Without training, most humans are quite bad at paying attention.

So, do you want to prove this to yourself?

All you need to do is sit quietly in a public space somewhere and observe. Once you’re comfy, look around and ask yourself the following questions:

  • How many people sit down and immediately whip out their smartphones?
  • When one person is talking, how long is it before the other breaks eye contact?
  • How many parents are ignoring their kids? Is anyone ignoring their spouse?
  • (It’s an enjoyable, not to mention at times funny, experiment.)

If you want some empirical proof, here it is.

According to a Microsoft study, the average human being has an attention span of eight seconds. That’s right, a mere eight seconds. Per the same study, this is four seconds less than the average span just two decades ago.

Here’s another:

In a survey of mobile device users, 77 percent of people between the ages of 18 and 24 answered “yes” to the statement, “When nothing else is occupying my mind, the first thing I do is reach for my phone.”

In fact, just 10 percent of those aged 65 and older responded in the affirmative.

Even worse, a weak focus wreaks havoc on our emotions. When your focus is choppy, our mental states often respond in kind.

This is where the systematic training of focused attention can help. In fact, working to improve your concentration just slightly can significantly improve the quality of life.

Here are a couple of questions for you:

  • 1) How many times have you been told to “Pay attention!”?
  • 2) How many times have you been taught how to pay attention?


We insist that people pay attention without knowing how!

But once you’ve built that “attentional muscle,” you will see drastic improvements in your life.

In this article, our focus is on how an attentive mind regulates emotion, and how trained attention can get rid of negative mental and emotional states.

Other topics up for discussion in this article include the following:

1) Why attention matters

2) How attention works (in the brain)

3) How attention regulates emotion

4) How to train your attention

5) Nourishing your brain for improved function

Let’s do this!

1: Why Attention Matters

“This supple tool [attention] embeds within countless mental operations … comprehension, memory, learning, sensing how we feel and why reading emotions in other people, and interacting [with others] …”~ Daniel Goleman

How well you comprehend these words is heavily dependent on your ability to pay attention. While you may not be all that interested in what the writer has to say (can’t say I blame you), it’s nonetheless valuable to understand the impact that attention has on your life.

The truth is that attention impacts pretty much everything. Indeed, your relationships, productivity, and even the ability to enjoy yourself are influenced by how well or poorly you select and sustain attention to internal and external conditions.

Executive attention, defined as the “ability to attend to individual objects, people, and spatial locations within our complex and varied sensory environment,” is crucial to cognition. Our capacity to pay attention also influences how we learn and take in information.

If you have children, consider how their attentional skills impact not only their academic achievement but also their social development. In other words, their happiness.

According to a study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), executive attention develops rapidly between the ages of 2 and 7 years. Moreover, “problems with this function … [are] observed in children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).”

It is crucial that children, during their early years, are placed in environments and taught in ways that are conducive to brain development.

Neuroscience is quite clear about the ramifications of an underdeveloped ability to focus. Poor attentional skills correlate highly with low levels of self-awareness and self-regulation (“self-control”).

2: How Attention Works

“We get people to become aware of how they use attention – which is always poorly. Attention is now the number-one issue on the minds of our clients.” ~ Tony Schwartz,

The word ‘attention’ is multifaceted and includes the following:

Selective attention (i.e., focus or focused attention):

The ability to focusing on a particular object, topic, or situation while simultaneously ignoring potential distractions.

Sustained attention (i.e., concentration):

The ability to focus on a specific activity over a prolonged period.

Divided attention:

The ability to pay simultaneous attention to different information sources to complete a task (e.g., a research paper, working on the computer, etc.)

Voluntary attention:

“Top-down” attention is a function of the executive control circuitry within the brain’s neocortex, which works in tandem with other executive areas of the brain. Per neuroscientists, these prefrontal regions of the mind “tussle” with potential distractors stemming from the more archaic brain areas.

Dr. Goleman explains the neurobiology of attention as follows:

“Trying to focus on one thing and ignore everything else represent a conflict of sorts for the brain. The mediator … is the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) … To home in on a focus of attention, the ACC taps the prefrontal areas for cognitive control; they squelch the distracting circuits and amplify those for full focus.”

