Whether you realize it or not, everyone relies subconsciously on being intuitive when making decisions, because we all are born with this mystical sixth sense. It warns us of approaching dangers, helps us make important choices in our lives, and can guide us in uncertain situations. Some experts believe that our gut instincts are more efficient and effective than logical analysis in our decision-making process, according to a study performed by researchers from Boston College, Rice University, and George Mason University.

Even Steve Jobs, one of the most successful businessmen and innovators of all time, said, “intuition is a very powerful thing, more powerful than intellect, in my opinion. That’s had a big impact on my work.”

While we all have this uncanny ability to make important decisions based on our gut feelings, some of us have mastered this skill more than others. If you are deeply connected to your intuition, you probably do these things differently:

10 Things Intuitive People Do Differently

1. Intuitive people honor their inner voice.

Highly intuitive people never dismiss or ignore their instincts – they listen fervently to the voice in their head trying to steer them in the right direction and have learned over time that their gut usually knows best. While many still classify intuition as pseudoscience, the mystery surrounding it is slowly disappearing.

If you still are skeptical, consider this story: While a lady cleaned her house, she called her mom to check on her. A voice inside told her that she had taken pills and that she should go see her right away. Sure enough, she hopped in a cab and found that her mom had overdosed on a whole box of pills. She called an ambulance and saved her mother’s life, all because she listened to her intuition.

Pay attention to what that inner voice is saying – it could mean the difference between life and death, in some cases.

2. Intuitive people enjoy quiet time alone.

According to Sophy Burnham, bestselling author of the book “The Art of Intuition,” intuitive people are often classified as introverts.

Related: Are you an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert?

Because introverts draw energy mostly from themselves and their creativity, they tend to go within more, cultivating a close relationship with their intuitive sense. However, even extroverts can enjoy solitude. Regardless, time alone allows you to tap into that all-knowing, universal energy trying to steer you in the right direction.

Highly intuitive people don’t get bored or feel lonely in their own company; they actually relish it and look forward to getting reconnected to themselves and the universe.

3. Intuitive people let their creative passions come to life.

Musicians, artists, fire-breathers, dancers, writers, and the like all have one thing in common: they allow their creativity to guide them effortlessly through life, and never question if it makes sense or not. It just comes naturally to them, and they don’t know what else to do but to nurture their passions. As a deeply intuitive person, you likely have a knack for creative endeavors, and may even earn a living through your innovations.

Your method of self-expression serves as an outlet for you, and you know that by staying in tune with your intuition, you allow your highest self to come to the surface.

4. Intuitive people have a high-level of self-awareness.

Highly aware of themselves and their inner world, intuitive people practice mindfulness in their own special way, whether through meditation, yoga, or some other peaceful practice.

As you become the silent observer of your own thoughts and actions, you come to understand yourself on a spiritual level, which can increase your intuitive abilities even further. Mindfulness also helps to relieve mental fog, allowing you to focus on the inner voice that may have been previously silenced by all the other noise in your mind.

5. Intuitive people are very observant of their surroundings.

They notice many things that most people simply ignore.  This greatly aids the intuitive person in listening to their inner voice. That’s because when the outer world is observed so thoroughly. Thus, it will likely give the same attention to their inner world as well.

6. Intuitive people pay attention to how they feel.

They don’t attribute every ache and pain to intuition trying to tell them something, but they also know that the intuition wants to make itself heard in whatever way it can. They don’t call intuition a “gut feeling” for no reason; in fact, some scientists call our gut a second brain because of the vast number of neurons lining the intestinal walls.

If you have a bad feeling in your stomach, for example, you may notice your palms begin to sweat, your heart starts to race, and your legs become wobbly and unstable. You may not be able to pinpoint the cause of these feelings. However, your body often warns you ahead of time of impending dangers.

7. Intuitive people relate well with how others feel.

Highly intuitive people have a strong sense of empathy, understand how other people feel and offer support and comfort. If you are an intuitive person, you may notice that strangers often open up to you very quickly about stressful or saddening events in their lives. That event happens because you make them feel at ease without even trying.

They also use intuition to read how other people feel even if they don’t utter a word; this allows a deeper bond with others and helps them gauge how someone else may be feeling.

8. Intuitive people take note of subtle messages from the universe.

Repeating numbers on the clock, a song playing every time you turn on the radio, or simply a sentence in a book that jumps out at you, you take all of these signs to heart and try to decode what they mean. You know that the universe speaks to us in mysterious ways. Therefore, you keep your eyes and ears open for any indirect messages from your spirit guides or angels.

9. Intuitive people don’t overwork themselves.

Intuition can’t do its work if you become so busy that you have no time to acknowledge your inner voice. Highly intuitive people know that peace and quiet are essential for getting in touch with their intuition. Plus, they create enough downtime each day to decompress and reawaken their internal guidance.

10. Intuitive people don’t become attached to negative emotions.

You know that your intuition becomes stifled by clinging to anger, sadness, grief, or frustration. Then, you’ll observe your feelings and let them slide off your shoulders without becoming attached to them. To keep the doors to your innermost voice open, you constantly assess your feelings. Plus, you will do away with any that inhibits you from remaining conscious of your highest self.