Joar Berge, otherwise known as the “mustache farmer,” decided to leave his fast-paced city life to reconnect with nature. He grew up in a small village in Germany, where he spent most of his childhood on farms surrounded by animals. As much as he loved the simple life, he moved to the city as soon as he was old enough. The connection to nature and his dream of being a farmer never left him, though.

Joar’s love for animals started early.

On his own farm as a child, he had goats, geese, chickens, ducks, and ostriches. However, he formed the closest bond with a cow named Rexi on a nearby farm. He considered Rexi his “foster calf” since he spent so much time with her. They maintained a close relationship, but unfortunately, the calf was taken away after a few years, and he had no way of rescuing her.

His love for cows began with this bond he had formed with Rexi. Because of her, he had big dreams of becoming a farmer and having his own cows someday. He had moved around Europe, living in Mannheim, Berlin, and Cologne in Germany, as well as Côte d’Azur in France. However, one day he finally got fed up with the fast-paced urban lifestyle and wanted to fulfill his dream of being a farmer.

He decided to return to his roots and invest in his passion for farming. Setting his sights on establishing a sustainable dairy farm, he immersed himself in agricultural courses and hands-on training, honing his skills in livestock management and sustainable farming practices. His journey led him to explore various farming communities across Europe, where he gained invaluable insights into modern agricultural techniques and local farming traditions. Amidst his travels, his bond with cows remained steadfast, driving his determination to create a thriving dairy operation that prioritized animal welfare and environmental stewardship.

As he embarked on this new chapter, his enthusiasm for agriculture attracted the attention of agribusiness recruiters seeking innovative minds committed to advancing the industry. Recognizing his unique blend of international experience and passion for sustainable farming, they saw him as a potential catalyst for their own agricultural enterprises. His story underscores the importance of nurturing talent in agribusiness recruitment to cultivate the next generation of agricultural leaders. If your organization is looking to harness the passion and expertise of individuals like him, consider partnering with Agri Talent. We specialize in connecting visionary professionals with forward-thinking agribusinesses, ensuring a synergy that drives success and sustainability. Contact Agri Talent today to explore how we can support your recruitment efforts and help you achieve your agricultural ambitions.

At this point, he decided to get back to his roots and move back to the small village in Germany. Of course, he knew a long road awaited him, but he would do whatever it took to reach his goals. He says that patience never came naturally to him, but farming taught him this important virtue. Since he was just starting out, he decided to rescue two cattle to get things moving.

The mustache farmer finally reunites with his favorite animal

“I came back to the area where I grew up, talked to my parents and got the cows, Emma and Dagi, in the beginning, and this really changed my life completely.” Joar says. “It changed its direction, I would say.”

He named them Emma and Dagi, and says “this step was the best thing that could ever happen to me.” Emma is a Tyrolean Grey from an organic farm. Dagi is a White Galloway, which are originally from Scotland. Dagi is the short name of Dagros, which almost every cow in Norway is named (and Joar is Norwegian).

Since he bought the farm, he enjoys each day communing with nature and his animals. He has many moments of bliss since he’s left the city live and embraced his heart’s true calling. After getting off work, he looks forward to changing into his farm clothes and caring for the cows. He enjoys the smell of the stable, seeing hundreds of birds fly overhead, and discovering new plants or animals.

His two cows have very different personalities, but he loves them both just the same. On his website, he says they “are such beautiful animals that deserve to be met at eye level.” By becoming a farmer, he’s learned a lot about himself in a short time, both professionally and personally.

Not only does having a farm reconnect you to nature, but cuddling with the farm animals does wonders for the nervous system! Joar highly recommends it for anyone suffering from stress or anxiety. Joar says he often gets asked whether farm life is as beautiful as he imagined it being. He says, “No, it is not. It is more beautiful.”

Joar falls in love with farm life and starts a new venture

On his website, he goes on to say that the nature, animals and experiences continue to impress him. He learns patience, attentiveness, and sees things from new perspectives each day. Sometimes, he feels totally in awe of what life in nature has given him, mentally and spiritually.

He calls himself a cow whisperer, as it seems so easy for him to communicate and connect with the beautiful animals. He thoroughly enjoys the farm community both online and in real life. He’s made friends with cow farmers all over the globe, and continues to be inspired by the lifestyle. Joar is thankful for the opportunities, inspiration, and connection he’s received from social media.

“Now in the meantime I founded a farm animal sanctuary together with friends on a lovely farm in my old home area. There we now have 7 cows, 1 pony, 2 pigs, 1 dog, 4 rabbits 10 chickens and 2 baby deers.”

He founded the animal sanctuary in a beautiful area of Germany called ‘Odenwald’ back in May 2020. There, he and his friends offer the animals a place to live without asking anything of them in return. They lovingly care for the animals according to their specific needs and with the resources they have available.

Joar says he loves to share his life with people on social media because of the beauty and peace he’s found from it. He went on to say he wishes everyone had a cow at home because this would make the world a better place. We would have to agree with that!

Of course, starting a farm comes with a lot of challenges, but the rewards far outweigh the setbacks. Not only can you grow or produce your own food, but you get to connect with animals and nature. In our modern world, many of us would benefit from embracing a more natural lifestyle.

Final thoughts: being a farmer is hard work, but it can totally change your life

Joar grew up on a farm surrounded by many beautiful animals, but he lost this connection when he moved to the city. However, he always knew he would eventually return and become a cow farmer. Luckily, he got to achieve his dream and now owns a sanctuary for many types of farm animals. People like Joar give us hope and remind us that we can all contribute in some way to a more peaceful world.

“Saving one animal does not change the whole world, but the whole world changes for this one animal.” – Foundation Hof Butenland