3: How Attention Regulates Emotion

“The capacity to remain with your attention open in a panoramic awareness lets you attend with equanimity, without getting caught in a bottom-up capture that ensnares the mind in judging and reactivity, whether negative or positive.” ~ Richard Davidson, Ph.D. (Source)

In the above quote, Richard Davidson is referring to open awareness, wherein individuals pay attention to their own thoughts and feelings and those of others. Open awareness is “top-down” attention that’s used to attend to the “bottom-up,” emotional mind.

Scientists often utter the terms “top-down” and “bottom-up” when describing attention. In simple terms, our brain consists of two semi-independent, separate mental systems.

The “bottom-up” system, which possesses massive computing power, operates silently outside of conscious awareness. The “top-down” system is voluntary, occurring in the cortex and notifying the subcortical (“bottom-up”) regions of its activity.

One benefit of training the attention that is of inestimable value is the skill of meta-awareness. Goleman defines meta-awareness as “the ability to track where our attention goes.” Meta-awareness signals to the top-down system that Facebook or YouTube have ensnared us – and gets us back on-task.

Meta-awareness is the central tenet of mindfulness.

While many of us associate mindfulness with paying moment-to-moment attention to the external environment, it’s more accurately a continuous internal monitoring. What is the effect of this inner observation of thoughts and emotions? Emotional detachment, clearer thinking, and not getting frazzled by our wayward impulses.

This capacity for meta-awareness and other qualities of mindfulness is only possible when attention is continuous and robust. Here’s the take of Jon Kabat-Zinn, founder of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, or MBSR:

“Concentration [stable attention] is a cornerstone of mindfulness practice. Your mindfulness will only be as robust as the capacity of your mind to be calm and stable.”

4: How to Train Your Attention

“Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.” ~Alexander Graham Bell

Up until about the 1970s, most scientists assumed that attention was involuntary. We now know that this is grossly untrue. We can proactively train our attention. Then, we will reap the immense benefits.

So here’s an easy 3-step plan to get you started.

Step 1: Stop multitasking

“Understanding the hidden costs of multitasking may help people…above all, but avoiding multitasking, especially with complex tasks.” ~ The American Psychological Association

But just as any good doctor will first focus on the preventable before detailing the treatment regimen, so it goes with training attention. To this end, you should first cease multitasking as much as possible. (Some jobs do require multitasking, which should be the sole exception.)

Scientists who have rigorously studied multitasking all say pretty much the same thing: it doesn’t work. The underlying network of the human brain isn’t conducive to performing two tasks simultaneously or rapidly switching jobs.

Step 2: Practice mindfulness meditation

There’s a reason that companies like Google, Apple, and Nike offer their employees mindfulness training. It’s because it’s irreplaceable for bolstering your attentional skills (in addition to a multitude of other benefits.)

Abundant research shows that the types of attention trained in mindfulness meditation are alerting, orienting, and executive attention. Alerting is orienting and remaining attentive to the surroundings. On the other hand, orienting is directed attention or focusing on a single stimulus.

Learn about the connection between quieting your mind and an increased lifespan.

Step 3: Relax

“What? Relax?!”

Yes. Before you can learn to sustain focus, you must first learn to relax. So relax your body and mind. Let go.

Perhaps the number one reason why people are unable to remain attentive is that they’re always tense and constricted. Trying to focus your mind in this state is called “unskillful attention,” and it will quickly drain your energy.

The solution is rather simple: whenever you notice a buildup of mental or physical tension, release it. Continually counteract the agitation of your mind through relaxation, not constriction.

5: Nourish your brain

Here are some of the most nutritious foods you can eat to keep your brain functioning at its best.

1 – Berries

Blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries. These delectable little colorful orbs are powerhouses of nutrition for your brain. One study found that berry fruits slow down aging, prevent brain diseases, and improve brain function.

