In this crazy life, we all go through periods where we feel lost, hopeless, and simply at our wit’s end. However, truly lost souls go through more intense periods of disassociation and confusion than the rest of us, and sometimes, they feel like their true path in life has evaded them. Lost souls genuinely have so much potential to uplift the planet’s energy, but they have to cut through all the pain and false beliefs to find themselves again.

If you are a lost soul, you might look around the world and not understand your place here. You might feel like you can’t connect with others and wander around aimlessly, searching for the answers you desperately seek. Lost souls are pretty prevalent in this lifetime, as we all have to learn how to navigate the mysteries of life and figure things out on our own.

Here are ten signs you may be a lost soul:

1. You feel disconnected from others.

Lost souls feel like it’s them against the world and feel very threatened by other people. They don’t have much desire to connect with anyone else and put their walls up anytime someone tries to get too close. They live through their ego, so they cannot offer themselves unconditional love and, therefore, can’t give it to others either. You feel you walk this world alone and have little to no faith that anyone will understand you. Lost souls take longer to find their true selves than others, so if you feel this way most of the time, don’t become discouraged.

Go within more, and all the answers will come to you quickly.

2. You fall back into bad habits repeatedly.

Since lost souls feel they have no purpose here on this planet, they use their time to engage in bad habits to take their minds off reality for a while. You might find yourself running back to drugs, alcohol, sour foods, or other harmful substances to mask the pain of isolation and confusion you feel, but this will only put a bandage over the real problem. Lost souls don’t feel like they even belong on this planet, so they do everything to forget about their existence here. However, it would be best if you used all that energy on something more productive and helpful to you, such as creative outlets like drawing or writing. Using toxic substances will only block your energy further and backfire.

3. You feel you have nowhere left to turn.

Lost souls have searched themselves and this planet far and wide for answers but still feel stuck in life. They don’t have the motivation to continue looking and feel any further attempts are futile. Lost souls can easily get sucked back into negative thinking patterns and would rather stay put in this state of misery than work on creating more positive habits. Lost souls hold onto their pain dearly because they fear what would happen if they let it go. They feel they would be nothing without their past, so they cannot venture into the future.

However, a lost soul must understand that to thrive on this planet. They must reopen their wounds and truly let them heal this time. Masking the pain will only perpetuate feelings of emptiness and hopelessness, so you must put on a brave face and look your ego in the eye. Tell it that it no longer can hold the reigns because it doesn’t serve your best interest. The ego thrives on weakness, so if you stand up to it, it knows that you’re the boss. Lost souls give into their egos far too quickly, but you block out true love by doing so. You put up a wall that says, “Love isn’t welcome here.” And without passion, not much can be accomplished, including allowing your highest self to run free at last.

4. You’re Living in the Past or the Future.

If you’re a lost soul, you avoid the present moment because you don’t feel content within yourself. You may associate yourself with the past or future to dodge the pain of daily life. After all, you probably have fond memories of your past and enjoy reminiscing about them. It’s also fun to imagine the future and all of the possibilities it may hold for your life. Those who have trouble finding themselves may identify with the past because it comforts them in a confusing, uncertain world.

5. You Don’t Know Who You Are.

Feeling astray in life can make you question everything, including your own identity. Those who feel confused or disoriented don’t know what they stand for or where they belong and can easily fall into despair. It’s painful to feel alone in this world despite billions of people inhabiting the planet with you. However, a lost soul they’re pretty used to the feeling and may find it easier to accept a lack of identity than contemplate their place in life.

6. You Feel Stuck in Life.

If you’re a lost soul, you may have no idea what direction to turn or how to steer your life. Perhaps you’ve been working in the same job for years now and suddenly feel disenchanted with it all. However, when you think about other options, your intuition doesn’t call toward anything. You may feel trapped or stagnant as you try to think of what to do next.

Just know that this feeling creeps upon us all at some point, and you’re not alone. If you feel stuck, your soul needs a new path to learn a different lesson or gain a new perspective. Life isn’t a linear process; it’s full of twists, turns, and curveballs, but it makes it exciting! Sit back, enjoy the ride, and allow your inner voice to guide your path.

7. A Lost Soul May Disconnect From Their Intuition.

Our intuition acts like an internal GPS, guiding us through life and helping inform our decisions. Studies show that intuition plays a pivotal role in the decision-making process, increasing our confidence and accuracy. Feeling lost means you’re out of touch with this higher guidance and somehow need to reconnect with it.

Several ways to tune into your inner world include meditation, yoga, and other body-mind awareness exercises. Allowing yourself to become the observer behind your thoughts and feelings will teach you to trust this intuitive voice more often. Our intuition comes from the heart, but we have learned to rely on only logic and reason in our modern world.

However, this narrow-minded approach can only take us so far. Perhaps if we learned to live more through the heart, our world would seem softer and more compassionate.

By reconnecting to your higher self, you will remember your connection to all life, not just the little self staring at you in the mirror. We’re all connected, but we have forgotten our sacred roots. If you feel lost in life, try thinking about how you can extend a helping hand to others, as this will strengthen your intuition. It will also take your mind off your problems and give you a purpose in uplifting others.

8. You Practice Negative Self-Talk.

If you feel lost in life, you may talk down on yourself often, telling yourself you’ll never find a way out. In this state of hopelessness, it isn’t easy to credit yourself for all the positives in your life, such as your career, family, or home. This negative self-talk will only cause a downward spiral as you can’t see the silver lining in the dark clouds. There’s always something to feel grateful for or happy about, but you may take it for granted when you’re hurting emotionally.

So, make sure to practice positive affirmations or meditate regularly, as these have been shown to increase wellbeing and satisfaction. Please don’t give in to the demons in your mind because they don’t paint an accurate picture of your life. Plus, being lost isn’t all bad, because it gives you a chance to find yourself again.

9. You Engage in Unhealthy Habits.

If you’re a lost soul, you may attempt to drown your feelings in alcohol, drugs, food, or other addiction. However, this will only temporarily mask the pain in your heart; once you come down from the high, it will all start flooding back. It’s natural to search for happiness in external things, but you will always need more of it to feel satisfied. If you want everlasting contentment, you will have to search within and block out the phenomenal world for a while.

10. You Don’t Have Any Goals.

People who feel confused about their life path may not have any goals since they’re unsure what steps to take. They may have a few interests but don’t know how to turn this into a career or side business. Some may not have any desires and prefer to wander through life with no direction.

If you’re a lost soul, people have probably told you that you have no ambition or drive in life. It’s painful to hear this, especially when they can’t relate to your feelings. Remember that it’s okay to take time for yourself when you feel this way – the world can wait while you recharge.

Final Thoughts on Recognizing You Might Be a Lost Soul

While the journey into one’s soul isn’t the easiest or most comfortable thing in the world, you must take the ride to unearth your authentic self hiding behind the mask. Lost souls need to be reminded that the persona they’ve shown the world isn’t them; it’s just their hurt ego putting on a show.

Lost souls, remember that you get to decide how you will feel at any moment, and you can choose to reinvent yourself starting today. You don’t have to give in to feelings of despair because you have more power than you could ever know. Realize your inner strength, and the whole world will start to look like a brighter, more inviting place.