No matter what we face in life, it’s essential to maintain a happy disposition as much as possible. When you face challenging times, you may need reminders that you have several reasons to be satisfied and grateful. And sometimes, you must create happiness for yourself.

Adopting a positive mindset is one of the best ways to create happiness and find joy in your life, even when it seems impossible. Life is meant to be enjoyed. So it’s imperative that you do all you can to live the best life possible.

Happiness should be a priority.

When you make a conscious effort to create happiness in your life, you’ll find that your life will improve significantly. Many of us learned to ignore our emotions and do what needs to be done, but this causes more stress in the long run. Prioritizing your happiness is an integral part of self-care. You can’t always control what happens to you, but you can control your responses.

10 Things to Help You Create Happiness, Even During Challenges

Research shows that if you take a positive approach to the things that occur in your life, you’ll manage your stress and look at things from a healthy perspective. Here are some of the ways you can create happiness even during rough times.

1. Handle things with resilience

Learning healthy coping skills will help you maneuver through hardships with more clarity and less stress. Instead of retreating into a shell of negative emotions when obstacles occur in your life, you’ll be more likely to respond to challenges with strength and resolve.

Adopting a positive outlook even when things look bleak will help you find the solution to your problems and remain in a hopeful space. When you’re looking at things as though they will get better, you won’t have such a difficult time asking your loved ones for help when necessary. The help your friends and family may offer could come in the form of humor; take time to laugh and smile during challenging times. This helps to remind you that you have reasons to be happy.

2. Make your health a priority

If you want to be physically healthy, you must maintain a positive mindset. A Penn State University article indicates that a positive way of thinking can increase your life span and lower your cardiovascular disease risk. When you train your mind to think positively, your immune system will become stronger, so you’ll be able to get over sicknesses like the common cold quickly, and your blood pressure will stay at healthy levels. When you remember that learning to create happiness can impact your health, you’ll be more likely to keep your thoughts on track. Be sure to eat a balanced diet and work out regularly to make it even easier to be mentally resilient.

3. Focus on making a great first impression

When you’re going through a hard time in your life, you may still be presented with opportunities that could improve your life. Even amid personal difficulty, you could be in a position where you could make a new friend or attain a new job. When you go out into the world, small things like improving your posture, holding your head high, and looking your best can give you a boost of confidence. Exerting confidence, especially when you feel less than confident, can bring new people and things into your personal and professional state to significantly improve your life.

4. Do what you must to boost your energy

Staying positive can take work sometimes, but you need a balanced outlook to have the energy to live your life to the fullest. When you are happy, you’ll have more energy. Mental and physical energy is necessary to do your best at work or school, and you also need the energy to handle household tasks and care for children and family members. When you don’t have the stamina to maintain essential things in your life, this could make your situation worse and increase your chances of depression.

5. Be an inspiration to those who are close to you

When you are determined to create happiness in your life regardless of your circumstances, you can inspire those around you. Your children, close friends, and even your colleagues are looking to you to see how you will handle challenges, even if you don’t realize it. Remember that you’re not the only one who is going through something difficult. When the people in your social circle see that you are resilient and determined to have joy no matter what, it will push them to do the same.

6. Concentrate on boosting your self-esteem and confidence

When you think positively, your confidence and self-esteem will increase. You’ll be more aware of your self-worth, and when you trust yourself, you’re more likely to make good decisions that will contribute to your happiness. If you continue to stay in a negative space, you’re more likely to make choices that will worsen your situation and cause more stress and anxiety.

While you’re working through hardships, keep reminding yourself that you’re going to be successful. The more you work on your self-esteem, the more you’ll take a positive approach to life’s obstacles. You can do this by repeating affirmations to yourself or practicing positive self-talk throughout the day to condition your mind.

7. Handle things in a more thoughtful way

Practicing good coping skills will help you create happiness in the face of obstacles. When unexpected situations occur in your life, you may need to take some time to evaluate your circumstance and come up with a plan. This can keep you from breaking down and encourage you to use your strengths to overcome a challenge. Even if you have to keep a journal to express your thoughts before going back to your game plan, this can make you more confident and intentional when you’re working through a challenge.

8. Make your relationships a priority to help create happiness

When you want to remain happy, you should foster positive relationships in your life. When you have meaningful friendships and relationships, you may find that you’re less stressed when problems come your way. You know that you have someone to depend on when things get tough, so you’ll be less likely to take on more stress than you can handle. Keep in mind that making your relationships a priority also means that you provide a shoulder to cry when your loved ones are having a hard time. This beautiful exchange of energy can make it easier to get through challenges since you’ll know that you’re not alone, and you can receive advice from people who have your best interest at heart.

9. Don’t stop doing things you love

One of the best things you can do to remain happy when trying to overcome obstacles in your life is to continue to do what makes you happy. If you find that you’re in a much better mood when you work out in the morning, be sure to make time for exercise so you can maintain a balanced mindset and avoid gaining weight. If you love writing, drawing, creating music, or reading books from your favorite author, prioritize these things to remind yourself that you are worthy of love and deserve to enjoy the things that make your life worthwhile.

When you’re having a hard time, it’s easy to focus on the problem and entertain feelings of sadness or stress. This will make you more likely to spend time alone so you can think through the pain and try to come up with a solution. However, the time you spend brooding over a problem could likely be better spent engaging in things you enjoy. This can make it easier for you to remain hopeful and come up with a beneficial solution.

10. Get professional help if you need it

So you’ve talked your situation over with trusted friends and family members, tried your best to adopt a positive mindset, and been intentional about doing what you love and taking care of your health. But if these tactics haven’t ultimately helped, it may be time to seek professional help.

It’s perfectly healthy to speak with an unbiased party about your issue and get objective advice to help you see your situation from another perspective. It’s also a good idea to see a therapist if you feel like you need to talk about the situation often and don’t want to burden your loved ones. Sometimes it takes several conversations with a therapist to gain a clear understanding of the role you play in your situation, the role other people play, and the options you have when it comes to a solution.

Final Thoughts on Finding New Ways to Create Happiness

These healthy habits can make it easier to get through life, especially when you don’t feel your best. Adopting a positive way of thinking can help you see the best life has to offer in various situations.