The image of a hopeless romantic has been portrayed on the big screen and in books as a starry-eyed idealist, either romanticized or painted as a fool. Goalcast published the results of a study from the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships related to romanticism and how it impacts relationships. A study of 270 young couples found that those with higher expectations were more likely to view their partners as a good match.

Hopeless romantic tips from this type of person would include never giving up on true love. Finding “the one” is what they want. They won’t settle for less.

Below are some reasons why being a hopeless romantic is a good thing.

1. People who fall in this category are positive and resilient.

Everybody knows people who fall to pieces when a love affair goes wrong, swearing off relationships forever. This is the opposite of what you can expect from a romantic. While they still feel the terrible pain that coincides with a breakup, they do not give up.

What is so amazing about a romantic is that they continue on their quest for love with as much optimism as before the breakup. There is nothing more important to them than fulfilling this most basic need. If ever there was a glass-is-half-full type of person, hopeless romantics fit the bill.

2. They are not superficial friends or lovers.

Romantic people are willing to “fight the good fight” and stand by your side as a helpful and understanding companion. They really listen to what you have to say and give good advice from a healthy and positive place. As problem-solvers by nature, they are a good person to rely on when you need to talk.

Since they truly care for people, they will consider your concerns as important as their own. They are loyal people to have in your corner.

3. Romantics are able to look past superficial distractions to find meaningful love.

While too many people get wrapped up in the image of a person they date, a hopeless romantic wants so much more. They can be honest about the type of person they want inside and out with a focus on character, personality and values. They aren’t into meaningless flings. One-night stands and hookups are not on their agenda.

4. A romantic will make you a better person if you let them into your life.

True love means believing in the best in another person. A hopeless romantic will expect the best from their partner. They will never give up on them. They see all their partner’s potential and will be encouraging and understanding through the ups and downs of life like no other partner.

5. Romantics are not hard to please.

While a romantic has high standards and knows exactly what they want, once they get it, they are easy to please. The little things mean a lot. These people don’t need to be impressed. Hopeless romantic tips about how to win them over have little to do with money and big gestures designed for seduction purposes.

They know true love can’t be purchased. Noticing that she is wearing a new perfume will be appreciated. Noticing that he’s been working out will be appreciated, too. That’s why romantics are so easy to please.

6. Hopeless romantics are very honest about their feelings.

People who play games make for a frustrating and emotional roller coaster. A hopeless romantic is honest about their feelings and is happy to tell you how much they care. You will always know where you stand with your romantic partner. Anyone who has ever been manipulated or taken for granted can rest assured that this is not something they have to worry about with a romantic partner.

7. Hopeless romantics believe commitment is very romantic.

Romantics are in it for the long haul. When they see an old couple walking hand in hand, they see success. That’s what they want. When a true romantic falls in love with you, they want it to last. They believe in forever in a world where few people really believe in love that lasts ’til death do us part.

Old-fashioned romantics believe in honor. They want nothing more than to relax in the knowing that they are in a “forever” relationship. They plan their life with the person they love.


hopeless romantic has a lot to offer a partner. In a world where true love has been reduced to sex on demand via a number of apps, a romantic will have your back. They will fulfill all your wildest dreams with a commitment that can leave a person feverish with the strength of their undying devotion.

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