Today, most of us are strapped for time and looking for cheap and effective ways to boost our energy quickly. Our brain fog makes us have to sift through more stimuli than in the past. Unfortunately, this process can deplete our mental stamina in no time.

Exhaustion plagues so many of us, and it can feel like a never-ending battle sometimes. We’re all trying to find the answers to how we can thrive instead of just survive. How can we stop feeling burnt out and have more mental stamina to take care of responsibilities?

Manufacturers sell everything from pills to powders to energy drinks that claim to boost energy levels. However, most of these “remedies” have two ingredients in common: caffeine and sugar. If you get an energy boost, it’s likely due to those ingredients since they raise cortisol levels but leave you with a crash. With so many unhealthy products out there, how can we discern the good from the bad?

We’ll go over some natural ways to reduce brain fog and boost mental stamina below.

Ten Ways to Boost Your Mental Stamina and Remove Brain Fog Naturally

1 – Meditate

Researchers believe that mood disorders like anxiety and depression could connect with vagus nerve function. This is a cranial nerve that runs from the brain to the heart, lungs and digestive tract, helping to regulate their function. Researchers studying the vagus nerve and its connection to mood believe that ‘understanding the neurobiology of emotional regulation and dysregulation’ during these emotional states will lead to breakthroughs in treatment for mental illness. 

Stimulating the vagus nerve can help us boost mental stamina by reducing unwanted mental states such as anxiety. Researchers discovered that a type of meditation called the ‘Loving Kindness Meditation’ helped reduce heart rate variability. Along with the meditation, experiencing more positive emotions and positively connecting with others helped to improve the functioning of the vagus nerve. 

2 – Don’t work too much

Work demands so much energy from us since it takes up the majority of our time. If you can, try starting your own business where you have more control over your hours, or perhaps ask your boss if you can work from home a couple of days a week. Having more flexibility in your schedule will allow you to reduce brain fog since you won’t have to think about work as much.

Work can quickly drain mental energy, and meditation, in combination with setting boundaries, can help tremendously with stress. 

3 – Exercise more

Exercise offers so many benefits to our mind and body, especially when combined with healthy eating practices. For one, it increases endorphins, which are feel-good hormones released when the body needs a quick burst of energy to perform a task. Endorphins provide the body with a natural high. 

Furthermore, exercise helps you sleep better, which will reduce your brain fog and increase energy. A study published in April 2015 in the Journal of Sleep Research studied people with insomnia who did moderate-intensity workouts for at least 150 minutes each week. Researchers discovered that participants had less severe insomnia symptoms as well as better moods when they exercised.

Exercise can also increase focus and eliminate “brain fog.” According to a study of older adults published in April 2016 in Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, a 24 workout program containing moderate-intensity aerobic exercise improved concentration and focus.

Exercise can also eliminate depression and anxiety symptoms, which will improve your energy since your mind won’t be running on overdrive. 

4 – Get blood sugar under control

Diabetes and high blood sugar can later lead to neurodegenerative disorders such as dementia. By eating healthy, abstaining from added sugars, exercising, and maintaining a healthy weight, you can get your blood sugar under control, which will improve energy levels.

5 – Don’t sleep as much

In a chronically sleep-deprived society, this might seem like bad advice, but hear us out. Most people spend a long time in bed, but a good portion of that time isn’t spent sleeping. This confuses the body and causes the circadian rhythm to get out of whack. To figure out how much sleep you need, sleep experts advise you to restrict your sleep until your body resets itself. 

Here’s some advice on how to get started:

  • Avoid daytime naps.
  • Start with four hours of sleep and add to it as needed.
  • If you slept well during those four hours, add 15-30 minutes each night until you wake up the next day fully rested.
  • If you wake up during the night, don’t just lie in bed and suffer through it. Instead, get up and do something to make you sleepy, such as reading a book or drinking tea.

6 –  Eat healthier foods

Avoid eating a lot of processed foods, because these have very few nutrients but are high in calories. This means your body will use that energy quickly but still feel deprived despite the intake of calories. Eat mostly whole foods such as grains, fruits, vegetables, avocados, nuts, seeds, fatty fish such as salmon, and low-fat dairy. Eating small meals plus snacks throughout the day will keep your blood sugar stable and help you avoid cravings.

7 – Get off technology.

Research shows that heavy technology use, especially at night, can interrupt your sleeping cycles. This can lead to insomnia and other sleep disorders. The use of technology at all hours of the day confuses our bodies, as we are still wired for light only during the daytime. However, many people still use their phones right before bed, and some even wake during the night to check notifications! 

To get the best sleep possible, and have more energy, try to limit your technology use at night. Put your phone in another room if you have to so you won’t feel tempted to check notifications. Turn off the TV and computer at night as well. 

Technology also links to conditions such as depression, anxiety, fatigue, eye strain, neck pain, and memory problems. We walk around with our cell phones practically glued to our hands, which has proven to be detrimental to our quality of life. Try only to use your phone when you have to and not just out of habit. You’ll feel more present, and the break from a constant stream of information will eliminate a lot of brain fog. 

8 – Cut out alcohol.

Alcohol is a sedative, so if having more energy is your goal, avoid alcoholic beverages. During nighttime hours is especially when you’ll want to abstain from alcohol, as it can disrupt your sleep cycle by causing insulin levels to spike. If you do drink, limit it to one drink during the daytime.

9 – Drink more water.

So many people suffer from chronic dehydration and don’t even realize it. We’ve replaced water with energy drinks, coffee, and other beverages that only serve to increase our thirst. Water gives you energy by hydrating your cells and helping carry out numerous bodily functions. It’s essential to drink lots of water during the day, so if you have problems getting enough, carry a water bottle with you wherever you go.

10 – Spend plenty of time in nature.

So many people wake up to an alarm in the morning, but nature provides a much better way to get your day started. Nature is one of the most natural energy-boosters. Sunlight and fresh air can do the mind a lot of good, especially if you don’t have a chance to get outside much during the workweek. Even 15 minutes a day in the morning time can help improve your energy levels and reduce brain fog.

Final Thoughts on Ways to Have More Mental Stamina and Fight Brain Fog

Plenty of people struggle with brain fog and reduced energy levels in our fast-paced world. Our brains and bodies are taxed to the max, trying to take care of our worldly responsibilities while also caring for others. However, we can improve our energy levels using the tips listed above. Most importantly, on the list are meditation, getting sunlight, having a restful sleep, eating healthy foods, and reducing stress can fight brain fog. 

Also, limiting technology use will help reduce brain fog since the constant bombardment of advertisements and social media posts can cause overstimulation. In general, you want to maintain a calm, positive demeanor, so reduce anything in your life that evokes the opposite response. Of course, some things are out of your control, such as work and household duties, but mindset training through meditation can improve how you react to those situations. 

We all have come here to learn valuable lessons and correct past karma, so of course, we will face many tribulations. However, knowing how to arm yourself with the best possible knowledge and techniques will significantly aid you in moving forward. We hope these tips will help you boost your energy levels and mental stamina, and provide you with a happy, healthy life that you deserve.