When you eat berries, they lower your body’s inflammation levels and increase your ability to learn. It’s always best to buy local if you can, but berries are available all year round so you can eat them every day of the year.

Choose organic berries rather than non-organic ones to eliminate your exposure to pesticides during growing and processing chemicals. Berries can be used in desserts, on top of cereal or raw. However you choose to eat them, you’ll be improving your brain’s health.

2 – Oily fish

Salmon, tuna, trout, and sardines are oily fish known for their omega-3 fatty acids that nourish your brain.  High in protein, iron, zinc, selenium, and iodine, vitamins D and A, these fish are a gold mine of nutrition. But researchers suggest that most adults in the United States don’t eat enough omega3 rich fish.

One study discovered that omega3 is also beneficial for kids with ADHD symptoms. These fatty acids improve these kids’ reading and attention problems. Of course, fatty fish do have a strong flavor.

If you have a hard time eating oily fish, try marinating your fish in lemon juice and kosher salt prior to grilling it. The lemon offsets the strong flavor without diminishing the healthy side effects.

3 – Broccoli

Broccoli is a member of the cruciferous vegetables. These veggies have a reputation for being brain boosters. Studies show that because of its special antioxidants, broccoli has anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor effects on your body.  But what if you don’t like broccoli or its cruciferous cousins? Maybe you’re not preparing the broccoli in a way that makes them taste good. Try roasting broccoli in the oven. Here’s a simple recipe.


  • Broccoli florets, organic and washed, ready to eat (you can buy these at the grocery)
  • Olive oil
  • Kosher salt
  • Pepper
  • Shredded fresh parmesan


Spread the broccoli florets out on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.  Spray olive oil all over the florets. Sprinkle pepper and kosher salt. Bake at 400 degrees for fifteen to twenty minutes until the florets are tender and slightly crispy. Then sprinkle the shredded fresh parmesan all over the broccoli and put back in the oven for 5 minutes. You won’t be able to stop eating broccoli when you taste this recipe.

4 – Dark chocolate

How can something that tastes so good be so healthy? Dark chocolate contains cocoa which has cancer-fighting antioxidants that help your brain as well as your entire body. These antioxidants support your immune system and help lower your chance of getting cancer. Buy100% organic with at least 80% cocoa and not processed with alkali for the healthiest dark chocolate. Dark chocolate has a bit of a bite, so pair it with oranges or pineapples to offset the bitterness. It’s no sacrifice to add healthy dark chocolate to your daily diet to nourish your brain.

5 – Avocados

Avocados are super nutritious. You can eat them plain or mix them up into a guacamole dip to serve with veggies or chips. One cup of avocado has 44 mg of magnesium. Magnesium assists your nerve cells in improving your brain signals it sends to your body. This in turn enhances your memory and helps you learn.

They’re also high in good fat, which is necessary to keep your skin soft and even reduces our chance of heart disease. Eating a creamy, sweet avocado once a week is the best thing you can do for your brain.

6 – Walnuts

Walnuts are tree nuts with a hard outer shell. When you break open the shell, you find the “meat” of the nut. This edible part of the walnut looks like a little brain, no wonder since walnuts are so good for your brain.

High in omega-3 fatty acids, eating walnuts lowers inflammation in our brain cells and improves the part of your brain that signals to the rest of your body. Eating walnuts will also lower your cholesterol. You can eat walnuts right out of the shell, in desserts like cakes, cookies, or bread.

Walnuts are satisfying crunchy toppings for your breakfast cereal or lunch salad. Whether you saute bake or eat them raw, include some walnuts in your daily diet for good brain health.

7 – Pumpkin seeds

They aren’t as famous as their offspring, the pumpkin, but pumpkin seeds are packed with brain nourishment.  Walnuts are high in monosaturated and polyunsaturated fats, both good fats that lower your cholesterol. They also contain antioxidants that lower inflammation and boost your brain function, and magnesium, iron, zinc, and copper.

You can sprinkle walnuts on top of your salad, oatmeal, or veggies for crunchy goodness. They’re also delicious baked into cakes, bread, or blended into your smoothie. Add walnuts to your list of brain-boosting foods. Your brain will thank you for it.

