Having an anxious soul in our modern world isn’t uncommon; we have a lot more to juggle than our ancestors did, in some ways. We’re not running from wild animals or fighting over food, but we’re dealing with more mental stressors.

It’s a lot to manage between our demanding jobs, responsibilities at home, and seemingly endless chores. Sometimes it can feel overwhelming to live in these times despite all our advances and conveniences.

However, if you’re a chronic overthinker, it’s a sign you need to step back and reevaluate things. Just because everyone else seems caught up in the rat race doesn’t mean you have to follow their lead. Most of the time, what’s best for the economy or society, in general, goes directly against our natural biology. It’s okay to put yourself first because you can’t pour from an empty cup.

Five Ways to Cope With Life When You Have an Anxious Soul

Hopefully, the tips below will help you reconnect with your soul and remind you to slow down every so often.

1 – Remember to breathe through the panic or anxiety.

It’s hard to fathom, but we’ve largely forgotten how to do the most natural thing in the world. Breathe. Breathing allows us to refocus on the present moment and aligns our minds, bodies, and souls. However, most of us breathe very quickly and nervously in this modern way of living, which disrupts our peace and inner balance.

Many of us deal with anxiety and panic attacks due to stress, external stimuli, or other reasons as we go about our days. Our minds have become restless and disharmonious because the world demands too much.

Instead of focusing on healing and wellbeing, we’re chasing money and other temporary items. We all need money to live, but we can go about earning it more calmly.

So, next time you feel stressed at work or school, take time to breathe and reconnect to your body. Breathe slowly and deeply, ignoring everything outside yourself for a while so you can heal your anxious soul. Nature doesn’t rush, but everything gets accomplished in the end. Since we’re nature, it’s important to remind ourselves of this interconnectedness.

2 – Put your wellbeing first, not the pursuit of money or other fleeting goals.

There’s nothing wrong with earning money, but you have to put yourself first when you have an anxious soul. This means you should reevaluate your actual needs and perhaps take a low-stress job. Then you can devote more time to inner peace and healing instead of endless demands from your career.

Most people today desire flexibility and better work-life balance, as work-related stresses have reached an all-time high. So, if you want to switch careers or work fewer hours, know that you’re not alone.

People with an anxious soul may thrive in low-key environments such as home offices, libraries, or other quiet spaces. In summary, consider your personal needs and natural inclinations when choosing a career path.

Introverts and people with anxiety usually prefer to work alone or in low-stress environments, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Don’t feel ashamed or inferior if you can’t or don’t want to “keep up with the Joneses,” so to speak.

3 – Get back to nature if you have an anxious soul.

When you have an anxious soul, it’s essential to immerse yourself in nature often. Many people with anxiety have overly sensitive nervous systems and need frequent breaks from the modern world.

Mounting evidence shows that spending time in nature decreases stress, anxiety, and depression and boosts well-being. We’re meant to live close to nature, as we’ve done for thousands of years.

However, since most of us live in large cities, we have to seek out nature activities actively. Consider moving to a smaller town with greater access to natural environments if you have an anxious soul.

Alternatively, you could drive to a nature preserve outside the city on weekends to recharge. Either way, empaths need regular nature trips to heal from a chaotic and stressed-out modern world. Give yourself this gift from time to time if you’re an anxious soul.

4 – Minimize the stressors that trigger anxiety.

While you can’t eliminate stress, it doesn’t make you a stronger person to subject yourself to stressful situations. Some people handle stress better than others due to genetics or personality. If you know specific environments or activities cause immense pressure, don’t force yourself to deal with them. Instead, honor your inner feelings and minimize these stressors because your wellbeing should come first.

5 – Get your body moving.

Much of our anxiety epidemic stems from our increasingly sedentary lifestyles. We have so much pent-up energy that we’re not getting out since we’re not moving enough. Make sure to get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise each week, according to the American Heart Association.

This doesn’t just lower anxiety and depression levels. Indeed, exercise also reduces the risk of obesity, heart disease, and other health problems. In addition, regular exercise can improve sleep, cognition, and quality of life, all of which can keep anxiety at bay.

Make sure to choose an exercise you enjoy, such as dancing, biking, or swimming, so that you can stick with it long-term.

Final Thoughts on How to Heal an Anxious Soul

If you have an anxious soul, adjusting to our fast-paced lifestyles isn’t a cakewalk. Many people with anxiety or high sensitivity find themselves at odds with our chaotic modern environment, and for a good reason. They naturally have more delicate nervous systems that become overwhelmed quickly by loud noises, hectic environments, or high stress. Therefore, it benefits them to spend more time alone, either in nature or in the comfort of their homes.

This doesn’t mean those with an anxious soul can’t acclimate to a “normal” life if they wish. However, it’s also crucial for them to listen to their intuition and do what comes naturally. So, if you have anxiety, remember to honor your feelings and focus on inner healing. The world can wait, but the calling of your soul can’t.