Have you ever wondered what ginger does to your body?

To help answer these questions, here are a few facts pertaining to Zingiber officinale, aka, ginger:

  • Ginger is the rhizome, or stem, of the Zingiber officinale plant, and it has been used for centuries as a food, spice, and medicine…” – Owen Bond
  • It is a vasodilator – a fancy word for saying that it widens your arteries and enhances blood circulation. This vasodilation effect increases body temperature (called the ‘thermogenic effect’), stimulating metabolism and burning calories.
  • It increases the production of gastric juices, which helps to enhance digestion and burn calories.
  • Animal studies demonstrate that it increased metabolism rates by as much as 20 percent.
  • “Ginger promotes digestion and stimulates metabolism, which leads to increased calorie burning.” ~ Owen Bond: “Does Ginger Burn Fat?”
  • Besides weight loss, ginger helps relieve upset stomach, constipation, and indigestion.
  • The ginger plant’s root or underground stem (rhizome) can be consumed fresh, powdered, dried as a spice, in oil form, or as juice. This root is part of the Zingiberaceae family, alongside cardamom and turmeric. It is commonly produced in India, Jamaica, Fiji, Indonesia, and Australia.

Ginger is also tasty, which is good because we will stir up some ginger water. Ginger root is widely available, so finding the main ingredient should be easy.

So, are you ready to whip up some ginger water? Us too!


Here are the five simple steps for making ginger water:

1. Get either some dried root powder or some fresh ginger. (Note: If using it fresh, slice it nice and thin!)

2. Bring two cups of water to a boil.

3. Pour hot water into a cup.

4. Add ginger powder or slices. (Note: If using slices, wait 15 minutes until drinking.)

5. (Optional) Add a slice of lemon or a bit of honey to give it some extra taste. Bonus: both honey and lemon are excellent natural remedies for burning body fat. WIN!

To maximize the fat-burning effectiveness of ginger water, drink a cup 2-3 times a day. Remember: ginger – and ginger water – isn’t just great for weight loss; it helps support digestion and metabolism, too.

(Here are more health benefits with drinking and eating Ginger!)

Megan Ware, RDN, LN, states that other potential health benefits of ginger include loss of appetite, relief from motion sickness, and pain relief.

Ginger is available in fresh or dry form and as an extract or oil. Whole food stores and nutrition establishments sell ginger in supplement form.

Foods that contain ginger include cookies, ginger ale, gingerbread, and ginger snaps. You may also be able to find ginger as a capsule, tablet, or tincture.