Everyone wants to look younger, and you don’t have to resort to expensive face creams or dangerous surgery to get the results you want. Did you know that simple face exercises can help you age slower? They don’t take long to do, and best of all, they’re absolutely free of charge!

According to a Northwestern Medicine study, a 30-minute facial exercise program done daily or every other day over a span of 20 weeks improved the facial appearance of middle-aged women. Dermatologists rated the age of participants based on appearance at the beginning and end of the study and concluded that participants looked three years younger, on average!

In today’s stressed-out world, people tend to tense their facial muscles, which can give the appearance of looking older. So, learning to relax your face muscles can help you look (and feel) younger and happier! We’re positive that you’ll get some benefit from the following quick facial exercises that you can do anywhere.

Here are five exercises that make you age slower:


While this list involves face exercises that help you age slower, a toned neck can help you look younger as well. This exercise helps prevent a “turkey neck” that can result from sagging skin due to aging. To perform this exercise, simply lift your chin and tilt your head back until the skin under your jaw is firm. Push your lower jaw forward while pressing your tongue down and pouting your bottom lip out. Hold for 30 seconds and then repeat a couple more times.


One surefire way to age slower is to keep those dark circles under your eyes at bay. While remembering to breathe deeply, simply look up with just your eyes until you feel slight tension. Keep your head forward and shoulders relaxed. This will feel like you’re looking at the inside of your eyes, but don’t freak out. Hold this for 30 seconds and repeat four times.


A research study found that smile muscle training can improve muscle conditioning and make patients appear younger after corrective dental surgery. So, if you want to age slower and improve your smile, make sure to include this exercise in your regimen!

For this exercise, simply pinch the corners of your mouth while smiling as wide as you can. You’ll feel a resistance in your facial muscles that will help lift your cheeks and improve your smile.


Positive thinking can certainly help you look and feel younger, but doing an exercise for your upper eyes can give you a younger appearance as well. With the three middle fingers of both hands, press your fingertips against the lower brow line of your eyebrows. While frowning, press your fingers in and upward gently; this will create resistance and help lift your eyes.


While this isn’t a face exercise, having a defined collarbone will help accentuate your neck and make you appear younger. With your neck turned, rotate your opposite shoulder forward about two to three inches until you see a hollow triangle shape form between your neck and collar bone. Repeat for each side.

Final thoughts

We hope that you get awesome results from these exercises that will help you age slower. If you want to look younger, try doing these daily or every other day for the best results. Also, make sure to eat plenty of fresh, whole foods and drink adequate amounts of water. Avoid things that make you look older such as smoking, excessive drinking, and eating processed foods with added sugar.

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