This only little invention could save millions of lives!

Did you know that worldwide, around 780 million people don’t have access to clean drinking water? That equates to a staggering 11% of the world’s population.

Also, according to the CDC, lack of access to sanitation, unsafe drinking water, and lack of availability of clean water for hygiene contribute to 88% of deaths due to diarrheal diseases.

For many years now, people worldwide have tried to figure out a way to provide access to clean drinking water for people living in impoverished countries. Everyone deserves to have clean drinking water, but sadly, much of the world’s population drinks contaminated water daily. Due to a lack of resources and funding, many people simply drink from whatever water source they can find. As a result, a lack of clean water leads to exposure to dangerous parasites and other waterborne contaminants.

However, one invention could change all that and provide clean drinking water for billions of people. Not only is the invention simple, it has the ability to be manufactured on a large scale so that everyone who needs clean drinking water can have access to it.

The Life Straw is going to save millions of lives!

The LifeStraw turns otherwise undrinkable water into safe, clean drinking water. The company sells various products to suit each person’s lifestyle. The most popular product, the actual straw, can filter up to a thousand liters of water. That volume provides enough water for one person for an entire year. In addition to Life Straw, they also sell a water bottle called LifeStraw Go. That product incorporates the life straw filter, the LifeStraw Family for family use, and the LifeStraw Mission water purifier.

The LifeStraw Family can filter a maximum of 18,000 liters of water, providing a family of five with safe drinking water for three years.

Each of these products has the potential to save millions of lives, because water IS life. Without water, everyone would perish. However, most of us don’t even think twice about the clean water we drink daily. We simply go to our faucet or refrigerator, fill our glass or water bottle, and chug down cold, fresh water. We tend to take it for granted, because we have no idea what people go through who don’t have the privilege of drinking clean water.

So, how can YOU help these children out? Well, for every LifeStraw product you purchase, one child in a developing community will get safe drinking water for an entire school year. In 2014 alone, 157,975 children received clean drinking water and participated in752 follow-up visits. In 2015, LifeStraw wants their invention to reach 203,000 school children and perform 1,800 follow-up visits.

The LifeStraw can be used for many purposes, including camping trips, hikes, kayaking, and other outdoor expeditions. Wherever you go, you can take the LifeStraw products with you. Then, you will always have safe water to drink, and you get to help a child access clean drinking water, too.