Glowing skin is the look celebrities bring to the red carpet. It’s a major component of healthy-looking skin. When you see someone with a radiant complexion, you wish you knew their skincare secrets. Your skin gets a good workout from day to day. Things like stress, aging, sleeplessness, and unhealthy foods rob your skin of its glow. Fortunately, it’s possible to transform your skin back to its natural glow with these cleansing and hydration procedures.

Your skin is your body’s first layer of protection against the outside world. It’s an indicator of your health. It’s important to care for your skin to keep it in good shape. Your skin protects you by

  • Creating a barrier against bacteria and other environmentally dangerous things
  • Alerts you to a health problem-A rash or itchy areas could be signs of a virus or infection. For example, one of the key signs of lupus, an inflammatory disease where your immune system attacks your own tissues, is a butterfly-shaped rash.
  • Prevents loss of moisture
  • Protects you from UV radiation
  • Sensory organ for touch and tells you the temperature

Dermatologists Explain Five Tips That Help You Have Glowing Skin

Here are five tips from dermatologists to help you get rid of your dull, drab skin and replace it with glowing skin you love.

glowing skin

1 – Apply sunscreen every day

You’ve heard it before. Multiple dermatological researchers warn that wearing SPF sunscreen keeps your skin healthy and free from sun damage. If you want glowing skin, wear sunscreen. Most of the wrinkles and sunspots on your face, arms, and neck come from UVA rays from the sun. Wear it every day all year round. Pick a broad-spectrum sunscreen that protects against UVA rays and UVB rays.

2 – Cleanse and moisturize your face to maintain ideal hydration

If you want glowing skin, be sure to clean and moisturize every day. Cleansing your face removes dirt, oil build-up, and pollution that can clog your pores, making your skin look dull. Wash your face in the morning and evening. Use a mild cleanser and apply using your fingers, working from the inside of your face outwards to stimulate the blood flow to your face. Rinse with cool water.

After you dry your face immediately apply a layer of moisturizer. Hydration is key for radiant-looking skin. Choose a daytime moisturizer from the Batanabio store. Many of these not only moisten but brighten your skin. Make your skin glow. Some of the best moisturizers contain vitamin C. Retinol is good for removing fine lines and dullness from your skin. Dermatologists often recommend a retinol night cream. It has good anti-inflammatory properties, which remove signs of aging.

3 – Exercise

Exercise stimulates your blood flow, which enhances the appearance of your skin. It’s a great stress reliever and boosts your entire body’s functions. When you exercise outdoors, you get fresh air and sunshine, which gives you extra vitamin D. Always wear sunscreen. Some of the best exercises you can do outside include:

  • Biking
  • Brisk walking
  • Running
  • Swimming
  • Soccer
  • Basketball
  • Golfing

One study found that exercising increases skin hydration. Researchers say that it actually prevents dry skin. So besides drinking lots of water to maintain internal hydration, don’t forget to exercise for glowing skin.

4 – Take vitamins C and D

Even though you get some vitamin D from the sun, most people don’t get an adequate amount of daily vitamin D. This vitamin has anti-inflammatory properties that promote healthy, luminous skin.

Vitamin D-rich foods:

Take a vitamin D supplement every day to boost your levels. Be sure to consume foods high in vitamin D, including:

  • Sardines
  • Salmon
  • Cod liver oil
  • Swordfish
  • Tuna
  • Orange juice with vitamin D
  • Dairy products
  • Beef liver

Vitamin C-rich foods:

There are also lots of benefits to taking vitamin C for healthier-looking skin. This vitamin fights free radicals that damage your skin. It aids collagen production and can trigger your skin to heal itself. Collagen is what maintains your skin’s tone, suppleness, and elasticity. Vitamin C also brightens your skin by blocking harmful enzymes that lead to dark spots on your face, arms, and neck. Consume foods high in vitamin C, including these:

  • Tomatoes
  • Potatoes
  • Strawberries
  • Bell peppers
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Brussel sprouts
  • Oranges
  • Kiwi
  • Lemons
  • Grapefruit

5 – Exfoliate

Last, but not least, you need to exfoliate to get the glowing skin you want. This is the step many people skip in their skincare routine. Your skin pores are tiny, but they get larger as you age. Exfoliating is a deep clean for your pores removing the following:

  • Dirt
  • Oil build-up
  • Dead cells
  • Keratin that lives on the surface of your skin

When you exfoliate, you remove the buildup, causing your pores to look smaller. You should exfoliate at least two times a week. Choose an exfoliant that contains beta-hydroxy (BHA). This is a mild acid. It chemically removes dead skin cells and other gunk from your pores.


