“One who knows how to show and to accept kindness will be a friend better than any possession.” – Sophocles

Kindness exists everywhere if you simply open your eyes and take time to notice. The world might seem overwhelmingly negative at times, but the compassion of humans is the glue that holds it all together. Without kindness, we would certainly perish, because we need one another to survive.

We often forget about our reliance on one another in such an individualistic society, but at our core, we are social creatures. Additionally, we simply could not survive without looking after one another. We hope the following photos will remind you that, even if you feel alone, someone out there cares about you. Miracles happen when you least expect them, so make sure you keep an open heart to the kindness of humanity.

Here are 20 emotional photos that show kindness is very much alive in our world:

1. This woman wanted to see her favorite hockey team one last time, and fans made sure her wish came true.


2. A man wanted to take his own life, so these truck drivers lined up side by side in order to save him. Kindness can truly save lives.

3. A random patron at a restaurant decided to foot the bill for someone else’s meal. To sweeten the pot, it turned out it was a birthday lunch!

It is stuff like this humans that makes me still have faith in humans – and to even make it better it was a birthday lunch with wife and baby and no one knew! Thanks anonymous nice person!
byu/MuuaadDib inpics

4. Even though it’s just a dollar, it’s the thought that really counts.

Just a simple thing, but it made day so much better
by inrandomactsofkindness

5. This family wanted everyone who passed by to enjoy the fall leaves!

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6. Everyone should have someone to eat with on Thanksgiving. Well, this restaurant went above and beyond to ensure no one would get left out.

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7. In the cold winter months, it’s important to have the proper clothing. This random person showed kindness by making sure as many people as possible stayed warm and cozy.

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8. This is how life should be – helping each other survive and spreading kindness everywhere.

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9. In a snowy environment, this would be much appreciated by pretty much anyone.

Random Act of Kindness 2015: Neighbor from way down the street snow blowed all of the driveways he could before people had to leave for work. I haven’t even met the gentleman.
byu/RRunner316 inpics

10. Free wings from the birthday girl. What a nice surprise!

Random Act of Kindness

11. We all need a little shelter from the storms of life from time to time.


[deleted by user]
by inpics

12. Buying coffee for a stranger is always an appreciated act of kindness. Caffeine = happiness.

Random dude just walked up to me to say “we’re doing random acts of kindness and I’m buying you a coffee” … it’s 4:45PM and this is 20oz.
byu/KarmaCatalyst inpics

13. In exchange for giving a homeless man a place to stay for the night, he cleaned the owner’s car before leaving.

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14. A simple red rose can brighten up anyone’s day. Aren’t humans just amazing?

I had a act of kindness today, a customer gave me a rose just because he loves coming into my store. It really made my day!
byu/Ashydabrave inpics

15. The homeless need our love and kindness just as much as anyone else.

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kindness quote

16. Choose to live in awe of humanity’s potential, and you will be rewarded generously.


The day before I was to take my son camping my bank screwed me over. We left for our trip with just enough cash for gas there and back. But some wonderful strangers paid us a random act of kindness. We found this on our car in the morning.
byu/Starample inpics

17. Helping humans stay hydrated is definitely an honorable gesture.

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18. “Nearly every time I arrive at this car park (PM) there are always tickets people have left behind after use, valid until the next morning. Small acts of kindness…”

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19. Love is the best medicine.

Doctor gives hugs to strangers to cure her fear of cancer.

20. If we all learn to count and look out for each other, we can change the world.

Random Act of Kindness, My pregnant wife and I found this on our door after checking on our house at night. No contact info, no name or anything. I want to thank this person and hug them for making us happy.(House flooded from Hurricane Sandy)
byu/billdaff inpics

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