarizing emotions; among them is a sense of closeness and distance. When this dynamic subsists at reasonable intervals, it can actually be perceived as a good sign. The passion and genuine care for each other are often evident during these times.

Related article: Psychologist Reveals These 4 Behaviors Are The Biggest Predictors of Divorce

However, the “creeping” sense of distance often spells ends for a marriage. Many relationship components, some of them mentioned on this list, can ignite this slow evolution of separation.

 7. The job coming first

“Family comes first” is a tried and true axiom of happy couples and families. When one-half of the marriage suddenly becomes a workaholic, it may be a bad sign. The circumstances surrounding such behavior ultimately determine the relationship’s outcome.

Unsurprisingly, effective communication is vital; when the other half begins to spend a disproportionate amount of time at work sans explanation, the chances of divorce increases significantly.