Using pre-written affirmations helps boost your happiness and well-being, but writing affirmations for yourself is even better. However, when writing affirmations specific to your life and situation, they’ll be more effective when you say them. You can make these mantras about anything you want to change or improve in your life.

Writing affirmations for yourself can be easy, but you have to follow a few essential tips. If you use these tips, you’ll write the best affirming statements for your life. You know what you need more than anyone else, so your self-affirmations will make a difference.

Affirmations are a powerful way to manifest the life you want to live. These positive phrases help you achieve all of your goals and maintain a positive, happy mindset. While the affirmations don’t make your wishes come true, they help you follow the best course of action.

18 Tips For Writing Affirmations to Be Happy Again

The most important thing you can do when writing affirmations is to get started. Once you get started, these tips will help with the rest. From there, you can focus on writing positive phrases to help you establish what you want in life.

1 – Affirm the Feeling That You Already Have Everything You Want in Life

Writing affirmations about already having or being what you want or need. It helps you imagine that you’re already experiencing the good things in life when you write it this way. On the other hand, writing about what you want or need makes you feel like you don’t have enough right now.

To write your affirmations this way, begin the phrases with the following words:

I am, I know, I have, I love, I choose, I embrace.

2 – When Writing Affirmations, Use the Present Tense

Writing your affirmations in the present tense helps you experience what you want right now. It helps you start the process and begin achieving your goals today rather than in the future. Don’t reference dates or times in your affirmation, or it’ll interfere with your happiness.

Avoid using the words “I will” because that makes it about the future. When you put it in the future tense, you subconsciously put your goals off for a later date. Affirmations should help create changes in your life right now.

3 – Stay True to Yourself

Use phrases and words that are natural to your way of speaking. You aren’t writing these affirmations for anyone else, so stay true to yourself as you create them. When you write them this way, you’ll have an easier time saying them out loud and believing the words.

4 – Write Down All of Your Ideas As You Are Writing Affirmations

You don’t have to write perfect affirmations as soon as you put pen to paper. Instead, start writing down all of your ideas and what you want your life to look like. Once you have all of your ideas written out, look for themes in each of them.

From the themes, choose a few positive words for each category. Then, you can write your affirmations using the positive phrases that help multiple areas of your life. Writing your ideas out this way can also help you formulate and specify your ideas differently than thinking about them does.

5 – Focus on Using Positive Words

Use positive words as you write your affirmations so that you can focus on what you want. Don’t focus on the things you want to avoid or eliminate from your life. Plus, avoid words that you associate with negativity.

If you need help writing positive words, think about what it is you want in your life. Then, use phrases that make you feel like you have already achieved it. Describe yourself and your life situations positively.

6 – Affirm Your Current Achievements

Don’t spend all of your energy manifesting things for your future. Spend some of your time writing affirmations about your current achievements. You have positive qualities and things that are going well, so add those to your affirmation list.

Brainstorm the things you like about yourself and the parts of your life that make you happy. Doing this helps you appreciate your life and reclaim happiness.

7 – Writing Affirmations Can Address Specific Situations in Your Life

Don’t be afraid to be specific with your affirmations. Think about what you want to change about yourself and your life, and implement those ideas in your phrases. The more specific you are, the more you embrace and believe the words.

You can also consider the experiences and opportunities you want to have. Being specific also helps you eliminate the broad ideas you’ve written down.

8 – Use the Words “I” and “My”

Your affirmations are for you and not anyone else, so start the phrases with these words. The words “I” or “my” help your mind process it better, helping you feel what you are saying. Your language in these affirmations should reflect the idea that they are personal statements.

9 – Write with Passion and Feeling

Envision the way you will feel when you achieve your goals and make positive changes. As you visualize the scenario, write the way you feel in that moment. When you do this, it helps you write with passion and feeling.

Passion helps manifest what you want for your life because your mind is open to the possibility. Additionally, describing your feelings can help you connect with the words on a deeper level.

10 – Write as Many as You Want

There is no correct number of affirmations you should write. The number you choose can be as unique as the words in your phrases. You might want to begin with a few affirmational statements, but you can keep going if you feel inspired.

11 – Don’t Get Caught Up in Grammar When Writing Affirmations

As you write your affirmations, don’t get caught up in how you will make your dreams happen. Instead, use the phrases to help you reclaim happiness. You can come up with an action plan later, but right now, focus only on what you want and now how to get there.

12 – Enjoy the Process of Writing Affirmations

Writing affirmations shouldn’t bring negative feelings. Focus on exciting and empowering thoughts because this is an experience that calls for it. Have fun as you write down words that inspire your happiness and well-being.

If you start to get frustrated or second-guess yourself, it might be time to take a break. You don’t want to keep writing positive mantras when you aren’t enjoying yourself.

13 – Keep the Affirmations Short

You can make your affirmations any length you want, but short ones tend to work best. Short phrases are easier to remember and say, and you’re more likely to think of them often. Plus, long affirmations can cause resistance and slow down your progress.

14 – Be Realistic

You can’t manifest things that you can’t make happen, such as finding a million dollars or becoming an overnight billionaire. These types of affirmations are detrimental because they’ll overwhelm and disappoint you. Make sure you write realistic phrases for your life so that you can get excited about working toward them.

15 – Believe the Words and Trust the Process

As you sit down to write your affirmations, release any thoughts of self-doubt. Have confidence as you write your ideas and trust that the process will improve your life. Experts say that when you write down what you want in life, you’ll remember it and accomplish much more.

16 – Keep a Separate Journal or Notebook for Affirmations

When you write affirmations, you want to keep them for future reference. Having them in a separate journal allows you to keep them safe and can help prevent losing them. Plus, if you choose another journal to write them in, you aren’t as likely to get distracted by other things.

17 – Clear Your Mind

Before you start writing your affirmations, make sure to clear your mind. Eliminate self-limiting beliefs and push away distracting thoughts of stress or sadness. The only thing on your mind at this time should be positive thinking and happiness.

Clearing your mind helps you set your mind up for developing positive ideas and finding motivation. You’ll quickly reclaim happiness when you can write self-affirming statements with a clear mindset.

18 – Acknowledge How You Feel When You Write Them

As you write your positive statements, notice how they make you feel. If you get a positive vibe from something you write, then make sure to hone in on that statement.

Final Thoughts on Implementing These Tips on Writing Affirmations to Reclaim Happiness

Once you’ve written your affirmation, start saying the phrases each day. You don’t have to use them all at once, so choose a few that you’d like to focus on each week. Say them as often as you like, but make sure to repeat them during your morning routine.

When you use affirmations during your morning routine, it starts you off on the right path. Then, anytime you need encouragement or happiness throughout the day, you can use them again. Plus, repeating affirmations before bed or while you lie in bed is beneficial, too.

Keep adding to your affirmation list so that your mantras always apply to your life right now. Things are constantly changing, so your positive phrases should, too.