8 – Whole grains

Whole grains are rich in B vitamins, which are your brain’s best friend vitamins. The B vitamins boost your brain’s function and improve your mood. They also boost your energy level and helps you fight off infection. There is a difference between whole grains and white grains. White grains are whole grains that have been refined and stripped of their outer layers of fiber.

White flour, white rice, and crackers made with white flour are examples of white foods you should avoid. Instead, choose whole grains of these products to get the best nutrition. Examples of healthy whole grains are brown rice, oatmeal, and quinoa.

9 – Coffee

The caffeine in coffee may wake you up in the morning, but caffeine has other positive effects. Caffeine improves your memory and gives you the ability to stay focused on difficult, mentally challenging work. Don’t consume more than four cups of coffee per day. Drinking too much caffeine can be detrimental since it may keep you awake at night. If you’ve been a coffee drinker for years, it’s a good thing. Consuming coffee over time can protect you from Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

10 – Red cabbage

Red cabbage is a cruciferous veggie. Like its cousin the broccoli, red cabbage has vitamin K which improves your brain’s function and prevents nerve damage. Researchers think that consuming red cabbage defend against brain diseases like Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

11 – Turmeric

Turmeric a pungent, dark yellow spice grown in Inda. It contains curcumin a powerful antioxidant that increases your brain’s amount of BDNF. BDNF are proteins located in your brain and spinal cord. These proteins help your nerve cells, keeping them healthy and regenerating. Turmeric may be a great brain booster, but it doesn’t taste good on its own.

So it’s best to add turmeric to stews, soups, and sprinkled on top of popcorn with a little salt and olive oil. There are healthy teas available that contain turmeric. Just be sure to buy organic turmeric to guarantee good quality.

12 – Red beets

Dark red beets are root vegetables. They’re packed with nitrates which improve the blood flow to your brain, which in turn increases your brain’s function. Beets are thought to reduce the risk of brain diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Besides being high in nitrates, beets contain fiber, iron, and folate. Canned red beets are just as nutritious as fresh ones. They also taste the same. If you prefer fresh beets, wash, peel and halve. Throw in a pot of boiling water, cook until tender when you prick with a fork.

13 – Green tea

Green tea, studies found, has helpful components that can improve brain function and dysfunctional diseases like Parkinson’s Disease. Green tea is made from the Camellia sinensis plant. All teas–green tea, oolong tea, and black tea originate from the same plant. But because they’re processed differently, green tea has more polyphenols. Polyphenols have an abundance of antioxidants. When you buy green tea, purchase organic tea to guarantee the best quality.

14 – Beans

Black beans nourish your brain. They’re high in fiber, iron, folate, magnesium, and potassium. Also, black beans are healthier than other beans because they’re darker, which means they contain a higher level of antioxidants. Eating just a ½ cup of black beans a day guarantees you extra antioxidants to fight off toxins and other harmful toxins.

15 – Spinach

This dark leafy green vegetable has a crunchy, tangy flavor. It can be steamed, sauteed, or eaten raw in a salad. Spinach is the queen of healthy vitamins with vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin B2. it also contains an impressive list of minerals such as folate, manganese, and calcium. Eating leafy greens have been proven to slow down age-related brain function. Try this yummy spinach recipe for lunch or dinner. Serve with brown rice for extra nourishment for your brain.

Sauteed spinach recipe


  • 1 package fresh chopped and washed fresh spinach
  • 1-2 chopped garlic cloves
  • ½ teaspoon kosher salt
  • ⅛ teaspoon ground pepper
  • ¼ cup chicken broth
  • Olive oil


Saute garlic in a skillet for a few minutes in some olive oil. Add the spinach to the skillet along with salt, pepper, and chicken broth. Simmer for 8 minutes till spinach is tender.

Final Thoughts on Mastering Attention Training:

We all need to master the skill of focusing our attention on a given task. Remember that these skills help you to keep your brain sharp. Also, support those new habits with improved food choices. Then, continue to work at these healthy practices for a lifetime.