When a young woman decided to put her food addiction behind her, she completely transformed her life. Instead of the food controlling her, she found the power within to tame her desires. In that way, food became more enjoyable since it wasn’t always available. She still ate what she liked in moderation, but she opted for healthier foods the majority of the time.

In addition to eating better, she also began exercising to lose weight. Because of her determination, she now weighs 186 pounds, down from her highest weight of 250. Here’s GiGi’s incredible story of triumphing over bad habits and becoming a better version of herself.

“When I was little, I’ve always been the chubbier kid on the block and I’ve always really had an issue with positive body self-image. I’ve had a lot of issues: food addiction, I’ve had eating disorders, I’ve exercised way too much, and so I know, it’s hard,” she says.

She finally had enough after seeing photos of herself from a friend’s wedding a couple years ago. That’s when her real weight loss journey began. After seeing the pictures, she realized that she needed to make changes. GiGi didn’t feel her best, both physically and mentally, so she wanted to become healthier for her future.

She said this:

“I did a lot of research; I found an eating plan that worked called Bright Line Eating. Essentially you weigh out your food, and you eliminate sugar and flour from your diet. I know it seems extreme, so for the first two weeks, it was. What I quickly realized was that my body was addicted. But after that, I really found my groove.”

According to their website, “Bright Line Eating (BLE) is a scientifically grounded program that teaches you a simple process for getting your brain on board so you can finally live Happy, Thin, and Free.”

Also, it involves eliminating sugar and flour from your diet so the addictive centers of your brain can heal. When you don’t give into cravings, your dopamine levels become regulated. This way, you can make clearer, better decisions about what you eat.

The eating program also helps you build better habits so you don’t drain your willpower constantly. By relying on second-nature habits, you won’t have to make so many choices regarding food that drain your energy. Finally, it helps restore leptin levels, a hormone that regulates hunger and appetite.

The young woman lost 80 pounds just from following Bright Line Eating

“I felt lighter, happier, stronger [in] mind, body and soul, as cheesy as that sounds. I started January 1st of 2019 at 255 pounds and I’m only 5’5, so I was definitely in the obese category,” the young woman says.

However, by following the eating program alone, and not even including exercise, GiGi lost a whopping 80 pounds. She wanted to make sure she had control over her eating habits before jumping into a workout routine. Once she had the eating part down, she then started exercising. She chose the Sweat app by Kayla Itsines, designed for users who want to work out at their own pace at home.

“That paired with Bright Line Eating really helped me hone in on my healthy habits. Now, after quarantine and the rough year we had, I did gain about 30 pounds back as I’m sure so many of you have,” GiGi says.

However, despite the setback, she learned a valuable lesson. She realized that a health journey isn’t just about your weight or how much you can lose. It’s about enjoying the journey and being happy with the little wins. It’s really about learning as you go, and not getting too caught up in the details.

“So for me, it’s really about loving myself where I’m at, and continuing to strive for those healthy habits, but not punishing myself if I don’t reach them all the time,” the young woman says. “My biggest advice I’d give to anyone who’s starting their health journey is to really sit with yourself and write down your triggers. What makes you want to go on those binges, or those late night runs, or the store to get ice cream? I encourage you to look at the health elements, because that’s really what got me motivated to start in the first place.”

This young woman totally changed her life with mindfulness and self-love

GiGi shows us that being too focused on the end result takes the joy out of the process. No matter what you’re striving for, if you can’t have fun along the way, is it really worth it? Slowing down and appreciating where you’re at will get you farther than stressing out about how far you have to go. As they say, slow and steady wins the race. Stop and smell the roses once in a while, so you don’t miss the beauty of your own transformation.

GiGi says: “Some of the positive things that have come out of this whole thing is that I’ve created an amazing, amazing community on my Instagram page. So for me, it’s really about cultivating that community and realizing that I’m not alone, and that there are a lot of women out there that are struggling with the same thing.

“Really, the mindset is the biggest positive power player in my life. I feel more genuinely happy with where I am at. I’m just excited to see where else I’m gonna go.”

Final thoughts on the young woman who beat food addiction and changed her life

Many of us use food as a coping mechanism for the stresses of daily life. Our brains want instant rewards, but we end up paying for quick gratification later on. You can transform your health by moderating your eating habits and learning healthier ways to deal with stress. This young woman shows what’s possible when you stop beating yourself up and love yourself instead.

Just remember, you can accomplish anything you want in life, but don’t forget to appreciate where you’re at this moment.