Since beginning her fitness journey, Tracy lost 45 pounds and transformed her health. Here is the incredible story of how she got her life and happiness back. Take a look.

“After turning 40 and being the heaviest and unhealthiest I’ve ever been in my life, I knew I needed to make a change. So, in the fall of 2017, I decided to join a gym, and I began eating healthier and more nutritious foods,” she says.

By changing her everyday habits, she found so much freedom and happiness. She realized she had the power to overcome unhealthy choices. Finally, she became brave enough to take her health into her own hands. However, she hit a few roadblocks shortly after beginning her fitness journey.

“Five months after starting, I had to put a pause on my journey because I was unfortunately diagnosed with what is likely to be a benign brain tumor in the center of my brain called a Pineocytoma. Unfortunately, just weeks after that diagnosis, I was also diagnosed with a facial pain disorder called Trigeminal Neuralgia, which is also known as the Suicide Disease.”

Trigeminal neuralgia

Doctors call it this because of the intense pain many patients experiences, leading to suicidal ideation. Patients may deal with the following:

  • intense migraines
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • sleep disorders
  • other debilitating, painful symptoms.

Around 150,000 people get diagnosed with the disease each year, and it most commonly affects those over 50.

Tracy says that around ten months after receiving the diagnosis, she regained control over most pain and symptoms. So, she decided to go back to the gym and restart her fitness journey. She says that her decision to transform her health also improved her mental and emotional well-being. She feels healthy and happy for the first time in a while and feels thankful for the changes she’s made.

“When I started my journey, I was just under 170 pounds, so I began intermittent fasting, drinking more water, and I cut down on my sugar and carb intake. With these changes I made to my diet and with the introduction to exercise, the pounds melted away pretty quickly,” she said. “I have to say, at the beginning, I found it extremely hard to stay disciplined. But I always remembered my ‘why,’ and because I didn’t want to give up on myself or my goals, I kept pushing on.”

Setbacks are normal, but don’t get discouraged!

Many people who decide to start a fitness journey experience setbacks, such as losing motivation. However, a common theme seems to be remembering why they started in the first place. Keeping in mind what brought them to a healthy lifestyle in the beginning, helps many people remain focused. Of course, the mindset shift doesn’t happen instantly, but working out and eating healthy becomes second-nature after a while.

“In total, I lost 46 pounds, but because my body composition has changed so much, and I’ve gained lean muscle mass, I don’t really go by a typical scale anymore to gauge my progress,” Tracy said. “I now measure my progress by how I feel and look, rather than by my current weight. I also track my gains over my losses now, and honestly, what I’ve gained from living a healthier lifestyle far outweighs the weight I’ve lost.”

Tracy had this to say about her fitness journey on one of her Instagram posts:

“If I didn’t care about myself and gave up in the face of all the things I was forced to deal with over the course of my journey so far, I wouldn’t be who I am or where I am today!

I’ve pushed through all the things that could easily have made me quit on myself and ended up proving to myself that I can do what I set out to do and that I’m so much stronger than I thought I could be!

If I can do it, so can you! Don’t let anyone or anything stop you from reaching your goals and dreams!”

Final thoughts on Tracy’s fitness journey

Tracy has some advice to offer based on her own experience for anyone looking to start their fitness journey.

“If I had to give some advice to someone on starting their weight loss journey, or their journey to a healthier lifestyle, in general, I would tell them that they are worth the effort and energy. So, they just need to get up and do it. I promise you that once you achieve or reach your first few realistic and attainable goals that you set up for yourself, you will want to keep on going. I suggest starting off by doing what you can, how you can and when you can, but make sure to always go all in and give your best effort.

Not every workout will be the same, and that’s totally okay. What matters most is the effort you gave. Progress over perfection every time, and consistency will always be key. Rest days can be just as important as workouts sometimes, so take at least one a week. And finally, set yourself up for success by setting small, realistic, and attainable goals to where you currently are in your journey, and don’t give up on yourself. You got this!”