Are you unhappy or want to change your life for the better? The key to self-improvement is willpower. You can do and become anything you want to, as long as you have the proper mindset and good habits.

Where do you see your life in six months, one year, or even five years from now? Only you can envision your future and ensure you follow through.

Fifteen Habits to Change Your Life

If you don’t like the direction you’re going in life or how you feel inside, you can take control and fix it. If you feel stuck, your mindset tells you you can’t change. Here are some simple things you can incorporate daily that will help you in your journey of self-improvement.

1. Live in the Present to Change Your Life

If you’re constantly living with the regrets of yesterday, then you’re robbing yourself of the pleasures of today. You can’t change what happened yesterday but can fix your tomorrow. So, live for the moment, and don’t miss out on the beautiful things around you because you’re too busy turning around.

Use the past mistakes as lessons learned. Everything that happens in your life is a learning experience, and when you embrace it as such, it will change your view on things.

2. Don’t Sleep the Day Away–Get Up Early!

Your body runs on a time clock known as the circadian rhythm. People used the sun to gauge their sleep/wake cycles in past generations. When the sun came up, they got up. When the sun went down, they went to bed.

These days, people work weird shifts and stay up all night. It throws your body’s internal clock off. Have you had a clock that the battery was getting low and started losing time? Your body is like this broken clock which can’t keep up when things are off.

According to the National Library of Medicine, behaviorists have found when the internal clock is out of sync, it can cause issues like:

•Poor eating habits

•Chronic digestive issues

•Shifts in body temperature

3. Change Your Life by Going Device Free

If you want to change your life, learn to put down your devices for a bit each day. Connect with your children, partner, or your friends without distraction. You’ll find it will enhance your relationships and give you a sense of freedom.

No one should be tied to a device and living in a virtual world, as it’s unhealthy and mentally harmful.

4. Drink Water (one of the healthiest life habits!)

When you stop and consider that your body is made up of 60 percent water, you understand why drinking H20 is essential. According to the U.S. Department of the Interior, being deficient in water dehydrates your body. Many people are mildly dehydrated and don’t know it. However, the article says that when you lack sufficient water, it can cause the following issues:

•Poor digestion

•Inability to absorb nutrients

•Poor circulation

•Dry mouth

•Problems maintaining the proper body temperature

•Issues with the transportation of nutrients

5. Eat Real Food

Your diet is an influential factor in how you feel. When you eat plant-based foods and fill up on protein, it has a dramatic impact on your mental health. If you feel horrible and struggle to get out of bed daily, one way to change your life is to fix your diet.

6. Create Things-To-Do Lists

Do you know you waste a lot of time and energy trying to remember what you must do? Lists help you stay organized and ensure you accomplish the most important things. David Allen, the author of The Art of Stress-Free Productivity, discusses lists’ importance. Using his groundbreaking methodologies, he says that organizing your day will help you stop procrastinating and enhance your life.

7. Sharpen Your Mind (healthy brain habits may help you retain cognition for longer)

You work your body to enhance your muscles, so why not work your brain too? Cognitive training exercises are all the rage these days, and they can help you improve your cognition, memory, and creativity. Doing puzzles, math problems, and games like checkers or chess can help keep your mind sharp. Also, listening to Ted Talks can help with your cognitive function.

8. Strive for Six to Eight Hours of Rest

Program your mind that nothing good happens after midnight, so you should strive to be in bed no later than midnight. Your body needs six to eight hours of sleep to restore and function properly. Skimping on rest to reach an important deadline may help you in one area, but it will hurt you in another.

9. Exercise Regularly

Exercising is essential for your health. Did you know that when you move your body, you will balance glucose levels, handle stress better, be happier, improve your circulation, and feel better overall? Your body is lacking if you’re not getting at least twenty minutes of physical activity three days a week.

10. Stop the Negative Mental Chatter

Everyone has mental chatter they contend with, but you can silence it with willpower. Think of this negative chatterbox as a toddler that demands to be heard.

Whenever that child inside screams something negative, you combat it with something positive. Soon you will find that you can control those inner voices and improve your life.

11. Change Your Life by Choosing Simplicity

Society lives with the philosophy that you must accumulate material possessions and wealth to be fulfilled. What a powerful concept when you learn that less is often more. Collections of accomplishments and material goods will only sustain you temporarily.

You can’t escape from the mindset of wanting more, as it possesses you and takes over your life. Simple living is the key to happiness, and it’s a start in the right direction towards self-improvement.

Even in Biblical days, this was a significant issue, as pointed out in Philippians 4:11. Paul stated in this verse that he’s learned to be content with what he had and to embrace the season of life he was in. Rather than working and making your life’s goal to fill your bank account, it can change your life to strive for the betterment of humankind.

12. Set Life Goals with a Vision Board

Self-improvement always starts with goals. An article in The Huffington Post mentions vision boards and several behaviorists’ views on these new trends. The goal of making these boards is to give you a clear path toward where you want to go.

When you take the time to create this vision board, you’re giving yourself a roadmap toward future success. Incorporating things like your health, relationships, finances, home life, personal and professional growth, and spirituality can help you improve your life.

13. Create Passive Income Streams to Change Your Life for the Better

If you want to be financially stable and not put “all your eggs in one basket,” you need passive income. This will give you a cushion to fall back on should one part of your income cease.

Developing such strategies takes time and effort, but it’s the new way to protect your future. Jobs can come and go, but it’s life-changing when you have your finances in order by having several income streams.

14. Have a Desire for Self-Improvement

If you want to change your life, you need a desire. Staying on the right path is a daily struggle, but you can accomplish it if you push yourself a bit. Even moving slowly is still moving. Tell yourself you must keep going no matter how tired, stressed, or depressed you feel.

15. Cut the Timewasters

Everyone has time wasters in their life. These are unproductive activities that inhibit you from reaching your goals. If you’re spending three hours a day on social media, think of what else you could do in this time if you weren’t on the internet. What if you spent this time doing crosswords to enhance your brain or reading a good book?

Warren Buffet is one of the wealthiest men in the world, with an estimated net worth of over $113 billion. At the beginning of his career, he would read all day long. At times, he would read over 1,000 pages a day.

Now, you must consider that being an avid reader doesn’t guarantee success, but on the flip side, most successful people love reading. How can you change your life by cutting out timewasters and picking up other, more beneficial habits?

Final Thoughts on Ways to Change Your Life by Having Better Habits

Having toxic habits and people in your life will be like arsenic, and it slowly drains the energy out of you. However, when you’re on a journey for self-improvement, you can combat these toxicities with a positive mind, spirit, and emotional stance. When you let go of some of these poisonous habits, you will notice your world changes for the better.