You might relate to not knowing what women want in a relationship. It might backfire when you think you’re doing the right thing because it’s not what a woman needs.

Sometimes it seems like you try everything to make them happy, but it doesn’t get you anywhere. You might feel like you can’t do anything right, but that’s not the case. Instead, you can’t seem to do what women want or need because it’s different than what men need.

Meeting a woman’s emotional needs can help her open up to you. Understanding what women need can make all the difference and improve your relationship. You’ll also learn to communicate better and reduce and overcome conflict easier.

NOTE: If you seek knowledge regarding what men need from their partners, we cover them in a separate article.

What Women Need from a Relationship

Women want you to know what they need from the relationship. They aren’t purposely keeping it secret, and you can understand them better by knowing these things.

1 – Someone She Can Count On

Women want to know they can count on you, especially when life gets hard. Having someone who runs or falls apart when things go awry can make her feel like her emotional needs are unmet. Meeting issues head-on shows her that she can count on you to protect and help her.

Having someone she can count on also describes a partner that does what they say they’ll do. Don’t wait or put it off when you’ve already dedicated yourself to getting it done sooner. When things don’t get done when you said they would, it causes a woman to lose trust.

2 – Respect and Appreciation

Feeling respected by their partner is a necessity for women, and they often feel like they must compete when they aren’t receiving respect. Doing things to make her feel like a valued equal within the relationship can make a difference. She also needs someone who makes her feel cherished.

Praising your partner shows you appreciate what she does and brings to your relationship. It assures her that you value her, so don’t be afraid of telling her often.

Showing respect shows her what a good partner she has and increases her happiness levels. It indicates a good person who embraces their relationships with those they love.

Some ways to show appreciation and respect include the following:

  • involving her in decisions
  • asking for her input
  • opening doors for her
  • pulling out her chair
  • doing things when promised
  • sharing household responsibilities
  • doing nice things without being asked
  • gifting things that make you think of her
  • expressing gratitude for what she does
  • praising her privately and socially

3 – To Feel Loved and Cherished

Women need to feel loved and cherished before they can relax and open up in a relationship. She wants to know that you prioritize her over your career, other people, or hobbies. Women want to know they have their partner’s support and presence and that they listen to what’s important to them.

Prioritizing a woman doesn’t mean you can never spend time with other people or do things alone. However, it means that when she needs you, you’ll be there no matter what. When a woman feels loved and cherished, she’ll trust you more to go out and have fun without her.

Making a woman feel loved doesn’t require major gestures. It only requires small things that show she is on your mind. Some things you can do include the following:

  • send sweet text messages during the day
  • rub her back
  • surprise her with her favorite latte or treat
  • plan fun activities, even when you’re staying home

When she feels loved, the relationship improves and involves fewer arguments, increased physical affection, and positive energy. On the other hand, if she doesn’t feel cherished, it can trigger more tension and a lack of trust.

4 – Feeling Safe and Secure

Women want to feel safe enough to be themselves, embrace their sexuality, and trust their partners. They want to know their relationship is a safe space where she can be vulnerable. She also wants to recognize that you value who she is and can handle her vulnerability.

It involves listening to her, hearing her concerns or ideas, and experiencing growth together. Don’t judge her, or she’ll feel like you can’t handle who she is. When she feels safe, it’ll strengthen your relationship and can remedy emotional damage.

Some of the ways you can make her feel safe often include the following:

  • holding her hand in public
  • stay near her during social functions
  • give her long hugs
  • tell her you’ll always be there for her
  • let her relax around you
  • show her that you can handle emotions
  • build trust and show that you trust her
  • be accepting and non-judgmental
  • don’t lie to her or misrepresent yourself
  • take charge of situations when she becomes overwhelmed

5 – Healthy Communication

Women need healthy communication with their partners to feel relationship satisfaction. Communication is essential to building a strong relationship, giving you a deeper emotional connection. Additionally, since women often overthink, they need your openness to prevent them from stressing about what’s on their minds.

Discuss important aspects of your relationship and life. Discussing finances, job opportunities or losses, decisions about your home, or things that affect your family are essential to maintaining a strong relationship.

A good conversation can lead to more enjoyable moments. Even with differing opinions, discussions can make you feel closer. It doesn’t have to become an argument when you discuss things you don’t always agree on.

However, all couples experience conflict sometimes that requires healthy communication. When it happens, focus on communication and listening to your partner. It can help you overcome issues while deepening your bond.

Communicating with a woman also requires honestly expressing yourself. Don’t agree with her to avoid a fight because she’ll realize the issue didn’t get fixed.

Listen to what she says and respond honestly. She wants to know your thoughts, and it’s the only way she’ll feel like you can use communication to resolve problems.

Some ways to improve communication in your relationship include the following:

  • repeating back what your partner said to check for understanding
  • not walking away when you get frustrated
  • being honest about how you feel and what you think
  • engaging in profound conversation

6 – To Feel Seen and Understood

Women want to know that their partner sees and understands them. Making your woman feel this way shows that you see and understand her emotional state.

She needs to know that you recognize when she’s upset, angry, or experiencing other intense emotions. When she doesn’t think you notice, she’ll wonder whether she can trust you to help her through things. She’ll feel like you don’t emotionally support her, making her feel alone.

Show your partner that you see her emotional state and understand her feelings. It’ll remind her that she’s not alone and can turn to you for support.

When a woman gets angry or upset, part of understanding her involves knowing when she doesn’t want a solution. Sometimes she wants to vent and know you’re listening without hearing advice about what she should do.

Aside from acknowledging her emotional state, you can also limit distractions while talking to your partner. It’ll let her know that your focus is on her and helps improve eye contact.

You don’t have to wait for a woman to get sad to make her feel seen and understood. You can also tell her she looks good when she dresses up or does her hair. Remind her that you enjoy looking at her and still see her beauty.

7 – Time

Women need to know their partner wants to spend time with them. Do things that let her know you value the things you do together and go out of your way to make them happen. Plan things that show how much you value her, and take time to relax with her at home. These little things can make a difference in showing her that she has your time.

Some of the ways you can give time to your partner include doing the following things together:

  • attend couple’s therapy
  • go on regular mini-vacations
  • be vulnerable
  • prioritize building a connection
  • learn a new hobby
  • go to social gatherings with other couples
  • exercise or go for a walk
  • have a tech-free day
  • run errands
  • do something adventurous
  • set aside time for regular date nights
  • find something to laugh about
  • cook a new recipe

Final Thoughts on Things Women Need from a Relationship Besides Sex

Understanding what women need from a relationship can help strengthen your relationship. You’ll know how to meet her emotional needs, allowing you to deepen your bond and encourage trust.

Your partner won’t even mind if you ask her specifically what she needs from you. While the tips above can help, every woman is different, and yours might request something else. It also saves you from guessing which need you should work on.

Focusing on your partner’s emotional needs builds your relationship in ways you may not have thought of before. You’ll feel closer, trust more, and have many positive memories together.