Do you feel sluggish and like you can barely drag yourself out of bed? Did you know that more than 36 percent of the American population complains from feeling tired all the time? There are many reasons you may feel like it’s all you can do to put one foot in front of others.

The good news is that many of the things that cause this sluggish feeling can easily be cured. Here are the most common reasons why you have no energy.

Ten Reasons Why You Feel Sluggish

Here are the ten most common reasons why you have no energy.

1. Stress

Tension related fatigue or emotional exhaustion causes you to feel drained and worn out. It can be a combination of strain in both your personal and professional life. Being stressed-out is a sign that you are experiencing burnout.

If you’re experiencing tension-related fatigue, you may feel like you have no control over your life. It’s not uncommon to feel trapped or stuck in a horrible situation. You may feel a lack of energy, not get adequate sleep, and your motivation will diminish.

When you stay in this stressed-out state, it can cause long term problems with your health. Having long-term strain may make you so overwhelmed and exhausted that you can barely get through a day at work.

The Fix:

The way to combat this tension is to change the environment. If your job is too stressful, then find another one. Even if you make less money, it’s worth the sacrifice to have less on your plate.

If you find that you’re in a situation that you cannot escape, you must learn effective coping skills. Coping skills such as meditation, rhythmic breathing, and exercise can help relieve emotional exhaustion.

2. Sleeplessness

Do you clock watch for hours and hope that you will soon drift off into dreamland? There are many reasons why you might not be able to sleep. However, sleeplessness can be a primary cause of why you feel sluggish the next day.

You could have a sleep disorder that is causing you to have disturbed rest. You may also have issues like sleep apnea that are disrupting your sleep. If you find that the stain from your job and life seems too much, then your angst may be why you can’t rest.

The Fix:

Talk to your doctor about your sleepless nights. A sleep study to observe what’s going on with you may be necessary. During a sleep study, they can see if you have a condition like sleep apnea.

If your mental load causes the problem, then try taking an all-natural herb like melatonin to help you rest.

3. Sluggish Gut Microbiome

Did you know that a significant part of your immune system is in your body’s bacteria, also called your microbiome? One of the most critical factors of your bacteria is it aids in digestion. It sounds crazy but did you know that your gut microbiome helps you maintain your weight too?

You’ve probably heard the term leaky gut as it’s become a common issue. The connection with your brain and gut is becoming more a topic of conversation these days. The fact that your digestive system has the power to influence chemicals in your mind is remarkable.

When your gut microbiome is out of balance, it can cause all sorts of issues in your body. One of the main problems it causes is brain fog and exhaustion. The number one contributor to this issue is high sugar, carbohydrates, and processed foods.

The Fix:

To fix poor gut health, you must start with a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Additionally, adding an excellent probiotic to the mix can help to balance the gut flora. It’s not a problem that will fix itself overnight, but it can be resolved with healthy living.

4. Auto-Immune Disease

Many autoimmune diseases are commonplace today. The most commonly diagnosed are:


•Rheumatoid Arthritis


•Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

•Grave’s Disease

•Crohn’s Disease

•Multiple Sclerosis

•Polymyalgia Rheumatica




•Sjögren’s Syndrome



An auto-immune disorder causes the body to attack itself. The symptoms vary from each condition, but a few hallmark signs are common across the board. Being exhausted and having sluggish behavior is often commonplace in many of these conditions.

The Fix:

While there is no cure for any of these conditions, treatment options can minimize the symptoms. As in celiac disease, eating the right foods and avoiding those that cause inflammation can bring relief.

5. Vitamin Deficiency

Vitamin deficiency can specifically cause problems within your body. Vitamin B12 is known for the energy it provides. It’s prevalent for you to become deficient in this vitamin if you have diabetes or don’t eat red meat.

Another vitamin that many people are deficient in these days is vitamin D. Since many people spend most of their lives indoors, the lack of sunshine can be a real problem for a body that needs the vitamins it provides. Vitamin D is also found in dairy foods.

The Fix:

You can take supplements to get both your vitamin D and B12 levels up. You can also achieve this by eating the right foods and getting plenty of sunshine.

6. Poor Diet

One of the reasons you might feel so sluggish is because you’re eating the wrong things. If you are grabbing a burger and fries on the way home from work, you’re causing significant issues inside your body. You were not meant to process all that fat and carbohydrates.

When you’re eating too many convenience foods and the only vegetables you get in a pickle and onions on your burger, you will feel it in your lack of energy.

The Fix:

Stop eating fast food and processed junk that has no nutritional value. You need grains, fruits, and vegetables, as well as sources of protein.

7. Thyroid Issues

Your thyroid is a butterfly gland that’s in your neck. It’s responsible for regulating many of your body’s functions, including your heart. When your thyroid levels are too low or too high, it can cause your system to be out of whack.

A simple blood test can confirm if your thyroid is hyper or hypo and if you need to treat it with supplements. Sometimes, this gland can swell and cause goiter or even cancer. Your thyroid is nothing to mess around with, either.

It can cause you to feel tired, have heat or cold sensitivity issues, and gain or lose too much weight.

The Fix:

If you suspect you have a thyroid problem, or if it’s a genetic issue, have your doctor do some blood tests. A poorly functioning thyroid can be supplemented with a synthetic hormone.

8. Bacterial and Viral Infections

Though most bacterial or viral infections make themselves known, you could have some that lurk inside, causing issues you’re not aware of. One of these infections occurs in your gut, and it’s called helicobacter pylori.

You might never become sick from it, but the bacteria can cause you to develop peptic ulcers. Other infections like a urinary tract infection can also cause you to drag and feel like you’re running on empty.

The Fix:

If you’re having issues with bacteria in your body, like chronic UTIs, you need to take herbal or prescription medications to combat them. Once the infection is cleared, then you will be able to regain your energy.

9. Depression and Anxiety

A chemical imbalance in the brain causes depression and anxiety. One of the hallmarks of depression is that it can make you so tired that doing simple things like taking a shower may seem like a task too great.

The combination of the two can ruin your life. You must recognize that you have a mental health problem and get help.

The Fix:

Talk to your doctor about an ongoing issue with depression and anxiety. Both herbal and prescription treatments can help. Additionally, exercise is known for helping to balance your brain chemicals too.

10. Toting Around Extra Pounds

If you’re overweight, then carrying around all that extra weight can be exhausting. For each pound you gain, your body feels the strain.

It causes your heart and many of your organs to work harder. You will fight problems with diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension.

All it takes is 30 lbs. over your goal weight to make you obese, and many Americans are far beyond that mark. Did you know that just 40 lbs. over your target weight makes you severely obese?

The Fix:

Weight can make you feel exhausted. Losing weight is not always as easy. You need a well-balanced diet and help from a dietician. If you have special dietary needs, it’s better to get a customized eating plan for issues like celiac disease. You should feel an increase in energy when you drop a few pounds.

Final Thoughts on Getting over Feeling Sluggish

By reviewing these ten things that make you feel sluggish, you will see that one common denominator is diet. Even if you have a condition like lupus, eating a plant-based diet can increase your energy, lowering inflammation.

If you’re feeling exhausted and tired all the time, then your daily eating habits are the first place to evaluate. If you’re getting too much sugar and fast food, then it could be the problem. Other issues like insomnia, chronic strain, and mental health problems can also cause you to feel drained.

However, a healthy plant-based diet and making these other healthy changes may prove to increase your energy and keep you from feeling sluggish.