How can someone avoid depression? Is that possible by changing habits?

No matter where you are, depression can “affect how you feel, think, and handle daily activities, such as sleeping, eating, or working,” states a fact sheet published by the National Institute of Mental Health.

Depression can affect anyone, so it’s essential to know all the habits that can help keep depression at bay. For some people, depression can be best cured with medication. But, for others, you can lessen or entirely avoid depression by picking up a few good and healthy habits.

What Causes Depression?

The NIH fact sheet offers an overview of the primary roots of this mental state.

While that’s a fair question, it offers an explanation that’s as clear as mud. Researchers continuously study this state of mind. According to the fact sheet, it stems from several situations. They cannot pinpoint just one cause.

Some things that appear to contribute are the following:

  • Your genetic makeup
  • Environmental influences, like whether a person lives and works in a place that supports mental wellness.
  • Biological “misfires” in the body, such as hormonal imbalances
  • Psychological conditions.

Everyone experiences the mental condition differently and expresses it uniquely. No two cases are alike, so researchers find the illness perplexing.

Below, you will find eight frequent vital indicators of depression.

8 Habits To Never Ignore To Avoid Depression


1. Avoid depresstion by getting enough sleep

Nothing will help you avoid depression, like getting enough sleep.

There’s also an argument against too much sleep. Consider the following. “While sleep deprivation has proven to be a useful tool in treating depression, it is ironically what most people suffering from depression already are experiencing,” says psychiatrist Sudhir Gadh.

You should always get at least eight hours of sleep a night or more. Going to bed at the same time every night and waking up at the same time every morning can significantly improve your mood. Good sleep habits are every therapist’s first suggestion for stabilizing things like depression that can seriously affect your mood.

2. Exercise

Even if you don’t exercise, moving your body daily is essential. Going for a walk in the fresh air is enough to help improve your risk of getting depression. Exercise releases endorphins, which help boost your mood. If you want to avoid getting depression, make sure to try and exercise every single day. Even if it’s just a short walk, moving your body is important.

3. Drink water

Our brains can be affected by all kinds of things, and dehydration can make our moods plummet. Depression can be alleviated or avoided entirely by ensuring your brain gets the nutrients it needs. That includes water! When your body and brain feel healthy, you’re much more likely to have the tools you need to fight depressed feelings and keep your mood up.

4. Meditation

Meditation is a great way to help your brain stay relaxed and stress-free, which is one of the best tools to avoid depression. Sitting in a quiet spot and letting your brain relax and mind process your daily events is a great way to avoid depression. Even if you only have time for five minutes in the morning, it still works. Most people find that meditation is a great way to stay stress-free.

5. Avoid depression with journaling

Writing out your thoughts and feelings is a crucial habit to pick up when you want to fight depression. It is a great way to process your emotions and lets you get everything out of your head and down onto paper. Most people find journaling to be an invaluable habit, and it can help people alleviate their depression symptoms.

6. Pick up a new hobby

Finding ways to fill your time is a therapist-recommended way to avoid feeling depressed. Find something you love to do, and then do it! “Engaging in a hobby you already love may be just the treatment you have been looking for,” says Dr. Mark Parisi.

Learning a new hobby will keep your mind busy, whether you’re into rock climbing, knitting, or painting landscapes. Also, doing things you love will help release chemicals in your brain that make you feel happy, relaxed, and stress-free.

7. Have a routine

Most people find that having a routine helps lower their falling into depression. That isn’t to say that you can’t break your routine every once in a while. But, for the most part, having a routine is a helpful habit. This means getting up simultaneously and scheduling your day to have a morning and nighttime routine. It will help you get the balance back in your life and avoid depression.

8. Talk to someone to help avoid depression

For the most part, socializing is essential to help people avoid depression. But what’s even more important is having a support network you can talk to about your feelings. Having someone that you trust is key. Opening up and talking to someone is a healthy habit to pick up. Discussing your emotions and checking in on your headspace will help you avoid depression. That person could be a counselor, therapist, or friend.

9. Laugh Out loud

Studies found that laughing has positive physiological effects on your mind. The physical act of laughing causes chemical changes in your body and mind. It lightens your mood and can help reduce your pain levels. So whether it’s a good belly laugh or a simple chuckle, laughing out loud is a good habit never of ignoring if you want to avoid depression.

10. Own a sweet pet

Owning a pet lowers your stress and anxiety. Cuddling your dear little companion makes you feel less lonely and more secure. Pet owners have greater self-confidence and purpose in life. If you own a dog, you’ll meet more people in your neighborhood and get more exercise because your puppy will need to go out for walks. So whether you own a sweet kitty or cuddly pup, your adorable pet will make you feel happier about your life.

11. Find a community

When you’re involved in a community, it serves as a positive habit to fight depression. Hanging out with healthy-minded people helps you stay active and make better choices for your life. Finding a community allows you to be involved with people who will encourage and support you.

12. Stay busy to avoid depression

You may not think staying active sounds like a good habit to avoid depression, but keeping busy lowers depression and anxiety. There’s nothing worse than sitting around daily with nothing to do. It makes you feel useless and tired. Staying busy helps you feel better about yourself and your life. Keep a daily routine and find things to stimulate your mind and body.

13. Read a book

Did you know that reading can improve your mental health? One study with college students found that those who read every day for at least 6 minutes felt less stressed. They had better overall mental health and less psychological distress. Grab a favorite fiction book for a relaxing read and an easy way to help avoid depression.

14. Use music to avoid depression

Individuals who struggle with depression say listening to classical music helps lift their moods. Music has been used for centuries to raise people’s spirits. Harmonic music soothes your mind and soul and relaxes your body. Supposedly, the mathematical nature of music influences your mind to feel more relaxed. Studies found that listening to classical music helped patients’ overall sense of well-being, especially those patients suffering from heart disease, pain from cancer, dementia, and depression.

15. Play a video game

It’s been found that adults who struggle with depression found relief from playing video games. The games helped their brain function and improved their mood. Video games also help you stay socially connected with others, which helps fight depression. Of course, you should avoid violent games due to their harmful effect. But if you’re struggling with depression, playing a video game occasionally is a good habit of helping fight depression.

Final Thoughts on Avoiding Bouts of Depression

Depression can be scary, but no one has to go through it alone. Not only that, but simple lifestyle changes can help you avoid or alleviate depression entirely. These habits are crucial to helping you avoid those feelings. You’ll be amazed by how much good picking up even one of these habits will do.

“You largely constructed your depression. It wasn’t given to you. Therefore, you can deconstruct it.” – Albert Ellis