Many women feel ashamed of their bodies after childbirth and try to cover up their stretch marks or scars as much as possible. Of course, the media hasn’t helped women feel confident with their bodies after having a child, because news outlets constantly show pictures of celebrities looking stick-thin after giving birth. We as women know this isn’t reality, but it’s hard to feel confident in our own skin when using those women as a comparison.

These women below show us that our bodies are still lovable after childbirth; there’s no shame in flaunting them!

Here are 15 photos that show the beauty of women after childbirth:

1. This woman shares a beautiful message to all the new mothers out there who are worried about the changes their bodies have undergone.

2. Precious moments shared with your little one make all the struggles worth it.

3. Photos like this of women after childbirth show the true beauty of bringing a child into this world and the unbreakable bond you have with them.

4. Extra skin does not make you ugly. To all you new mothers out there who feel uncomfortable in your skin, you’re beautiful. 🙂

5. Motherhood is such an honor. Embrace it while you can.

6. “I find my current size and shape to be utterly beautiful. I find it worthy of every ounce of love this world has to offer.”

7. It doesn’t get more precious than this. Awww!

8. “Yes I have stretch marks, I have more than one chin, my thighs rub together. My body isn’t perfect, but it did give me my baby. My body carried and cared for her. I don’t care if it’s not the definition of perfect, it’s perfect to me.”

9. This photo shows that women after childbirth can look beautiful at any size or shape.

10. Bodies after childbirth deserve love and acceptance.

11. Scars and stretch marks are still worthy of love.

12. Women after childbirth need to stop being shamed into looking a certain way.

13. Never feel bad about the skin you’re in.

14. Beautiful mom … and the background isn’t too shabby, either!

15. Show off your post-pregnancy bodies, Moms! You have nothing to hide!

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