Being constantly surrounded by negative people can affect every area of your life. Identifying when there are too many negative people and energy around you is an important part of being able to change yourself for the better. It can improve your relationships and your overall outlook on life.

Keep these things in mind when you find yourself surrounded by negative people and use them to help you move out of the negative space.

5 Things to Remember When Negative People Surround You:

Remember to stay focused on solutions

When questioning and understanding the negative people around you is to focus on how to eradicate it, and prevent it in the future.

Why focus on the solution?

The answer is simple: not only do you end up receiving more of what you focus on, you also send out a ripple of positive energy that is received by others. With that basic principle in mind, it makes sense to focus on the solution rather than the negative energy and problems associated with it.

Remember to accept possibility and release expectation

Happy people aren’t happy because bad things don’t happen to them, they are happy because they know how to handle the bad things better. Someone who is happy has similar challenges to those that are not happy. The difference is that they release expectation of what might happen, and focus to create their best possible situation – no matter whether it ends up good or bad.

Knowing that life could deal you some good apples (and some bad ones), releasing expectation makes it easier to work through situations because you are ready to accept whatever happens. The key is to take action right away to move back into a positive space.

Remember to show yourself compassion.

No matter how bad surroundings may get, remember that the negative people around you aren’t necessarily a problem you have to deal with. While you are responsible for the energy you create, the burden of others shouldn’t be carried on your shoulders.

See the importance of this distinction, because if you can separate yourself from the negative energy of others, you can focus on getting to the heart of the matter logically, without allowing the emotion to latch onto you.

Remember to Focus

Sometimes when negative energy is coming at us from all directions, we have a hard time knowing what to do. It is so intense that it can paralyze us into inaction. Instead of tackling the big ball of negativity all at once, try doing one small thing. Just one.

Doing one thing will crack open a space in the negative energy for the positive to begin to shine. That little bit of positive will begin to build and your motivation to do more “things” will propel you to eliminating the harmful energy.

Remember to accept them as they are, and release them if you have to

With everyone in our lives, whether positive or negative, we have two choices: to accept them as they are or let them go. Accepting them means accepting the negative source to the point where you can begin to move through it. It doesn’t mean you must allow the negative people to remain in and influence your life. Accepting them means handling the challenge and creating change.

When negative people surround you, it’s obvious that change is needed. That doesn’t mean change will immediately occur or solve the problem. If the negativity persists you may see that it has become a toxic cycle that no longer serves you, and have to come to terms with letting them go.

In the end, you have to do what is right for you and your mental well-being and overall happiness. It isn’t easy to let go, but when they aren’t contributing to your highest good anymore and possibly even harming you, what choice do you have?

Become aware of the messages you are receiving throughout the day. Find the sources of negative messages and begin to eliminate them from your daily routine.  Learn to recognize the type of unhealthy thinking you are most likely to encounter. Start having an inner dialogue about how to handle these situations now, before you are in the moment. Knowing how you will handle the situation before it occurs, will help you when the time comes.