What happens when one person spreads a hopeful message? It changes lives. Ben Lyne is the one person who created a sign to share his optimistic news. An avid runner, Lyne, started carrying a sign with him that read simply, “I believe in you.” The kindness of this powerful message inspired others more than Lyne ever thought it would. 

One runner’s idea has spread a hopeful message to those in his local area and beyond. 

How did he get the idea?

Lyne is a big fan of the Avengers and Lord of the Rings movies, where the heroes charge in to save their fellow fighters. He felt like their actions inspired him to tell others he wanted to help them and that he was there for them. As a result, Lyne came up with the idea to run wearing a sign with an inspirational message. He played with this idea for a couple of years before finally doing it. He felt intimidated thinking about drawing attention to himself, but he finally stepped out despite his insecurities and started wearing his hopeful sign, “ I believe in you.” 

At first, Lyne wasn’t sure his sign was having a positive impact on people. Plus, it was hard running holding a sign. His arms felt tired, and running up a hill or against the wind was tricky. He even considered giving up because it was hard to run carrying the sign. 

How did people react to the hopeful messaging?

Eventually, he realized his inspiration sign was having an impact on people. Lyne rarely used social media, but when a friend showed him a Facebook post, he discovered how much his message touched people. Several posts received 700 likes. Not only did people like what he was doing, but many shared that his hopeful message helped them get through their day. 

Anxiety relieved: One person posted saying they’d been dealing with anxious thoughts. So when they saw Lyne jog past with a big smile and his hopeful and inspiring message, she felt like there was still some kindness in the world. She said it made her day.  

Hope after cancer: Another man was on his way to see his doctor after his cancer treatment. He shared that when he saw Lyne holding the sign, it was all he needed to get through his appointment that day. The inspirational message helped him feel calm and less nervous. He joked that he might ask Lyne to run by the next time he has his regular cancer check-up. 

How Ben Lyne’s sign saved a life

Ben Lyne’s hopeful sign even saved a man’s life. Lyne had a man stop him and tell him that he was planning to end his life, but he saw Lyne’s inspiration sign, which helped him change his mind. Today, Lyne spreads his message all over the world. Lyne brought his sign with him on a recent business trip to Paris and Washington, DC. Before this, he never ran on business trips, but now he carries his message to these places he goes. It’s extra work, but Lyne thinks it’s doing some good. He feels like running with his inspirational sign gives his runs more meaning. Lyne emphasizes that the positive responses aren’t about him but the hopeful message that impacts people. He isn’t doing this to become a celebrity but to bring kindness and hope to others. 

Social media users reacted positively to the optimistic and hopeful message:

Lyne’s “I believe in you” message will continue to spread as long as Lyne keeps running. He hopes people won’t just feel he believes in them; the note will help them believe in themselves. Here are readers’ comments about seeing Ben Lyne and his sign.

Lyne’s sign is still having an impact on people. Here are some comments by readers who have seen him running with his hopeful sign. 


I see him all the time. He is inspiring. I am in awe of his unselfishness and love for his fellow men and women.


I saw him after dropping my kids off at school; I was he home and thinking about whether or not I should go back to school for a second degree. He was struggling up SR-73 with that crazy sign in his hands, but he was doing it, and I thought, “hmmm…”


Keep up the good work, Ben! This world needs more messages of hope.


To one person having a bad day, this can change their world. Thank you for doing this. Thank you for bringing positivity and smiles to many.

American dream

I also live in Eagle Mountain. I have only seen this gentleman running one time. The day I saw him, I was having a really rough day, and I instantly had tears running down my face. I felt like he was there just for me. I gave a quick honk and a wave as a way to thank him. The world needs more people like him!!!


What an inspiration you are! Thank you for spreading your message of love and kindness!!

tree topper

Love this…I hope that this becomes contagious…..


I love this message! I’m not a runner, but somehow, someway, I am going to spread his message. I try to take time each day to see if God has put a real, live Angel in my path, and more often than not, I see He has if I take the time to see it. This man qualifies. A real, live Angel among us!


I like this guy. Sometimes the best messages in life are the simple ones.


So many people are struggling right now. Something simple like this message makes a big difference. Thanks, Ben, for your extra effort and kindness! It is appreciated!

What are some ways you can spread a hopeful message to others?

You may be a runner with an inspirational sign, but you can spread a hopeful message to those around them. Here are some ways you can inspire others. 

  • Provide a meal: Meals on Wheels always needs volunteers to drop off meals. It’s a way to give a cheerful greeting and drop off a hot meal to an older person.
  • Find a charity race or walk: Raise money for your favorite charity by joining in on a walk or a run.
  • Volunteer at an animal shelter: Shelters always need volunteers. You can bathe, walk, or play with the animals.
  • Library helper: Your local library probably needs help organizing shelves or cleaning different sections.
  • Coach kids: There is always a need for summer camp coaches or local team coaches. Check your local government parks and recreation centers to find coaching opportunities.
  • Mentoring: Many schools have mentoring needs. For example, you might help a student practice reading or math.
  • Elections: Helping out at the voting stations is a great way to impact your area.
  • Donations: Be ready to donate your time, energy, and money to local organizations. Find out where your passion lies and put your money there. Of course, you can also donate clothing, food, a car, or blood.
  • Foster a pet: Shelters often need foster homes to care for pets until they find their forever family.
  • Missions: Many churches go on missions to poor areas of the country or overseas. Many of these missions share God’s love and hope through the gospel and find practical ways to help communities. For example, you might help build an orphanage, update a water system or teach children how to read.
  • Stop to help: When you see someone pulled over on the side of the road, stop and ask if they need help. Even if you can’t change a tire, you might be able to help in others ways. Just knowing someone cares enough to stop will be encouraging to the person.
  • Buy food for a homeless person: Buy a homeless person a sandwich, cold water, or a hotcoffee. Show them respect and kindness when you offer them food or drink.

Why does showing kindness make you feel happier?

Interestingly, showing kindness and sharing your positive, hopeful attitude with others increases your happiness. It also motivates you to keep showing kindness. Studies found that happy people get even more satisfied when they show compassion. 

Researchers found a difference between motivational and cognitive processes in happy people’s brains linked to their happiness. Happy people get more joyful, grateful, and kinder when they show kindness to less happy people. Gratitude was a big motivator for this individual to show kindness. That’s because gratitude positively affects your:

  • Happiness
  • Vitality
  • Hope
  • Relationships
  • Thinking habits

Grateful people have less depression, envy, and resentment. Researchers believe there is a clear link between kindness and gratitude as to how happy a person is. 

Final thoughts on a man who jogs while carrying a hopeful sign

One man’s simple idea has changed lives. Ben Lyne’s stepped out of his comfort zone and brought his hopeful message to others. His idea to carry a sign with the statement “I believe in you” has impacted people worldwide. You may want to be an inspiration to those around you, but don’t feel like you can do what Lyne did. That’s okay. Everyone is different, but everyone can do their small part. So why not try one of the suggestions listed in this article? Like Lyne, you may not realize your simple kindness will touch the lives of others.