Even if you are a nice person, people may misunderstand you if you send negative vibes. The way you behave plays a big part in how people feel about you, even if your behavior is unintentional. Your negative habits could stop people from approaching you or getting to know you, preventing you from reaching your goals.

There are behaviors that you may not even realize give off negative vibes. Your posture, facial expressions, and eye contact can signal negativity if you don’t find a remedy. It can affect your career and relationships and prevent you from meeting new people or finding new opportunities.

If you think that you might be accidentally signaling negative vibes, you can make a change. Being in control of your vibes is important if you want to succeed and be heard. All that you have to learn which habits are giving negative vibes and then stop those habits.

This doesn’t mean you should put what others think above your desires or needs. Instead, it means you should only change your habits that cause negative energy.

Fourteen Habits to Change if You Accidentally Send Negative Vibes

Read about these habits so that you can work on making a positive change or two. You will be pleasantly surprised at how others begin to respond to you.

1. Looking Everywhere Except at the Speaker or Avoiding Eye Contact

If you look at everything else around you while speaking, you are letting off negative vibes. Likewise, if someone is trying to make eye contact with you and you keep looking away, it’s a bad sign.

These behaviors cause people to think that you don’t care about them or what they are saying. Sometimes, people will think that you are looking for something better or more enjoyable. No one wants to feel like they aren’t good enough for your attention so that they will move on.

You must be aware of how you are behaving, and make sure to look at others and make eye contact. This allows others to connect with you and feel like you are trustworthy.

2. Fidgeting

While fidgeting may seem harmless, it is one of the habits that give negative energy. Continually tapping, jiggling, wiggling, or bouncing your knees is not only annoying, but it can make others think that something is off.

This habit can make you seem self-conscious, nervous, and unempowered. People tend to avoid others who are like this, so it could be causing people to stay away from you.

3. Being Distracted or Seeming Like You Aren’t Present

One massive behavior that sends negative signals is seeming distracted. If you aren’t giving people your attention, they will feel disconnected from you. Avoid constantly checking your phone when you are in the presence of others to prevent sending negative signals.

Being distracted by other things tells people that they aren’t important to you. Even thinking of all the other things that you have to do later can cause negativity. Focus on being in the moment so that you don’t seem disinterested or disengaged.

4. Slouching

Slouching around is comfortable sometimes, but you should avoid it in social or professional situations. When you slouch, it gives off vibes that you lack confidence or are tired or insecure. None of those vibes are ones that you want to give, so try improving your posture.

Sit up straight or stand tall, and keep your neck extended and your shoulders back. You will feel more confident and give off positive vibes instead of negative ones.

5. Crossing Your Arms or Facing Your Body Away

Crossing your arms may not seem like a big deal, but it makes you seem closed off. Sometimes, it might even make you appear angry or defensive.

Plus, crossing your arms can make you seem insecure or scared. No matter how people portray this behavior, it is always in a negative way. Try to avoid it and do something different with your hands and arms, instead.

The way you point your body is another sign to others about how you are feeling. If you face your body away from them and point your feet away, you send negative energy.

The direction your body is facing will tell others whether you want to talk to them or not. Make sure you are sending the right message instead of pushing people you like away.

6. Repeated Sighing, Scowling, or Frowning

When you keep sighing when you’re with other people, it sends negative signals. It will make it seem like you are angry, upset, or anxious. Repeated sighing will also make people think that you don’t like them or what they are saying.

If you scowl while you concentrate, this might be a habit you want to break. People don’t like to be around those who never smile or are always scowling. It sends a message that you want others to stay away from you.

Avoid making people feel like they aren’t valued by stopping these harmful habits. You may not realize that you are sighing or scowling often, so make sure to pay attention and correct it.

7. Messing with Your Clothes or Doodling

Continually messing with your clothes tells people that you are uncomfortable, insecure, or anxious. This behavior will make it seem like you want to be anywhere else.

Likewise, doodling can give the same impression that you’d rather be somewhere else. It creates the illusion that you are bored and disinterested in those around you.

8. Not Listening to Others or Ignoring Messages

When other people are talking to you, it is rude to ignore them. Even still, it happens all the time, and many of those who do it don’t realize that they are. Ensure you are fully engaged when people talk to you and try not to let your mind wander.

Ignoring messages or emails falls into this category, as well. It is still rude to ignore people who have sent a message, even if they aren’t there in person. The other people will feel like you were dismissing them and disinterested in communication.

9. Bad Grooming Habits

When you look messy, people assume that you are not in a good place mentally. The way you dress and take care of yourself tell people so much about you. It sends nonverbal messages to those who don’t know you and gives those who do know you a clue about your mindset.

Take care of yourself all of the time, and keep yourself looking presentable. This will send positive vibes, and you can then attract positivity.

10. Your Space is a Mess

When your home or office space is disorganized and cluttered, people will get negative vibes from you. They will begin to think that you won’t be dependable or able to stick to a schedule. It seems crazy that this conclusion is made based on your physical space, but it happens often.

11. Being Too Sarcastic

While there is nothing wrong with some sarcasm in your life, too much of it is a bad thing. Sarcasm can make people feel like you are mocking or making fun of them, even if you say that isn’t your intention. It can make things tense and uncomfortable, too, which could make other people avoid you.

12. Not Expressing Your Emotions

Sometimes you might hide your emotions so that you can be polite or keep things comfortable. Hiding your emotions causes negative vibes, though, because it doesn’t give others a chance to know you. People must pick up on your emotional cues, or they could think you are angry or upset when you aren’t.

To avoid this problem, express your emotions no matter what. You don’t have to go overboard, but say what is on your mind or speak up when you become upset. This lets people get to know the real you so that they will feel more comfortable.

13. Being Overly Shy

You can’t always control if you are shy or not, but you can control how you let it affect you. If you allow your shyness to stand in the way in social situations, it will push people away. People may think that you are angry or disinterested when that isn’t the case at all.

Even when you are feeling shy, put yourself out there. Smile at others, wave at people, and engage in conversation.

14. Saying ‘Sorry’ too Much

When you apologize too often, it can signal negative vibes. It could make you seem insecure or unsure of what you are saying, and it takes power away from your words. Try to avoid apologizing for every little thing and save the phrase for when it is necessary.

Final Thoughts on Identifying the Habits to Change to Stop Sending Negative Vibes

You likely don’t want to send negative vibes, but some of your habits could be causing you to do so. Don’t let your behavior give unintentional vibes, or it could impact your relationships, career, and other parts of your life.

Pay attention to your behaviors and work on changing some of your habits. When you do, you will likely notice that people come around and talk to you more often.