What have you done for yourself lately?

No matter where you go, you will always hear the saying: “Life is short.” What does it mean exactly? It means that life is meant to be enjoyed and that we shouldn’t waste our days living in a negative, self-negligent environment.  To create positive energy, you’ve got to do implement positive practices to keep your inner wellspring full.

Here are 11 things to start doing for yourself right now:

1. Smile

Endorphins are released Every time you smile and flash those pearly whites. What are endorphins exactly? They are the ultimate feel-good chemicals, activating when your brain sends out happiness signals–like a giving smile.

2. Laugh

In a matter of a moment, you can make a critical decision: laugh or cry. You can cry, or you can lighten a situation with laughter. Laughter and silliness are not only therapeutic, but they can turn around your day!

3. Attitude of gratitude

Remember how blessed you are. Many of us sometimes forget just how lucky or blessed we are in our lives. Bear in mind that there will always be someone who is less well-off than you. When you start practicing gratitude, you cannot help but feel amazing because of the previously unseen abundance around you.

4. Get outside

One of the best experiences is to go outside and to soak in the allure of nature. In moments of stress, nature is the best medicine. All you need is five minutes of relaxing in nature and you are set. Many scientists have extolled the qualities of nature.

5. Feel your feelings

Sometimes we feel agitated when we ignore our emotions. One of the best things that you can do is honor your emotions. Respect the fact that you are feeling these emotions for a reason.

6. Give yourself some self-love

Give yourself some TLC – you, of all people, deserve it most! Sometimes all that you need is a little self-love. Book an hour at the spa, sleep in today, go to your favorite restaurant, or do anything like that. When you dedicate time to yourself, you ensure your needs are met.

7. Stay present in the moment

Live in the here and the now. No time is better than the present. Decide to focus on living your present life. The past and future are irrelevant. According to “Science”: “A human mind is a wandering mind, and a wandering mind is an unhappy mind. The ability to think about what is not happening is a cognitive achievement that comes at an emotional cost.”

8. Know your boundaries

Sometimes you need to stand up for yourself. You must let others know your boundaries: what you will tolerate and won’t tolerate. Then you are being true to yourself. This is one of the greatest forms of self-love.

9. Slow down

Take it easy. Instead of rushing to work today, take your time. Enjoy the ride and the day’s beauty, and don’t constantly think about what you need to do. Breathe and enjoy.

10. Avoid toxic situations

Sometimes we have people in our lives who don’t have our best interests at heart. These people are often called “toxic.” The best thing to do in your life is to weed those people and situations out.

11. Share your blessings

Give to others. One of the greatest gifts is sharing your blessings with others; you have many blessings to offer. Volunteer or donate in some form. You not only feel better, but you do make a difference in someone else’s life.


“Self-awareness is not self-centeredness, and spirituality is not narcissism. ‘Know thyself’ is not a narcissistic pursuit.”
Marianne Williamson