Only a Virgo can understand just how simple, yet complex our personalities are. No wonder we are often misunderstood and withdraw from people who just don’t get us. But, they know that they are pretty amazing people and are able to find a select few trustworthy friends to have around who appreciate them.

Astrology is often thought of as having more entertainment value than science, but psychologists are now looking at astrology as a way to understand people, just like personality theories seek to understand them in the social sciences. There are four elemental groups of astrological signs, of which Virgo is an Earth sign. Many personality theories also group types into four main categories.

Earthy Virgo is the altruistic, other-centered personality type of the zodiac. They want to connect to others and, according to a review in Correlation: Journal of Research in Astrology, they as a personality ‘values his or her membership within a family or community group above all else.’

10 Things You’ll Only Understand If You’re A Virgo

Our modern astrology system has ancient roots, going all the way back to the time of the ancient Sumerians and may be as old as 7000 B.C.E. In ancient Turkey, Iraq, and Syria, the earliest known image of Virgo was discovered pictured as a woman holding a sheaf of corn. This image dates back to around 6000 B.C.E. In Egypt, Virgo was represented by an upright Isis-type figure.

1. You won’t like a Virgo when we’re angry

Only a Virgo can understand the intense grudge that we can hold, which is the seed for a growing sense of righteousness and vindictiveness, and is eventually harvested by writing you out of our lives completely. And, as the excellent communicators that Virgos are, you also should understand that everyone will know the reason that we curse the day we met you.

2. They’re not naive

The pictorial representation of Virgo may be a virgin, but the people who were born under her sign possess a deep wisdom beyond their years on this planet. Virgos are smart, have many talents, and they can and prefer to do just about anything on their own without help.

3. They love to talk

Virgo is the chatty friend you have who you have to actually tell to stop talking so you can break off the conversation after you dropped 4 hints about needing to get going already.

4. People see them as obsessive, but they aren’t

Only a Virgo would know the difference between being tidy, organized, punctual, methodical, and a perfectionist versus being obsessive about something. Virgos do not think they are obsessed with anything, except for paying all of the bills early.

5. They are always right

Only a Virgo could understand that there’s really nothing amazing to how often you are right, which is all of the time. Virgo is very good at analyzing data and the tiniest details, and if you have happened to bring up a subject that we are passionate about, we will recite all of the knowledge stored in our vast brains.

6. They are never wrong

See above, but if, on the off chance a Virgo is actually proven to be wrong by actual verifiable evidence, they will hate you for pointing it out. Virgos are sore losers and being right is like a game to them, and they like to win.

7. People think you don’t care, but you do, deeply

Virgos tend to withhold their emotional expression so they can be hard to read. Or rather, people tend to think that they’re mad at them by the blank expressions on their faces.

8. Loyalty is the core of their being

When a Virgo loves you, they are loyal to the death. Even a betrayal from a beloved might not be enough to shake off the loyalty. Unfortunately, this also means that the Virgo is one of the only zodiac signs to understand immense heartache, especially early in their young love lives. If a Virgo has experienced loss, they will work to make sure that it never happens again.

Related article: The Best Three Types of Partners (According To The Zodiac Signs)

9. They give their whole heart

If you are lucky enough to earn the love and loyalty of a Virgo, you should count yourself among the very lucky. They never do anything halfway, which includes loving someone else. Virgo jumps into love with both feet, submerging themselves into nurturing the object of their affection.

Related article: 10 Signs You’ve Met An Old Soul

10. The life of a Virgo is lived intentionally

Some people may still be struggling with what they want in life, but only a Virgo could understand that your life goals have been the same since you were very young. As earth signs, Virgos are very rooted in the material world, which means that they value financial security, home, and the people there. Only a unique Virgo could understand how fun it is to save for the future.

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