Science and the medical community don’t always agree, and such is the case regarding adrenal fatigue. Did you know that millions of Americans are suffering from disabling fatigue, depression, anxiety, carbohydrate cravings, and brain fog, due to adrenal fatigue? Unfortunately, their cries for help are falling on deaf ears?

Although the medical community does not recognize their problem, it’s gaining more attention as Eastern Medicine is treating people with excellent results.

What is Adrenal Fatigue?

Though there is no clinical diagnosis for adrenal fatigue, it’s used to describe a myriad of symptoms for which there is no other medical explanation. Though it’s considered alternative medicine, most physicians and those within the medical community deny its existence. Before you can truly understand this condition, you must understand the adrenal glands and their role in the body.

The adrenal glands produce hormones that are necessary for your survival. When a person suffers from an insufficiency of the hormones they provide, the medical world calls it Addison’s disease. However, the adrenals can be sluggish and not producing enough of these vital hormones. These people might not have the clinical definition of Addison’s disease, yet at this stage, the “fatigue” of the adrenals comes into play.

Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue

•Widespread Pain and General Aches
•Mysterious Weight Loss
•Dizziness/Feeling Faint
•Alopecia Areata

Diagnosing Adrenal Fatigue

There are a couple of different ways that adrenal fatigue can be diagnosed. First, the hallmark testing procedure is the blood test. It will detect hormone levels to identify how well the adrenal glands are working.

The second test used is called a stimulation examination. It too can show lackluster levels that could be contributing to symptoms. The number one cause of this condition is chronic stress.

The theory behind this insufficiency is that when the body is in a state of angst, cortisol is released in abundant amounts. The body goes into fight-or-flight mode, and it quickly depletes this vital hormone. The body is unable to make adequate amounts of the hormones needed, so even the smallest decline in these levels can send someone into a tailspin.

The Ongoing Debate

Why does the medical community fight the diagnosis of adrenal fatigue? Well, two things bother them. First, there is no real proof that stress can cause the adrenal hormones to be off, so according to them, there is no concrete evidence. Second, they can’t prove that this imbalance that occurs is the reason a person is feeling malaise and other fatigue-related symptoms.

What can be proved is that the body is full of hormones that control many functions. Numerous studies have used imaging to verify that a brain under duress looks totally different than one that is not. When a person is under stress, the adrenal glands are stimulated. These glands are responsible for making cortisol and adrenaline.

Take, for instance, a person with panic disorder. When their body feels under attack, the cortisol levels increase, causing a fight-or-flight response. So if the body can overproduce this hormone, why can’t a person feel sluggish when there is not enough of the hormone being made?

When the hormone levels rise to uncomfortable ranges, the body feels panic, anxiety, and other mental health symptoms. Is it so unreasonable to think that low levels cannot affect the body negatively also?

How To Tell If You Have Sluggish Adrenal Glands

If you are tired and run down all the time, you shouldn’t automatically assume that you have an adrenal issue. There are hundreds of medical diagnoses that can affect a person’s energy levels. Even a common cold can put you down for a few days.

The real issue with a sluggish adrenal gland is that it’s an ongoing problem. It’s not something that sleep resolves or medication can help. It’s a chronic condition that won’t go away.

The first place you need to go is to your doctor. They will need to do a series of tests to rule out other issues. If there is nothing else that is standing out as a possible cause, then it’s advantageous to explore adrenal deficiency.

Now, remember that your local family doctor is probably not going to go in this direction or encourage you to research this “holistic” diagnosis. However, thousands of people have found that by stimulating their adrenal glands, they have changed their lives. Find a person that practices in alternative medicine, and they can help you with this medical issue.

Don’t be too disappointed when the medical community doesn’t side with you. It wasn’t too long ago that conditions like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia were considered “made-up” illness also. Now, they are deemed auto-immune conditions and official diagnoses given by doctors across the world.

Treating Your Adrenals

There are many ways that you can reverse adrenal fatigue. First and foremost, you must change what you eat. Your diet has everything to do with your whole-body health. If you eat foods high in sugar, carbohydrates, sodium, and cholesterol, then you are asking for trouble. A plant-based diet is always best, though it’s difficult to do.

90-Day Diet Reset

You can boost your adrenals when you do a 90-day rehab on your diet. Think of food as the equivalent of medication. Gluten is one of the biggest components of adrenal fatigue, so cut out gluten and switch to a gluten-free diet.

Isn’t it ironic that those that have Celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and other digestive issues almost always have sluggish adrenals? A 90-day plan will give you more energy as well as improve your sleep. You will feel so much better in such a short period. You may want to stay on this path indefinitely.

Consume Proteins Packed With Nutrients

You may need to branch outside your comfort zone and consume things that you wouldn’t normally. Oysters are a big component of healing sluggish adrenals. They are so full of nutrients, and the copper and zinc content will help your body to combat stress. No wonder they are dubbed the super-food of the sea.

Fill Up On Organ Meats

Your grandmother probably made big plates of liver and onions, and you may or may not have turned your nose up. It turns out, that plate of food was packed with things your body needs. For instance, the liver has amazing minerals that are known to beat fatigue. They have zinc, Vitamins B and D, and we cannot forget the massive amount of choline that is in each bite. It is a powerhouse meat that you need in your diet.

Go Green

You already know that eating leafy greens are great for your body, but you need to branch out beyond broccoli and lettuce. Try adding Swiss chard, asparagus, and avocados to your daily regimen. These foods can help to boost neurotransmitter production, and they are packed full of vitamins and minerals.

Adrenal Fatigue recovery - veggies

Swiss chard, for instance, is full of magnesium. This vital mineral is known for giving you instant calm. Taking a magnesium supplement might help you to combat the feelings of fatigue and boost your mental health too.

Fatty Fish for The Win

You’ve probably heard a great deal about Omega 3s. Fatty fish, like salmon and mackerel, are packed full of these minerals. You don’t need to consume fish oil pills if you simply consume these fish at least two or three times a week. Talk about an instant boost for your adrenals! Plus, they help reduce inflammation in the body drastically.

Learn the Power of the Word “No”

More than one million Americans are dealing with chronic stress. The biggest part of the problem is that you can’t say no. You are overcommitting yourself to things that you cannot possibly do with your already hectic schedule.

Learn your limits, and know when to say no. Don’t be fearful of hurting someone’s feelings. You must set healthy boundaries to protect your health. Part of the healing process is changing your eating habits, but the other part of the road to recovery is learning a new way to manage stress.

You need adequate sleep, lower stress levels, and the ability to calm yourself no matter what’s going on around you. These are the best ways to boost your adrenals.

The Road to Recovery

It’s important to start this journey with knowledge. Know where your adrenal levels are before you begin, and monitor your hormone levels throughout the process. If things are not working, then you need to change your strategy.

You should start to feel better as you change your diet and lifestyle. It’s also essential to work with someone knowledgeable regarding this condition. Alternative medication is receptive to this diagnosis while your family doctor probably won’t be. Know your body and do what’s best for you.