Whether you are actively looking for love or are already in love, we all need a passion-pick-me-up occasionally. It’s unfortunate, but also common that we forget why we need love, or how we fell for one another in the first place. This happens through no fault of our own. The everyday pressures of life tend to force us to put romance on the back burner.

That said, we must never forget how to love. Love is the root of all happiness, and without it, we are all indeed doomed to float through our remaining days as hapless husks of human beings. The following list is a collection of the best love quotes created for those who need a little jump-start in the romance department.

Here are 8 love quotes to make you feel good about love:

1. William Shakespeare – “Love is blind, and lovers cannot see, The pretty follies that themselves commit”

This line from the Merchant of Venice is one of the most honest quotes about love. When we first fall in love, it can be hard to see the forest from the trees. New lovers are very prone to looking past each other’s faults.

2. James Joyce – “First we feel. Then we fall.”

Although quite forward for his generation, the Irishman conveyed some of the most primal feelings of love in his writings. His novels hold some of the most provocative love quotes of all time. This quote is such an honest narration of the feeling of lust before love.

3. Emily Dickinson – “Morning without you is a dwindled dawn.”

If anyone knows how to create love quotes, it’s Emily Dickinson. Her take on love throughout her works is so hopeful and full of wonder. She pin-points young love to a tee.

4. Helen Keller – “The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart.”

When you think of Hellen Keller, you don’t automatically think love quotes. However, this quote by her speaks to the true nature of love. It’s not something that can be bought in a shop or even seen for that matter. Love is a feeling. We can say, “I love you” until we are blue in the face, but if our significant other does not feel your love you are just wasting breath on empty words.

5. Bette Davis – “Pleasure of love lasts but a moment. Pain of love lasts a lifetime.”

The best love quotes teach us something about ourselves. This quote reminds us that even after we are no longer with a person that we were once in love with, we rarely stop loving them altogether. Love is not like a light switch. We cannot just shut it off when a relationship has ended.

6. Jane Austin – “You have bewitched me body and soul, and I love, I love, I LOVE YOU.”

No other author’s writings have transcended time like Jane Austin. Her stories and love quotes have become the basis for modern romance films, TV shows, and novels alike. Austin wrote about slow-burning love stories that completely consumed her characters by the end of their tales.

7. Oscar Wilde – “You don’t love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.”

One of the most authentic love quotes comes from non-other than Oscar Wilde. When we fall in love, we start to forget how our lives were before that person entered it. After years of being together, it gets harder and harder to remember what it was like. When a person fits so seamlessly into our lives it’s as if they were always there just waiting for time to uncover them and reveal them to us.

8. Mahatma Gandhi – “Where there is love there is life.”

This is one of the best love quotes because it depicts love in its purest form. Love is life.
Quotes about love are separated from their original works so that they might lift us up when we are down. They remind us why it is so important to love and to be loved. Love doesn’t judge us on the way that we look or by how much money we have in our bank accounts.
It’s not something you can capture and lock away forever. Love just is, and if you’re lucky enough to have found it, remember these quotes about love and try to emulate them in your own way.