You have likely heard of karma, but you may not be as familiar with the laws of karma. Essentially, the basic idea that when you do something kind for others good things will happen to you and, likewise, if you do cruel things to others or ignore the needs of others, the same feelings will eventually come back to you. Those who believe in karma work hard to bring themselves good karma.

The laws of karma are more complicated than that basic definition, however. In order to truly understand the benefits of the laws of karma, you have to be familiar with them and what they mean. You also have to understand what karma really is and where it comes from.

What Is Karma?

The idea of karma stems from a Buddhist belief of the law of moral causation. Any action, thoughts, or words that were intentional is considered to be used by Karma. In other words, any type of action or thought can bring good or bad karma, depending on the type of action it was.

It is important to mention that any actions that were not intentional are not Karma, because intention is the determining factor. If you believe in Karma, you should know that there are laws of karma that must be followed to avoid attracting bad karma or to rid yourself of it. The actions in your life that affect karma include:

  • How you treat others
  • How you view yourself internally
  • How you use your resources
  • How you develop your character

Creating good karma for yourself not only makes you feel good, but it may also improve your life in all areas. Those who believe in karma believe that it can lead to good things in your career, finances, relationships, and your overall sense of well-being.

12 Laws of Karma That Will Change Your Life


1. The Law of Cause and Effect

Also known as “The Great Law”, The Law of Cause and Effect focuses on the idea that you will only get what you give. For example; be honest, and you will get honesty. Be kind, and you will receive kindness, and if you want love, give love.

This same idea goes for all aspects, both positive and negative.

2. The Law of Creation

You cannot get what you desire without working to get it. It is necessary to go after what you want instead of sitting around waiting for it to happen. Essentially, this law means that when you are not satisfied with your life, you should look inside of yourself to see what needs to be changed.

3. The Law of Humility

The basic idea of the Law of Humility is that you have to accept things before you can change them. This means that blaming others for things that are actually your fault is unacceptable, and it also means that you cannot treat others differently if they disagree with your opinion.

4. The Law of Growth

Wherever you are in the world requires adaptation on your part. You must expect to change yourself before the rest of the world will change, that includes the people who surround you. This can be thought of as growing to embrace your surroundings, hence the Law of Growth.

You have to focus on adapting yourself for the kind of world you want, not trying to change or control those around you. Each person must focus on their own growth.

5. The Law of Responsibility

In order to positively change your life, you have to understand that you are responsible for what is happening in your life. For everything that happens to you, it is a reflection of what is happening inside of you. This law of karma is similar to the Law of Growth because it also means that you should be looking at yourself and not blaming others for what is happening.

6. The Law of Connection

The Law of Connection focuses on the connection between your past, present, and future. With this law, you can release yourself from the curse of bad karma by focusing on controlling your present and future. Each positive thing you do can help relieve the bad karma, plus you can address any specific wrong-doings from the past and make big strides toward eliminating the bad karma from your life.

7. The Law of Focus

By training your mind to focus on only one thought at a time, you are allowing yourself to experience the benefits of this law of Karma. Since our minds are not supposed to follow multiple thoughts at one time, trying to do so can bring you bad karma.

One way to begin training your mind to focus on one thing at a time is to write down all the important goals you have for yourself. Then, you should rank them in order from most important to least important and focus on one thing at a time

If you are trying to focus on all of your goals at one time, you aren’t giving those goals the attention and energy that you should be. One other benefit to this law is that by focusing on the important goals, you aren’t leaving yourself time to focus on the things that don’t matter.

8. The Law of Giving and Hospitality

The things that you believe in should be regularly practiced, and you will be expected to show that you are committed to what you believe in. Your actions should always reflect those beliefs and, if they do, you will experience the benefits of karma.

On the other hand, if you do not practice what you believe you will receive bad karma. When you are receiving bad karma because of the Law of Giving and Hospitality, you need to reflect on your own character and make necessary changes.

9. The Law of Here and Now

You must accept the reality that you are living in, no matter the environment. Focusing on and spending time thinking about your past will mean that you are never truly living in the “here and now”.

The same idea applies to attempting to live in the future. Focusing on your anxiety about the future or focusing your thoughts on acquiring money also means that you aren’t living in the present.

You should instead focus your energy on those who are in your life at the moment, making the most of your financial situation, and engaging in your present life.

10. The Law of Change

Change is necessary for a better life. The same things will happen repeatedly until you learn this law. This is karma’s way of telling you that you have a lesson to learn before change will occur.

You will know that you’ve been successful in learning that lesson when things start to change for you. If life suddenly becomes different (in a better way) it is likely that you made the necessary change.

11. The Law of Patience and Reward

In order to reap the benefits of hard work, you must learn to be patient and keep working even when you don’t see progress right away. If you do not remain patient and stop working to succeed at your goals, then you may fail or your successes won’t be as great as they could be.

12. The Law of Significance and Inspiration

This law of karma is intended to work to boost your motivation and to boost your spirits when you are down on yourself. You must believe in yourself and know that you matter in this world.

Knowing that you make a difference (no matter how large your actions are) and working to bring happiness and love into the world will bring you good karma. In turn you will receive happiness and love in your own life.

How You Can Recover From Bad Karma

If you have done some things in your past that you aren’t proud of and that you think may have brought bad karma into your life you don’t have to be cursed for life. Luckily, there are ways to reverse that bad karma and begin bringing yourself good karma. The way you can do this is by continuously working on the following:

  • Apologize to anyone you have wronged
  • Show love to every person you encounter
  • Work on being patient with all aspects of your life
  • Learn from your past mistakes
  • Learn to control your thoughts and keep them positive at all times

Final Thoughts On 12 Laws of Karma That Will Change Your Life

The laws of karma can and will change your life in one way or another. This change will either be good or bad, and it is essentially up to you which way your life will go. You can either work to honor the laws and live a life full of benefits and happiness, or you can go against the laws and receive bad karma in return.

It may seem overwhelming to follow all 12 laws of karma, but with regular practice and working intentionally to have positive actions, it will soon become a normal part of living. In return, you will receive positivity and other great things in return.