Unusual things you can do to make your skin glow

Of course, someone always wants to go the extra mile to get that natural glow. So, here are some unusual things you can try for healthy, glowing skin. Don’t say we didn’t warn you; they are unusual.

Crushed acorns for glowing skin

You might need to fight the squirrels in your backyard for this skin treatment. According to some aestheticians, crushed acorns or walnuts mixed with coconut oil are a great exfoliant for your skin. Use it on your hands and feet. As you scrub, it increases your circulation and leaves your rough skin looking soft and subtle. Crushed acorns may be too rough to use on your face or neck.

Bee venom mask

It sounds painful, but it’s really not. Bee venom has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-wrinkling properties. It acts like a natural Botox, relaxing your facial muscles and sending blood to your skin’s surface. Of course, you don’t need to get stung by a bee to experience these benefits. Look for skin products that contain purified bee venom.

If you are allergic to bee stings, don’t use these products.

Pumpkin for glowing skin

It’s not just for jack-o’-lanterns and pies, when you eat pumpkin, you’re giving your skin a boost. Pumpkins are full of minerals and vitamins such as vitamin C, B, and E. It also has beta-carotene, which gives it its rich orange hue. You can also use it on your face mixed with creams or masks.


Plain aspirin contains acetylsalicylic acid. It exfoliates dead skin cells from your skin. Crush up five aspirins and mix with ¼ cup of distilled water. Stir this paste and apply it to your face. Let it sit for ten to fifteen minutes, then rinse with cool water. Say hello to clear, glowing skin.


It sounds disgusting, but sweat is good for your skin. It hydrates and cleanses. Sweating purges your skin of impurities, even bacteria such as E.coli and staphylococcus aureus, because it acts like a natural biotic called Dermcidin. Of course, please don’t leave the sweat on your face too long because it’ll clog your pores. Try washing your face at least 30 to 45 minutes after exercising.

Goat’s milk

This skin care beauty habit goes back centuries. In ancient times, people bathed in goat’s milk to clean and hydrate their skin. Goat’s milk contains alpha-hydroxy and caprylic acids, which exfoliate dead skin cells like a skin peel at the spa. If you want glowing skin, get some fresh goat’s milk and try it on your face.

Use your knuckles to apply moisturizer (light massage and hydration for glowing skin)

When you apply moisturizer to your face, use your fingers instead of your knuckles to rub it into your skin. Using your knuckles in a circular motion increases the blood flow to your face, giving your face a natural glowing radiance.

However, avoid the delicate skin around the eye area as you apply this gentle pressure.

Put your face in an ice bath

Plunging your face in ice may not sound like fun, but it’s a trend with celebrities right now who swear that it reduces puffiness and tones their skin. It’s called facial icing. The coldness of the ice reduces inflammation and stimulates blood flow to your face. Follow these tips for facial icing:

  • Washing your face before you ice
  • Use clean, crushed ice, and don’t reuse any ice
  • Put a washcloth over your face before you put the ice on your face. This protects it.
  • Don’t leave your face on ice too long, it can cause ice burns on your skin.
  • When you remove the ice, wipe your face with a dry towel.
  • End with applying your favorite serum and moisturizer to lock in hydration.

glowing skin

Final thoughts on having the glowing skin you want

Glowing skin is a sign of health and beauty. Dull, dry, scaly skin is not only unbecoming but ages you. Radiant skin doesn’t just happen. Proper cleansing, hydration, and weekly exfoliating are key ways to attain the radiant skin you want. Try these five tips recommended by dermatologists so you can fall in love with your healthy-looking skin again.