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We cover articles on an array of topics because our audience has very different interests and personal beliefs. We want to help you connect with your lifestyle habits to the total well-being of your life physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. We believe that fostering a positive attitude and living a happy life is more than just changing your thoughts; it’s changing the way you live.
We source news and health articles from high integrity sources: peer-reviewed journals, academic associations, peer-reviewed studies, medical associations, leading health and news organizations, and/or advice from experts in their field.
All Power of Positivity Health & News articles adhere to the following standards:
Each article must be heavily researched and deeply explained and referenced with a minimum of 800 words, preferred 1500+ words.
All studies and statistics used in an article must link to the original source. The statistics presented must be explained in detail why it is relevant.
All sources must be from reputable and relevant peer-reviewed journals, academic associations, or experts in their field, with a minimum of 2 links per article and a preference of 4 or 5.
Content is updated as new studies, and the latest information is updated as the information becomes available and as frequently as we can.
When a reader alerts us of a potential issue with our content – such as inaccurate, outdated or contradictory information – our content team researches and updates accordingly.
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